How many different digital media do you own? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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07-15-2010, 10:59 AM
The suggestion was brought up in another board that our format focus did not extend beyond CD or vinyl. I suggested we weren't really a format forum, but I do know some of you own digital media beyond CD.

So...Rave Rec'ers, show us your wares (hard and soft)

07-15-2010, 11:12 AM
Just for music?

Hard: CD, DVD-A, DVD, SACD, HDCD, BluRay, and even several Dual-Discs (blend of DVD-a/CD)
Soft: FLAC, ALAC, WMP, mp3, OGG, .wav and a few .aac, off the top of my head.

I'm sure I've left something out.

I tend to not be too anal about the format, but I always choose highest quality over lowest if available. For example, FLAC over mp3, SACD over CD, BluRay over DVD, etc.

That said, I can listen to mp3's on my stereo and still enjoy the music immensely. There's no bad here, just better...

07-15-2010, 11:20 AM
Most of my music is on CD with 80% of that recorded to my CDR's hard drive. Then there's the puter's hard drive, many on the two Ipods, a few on DVD, a few on SACD, and one on BR.

07-15-2010, 11:31 AM
99% of my listening is from 192k mp3 files.

Finch Platte
07-15-2010, 11:33 AM
99% of my listening is from pre-recorded MiniDiscs.

07-15-2010, 11:38 AM
CD and whatever I can put on my iPod, generally MP3 and AIFF. But they are almost always ripped from CD. I have bought only a few songs from iTunes.

I have some concert DVDs that I listen to. Not sure if that would count. We have a Blu ray player, but I don't use it for music since we only have one, in our living room, and I don't want to restrict what room I have to listen to music in. We only use it for movies and TV shows at the moment.

07-15-2010, 12:26 PM
Just for music?

Hard: CD, DVD-A, DVD, SACD, HDCD, BluRay, and even several Dual-Discs (blend of DVD-a/CD)
Soft: FLAC, ALAC, WMP, mp3, OGG, .wav and a few .aac, off the top of my head.

I'm sure I've left something out.

I tend to not be too anal about the format, but I always choose highest quality over lowest if available. For example, FLAC over mp3, SACD over CD, BluRay over DVD, etc.

That said, I can listen to mp3's on my stereo and still enjoy the music immensely. There's no bad here, just better...

Kex summed up my situation perfectly. I've considered vinyl but I'm not that labor intense.

07-15-2010, 12:38 PM
Since "Rave Recordings" goes beyond digital, I'll include analog.

Hard: 12" 33 rpm vinyl (~100), casstte tape (~50)

Hard: CD (about 100), SACD (1), SACD hybrid (3), DVD-A (1), DVD (50ish)
Soft: *.wav (~ 10), internet radio (download anytime), FLAC curious (0 so far)

Philips GA312/ Stanton 681 EEE: plays 33 & 45 rpm vinyl
BSR MCD 8050: plays & records cassette tape
OEM deck in 1999 4Runner: plays cassette tape

Yamaha DVD-S2700: plays CD, SACD, SACD hybrid, DVD-A, DVD
Sharp DX-650: plays CD
POS computer- Dell OptiPlex GX400: plays *.wav, vinyl rips, CD rips, internet radio
BSR MCD 8050: plays CD but its misbehavin'

EDIT: added aproximate number of each media in (). Conclusion: I'm an audio lightweight.

07-15-2010, 01:15 PM
I have a few HDCD discs, but I don't think any system I have truly exploits any improvements there might be. Same with a couple of XRCD, a JVC product, which plays back on any CD/DVD player.

If I had the jack, I'd surely buy a blu-ray player. Seriously, my 52" TV doesn't have an HDMI jack. Its an RCA and it has some sorta F'ing proprietary DVI for video and no digital input for audio. My rcvr only has analog input. My equipment is so old...maybe one day. The only surround system in my house is used by my 16 yr old boy for his Xbox360. At least its a Dolby Digital Audio processor with digital inputs.

So how many SACDs you guys own? DVD-A? BluRay (for music)?

07-15-2010, 01:30 PM
So how many SACDs you guys own? DVD-A? BluRay (for music)?

Probably close to two-hundred SACD's, maybe twenty or so DVD-A's and I have yet to grab an "Audio-Only" Blu-Ray though that MTT that Feanor posted has got me acquiver.

For me the SACD format has been outstanding both in performance and selection but for Rawk-only listeners it would be disappointing.

07-15-2010, 02:52 PM
All of 'em, 'cept BluRay, HD-DVD, DAT, and MD. I do have some 720 and 1080p x264 movies on my computer since its hooked-up via DVI to a hi-def TV, but I hardly ever watch anything in that room.

The vast majority of my music listening is from lossless files. My computer is essentially a remote music server. I have back-ups of my back-ups (2 internal and 2 external HDDs).

07-15-2010, 03:05 PM
99% of my listening is from 192k mp3 files.

Does that mean most of your music is acquired via the net? I know it's been suggested that will be an impactful practice on the way the music business runs.

07-15-2010, 03:22 PM
Does that mean most of your music is acquired via the net? I know it's been suggested that will be an impactful practice on the way the music business runs.

No, it's almost all ripped from my CD collection, which sits there, coated with dust.

07-15-2010, 03:24 PM
So how many SACDs you guys own? DVD-A? BluRay (for music)?
Last count, 83 SACD, 31 DVD-A and no music only BluRay discs, just some concert recordings. Funny thing though, most of these titles are absolute favorites that get played frequently compared to other music. I don't buy SACD's to explore new music.

In terms of time spent listening to formats, I travel lots and have my ipod with me all the time, and listen to mp3's in the car too and from I'm guessing at least 50% listening is done at 192k or greater mp3 files.

07-15-2010, 06:49 PM
Just for music?

Hard: CD, DVD-A, DVD, SACD, HDCD, BluRay, and even several Dual-Discs (blend of DVD-a/CD)
Soft: FLAC, ALAC, WMP, mp3, OGG, .wav and a few .aac, off the top of my head.

I have all of these except the "Dual-Discs". The ALAC and AAC are packaged as M4A files. The music DVDs are opera. I have only one opera and one concert Blu-ray but hope to expand this meagre collection greatly.

I think I have a few WMA files too. I have a few audio CD-R, and I have a few AVI files that I can watch on TV via an Asus media player, or burned to DVD, but these aren't music.

I listen almostly to classical music in FLAC or ALAC files which are now located on a Windows Home Server machine. Also residing there are Jazz recordings in the aformentied formats, plus some popular genre stuff, mostly MP3.

07-15-2010, 07:19 PM

So how many SACDs you guys own? DVD-A? BluRay (for music)?
See EDIT to my post in #8.

07-17-2010, 09:07 AM
I now have a lot of MP3s, which I mostly listen to in the car these days. I also have a number of albums on WAVs (I have begun the practice of converting all FLAC files to WAVs). Plus I have a few scattered DVD-As and SACDs.

07-17-2010, 09:28 AM
I guess I'm with Kex, with a Squeezebox setup, SCAD/DVD player, Blu-Ray and four Sansa Digital players (Kids), Vehicles with CD/MP3/Ipod/ head units. So I have wide need and use of digital formats.

07-17-2010, 10:01 AM
(I have begun the practice of converting all FLAC files to WAVs).Why? :confused:

Sir Terrence the Terrible
07-17-2010, 03:33 PM
For music, I have about 350 concert video and 120 music only titles on Blu ray, about 600 concert video's on DVD, 140 DVD-A titles, 375 SACD titles, 140 DXD recordings I have made, 445 CD's of Jazz, Classical and Gospel, and 4 terabytes of lossless music on two hard drives.

07-17-2010, 04:25 PM
Why? :confused:

WAVs are more versatile, and FLACs don't save that much space.

07-17-2010, 06:06 PM
For music, I have about 350 concert video and 120 music only titles on Blu ray, about 600 concert video's on DVD, 140 DVD-A titles, 375 SACD titles, 140 DXD recordings I have made, 445 CD's of Jazz, Classical and Gospel, and 4 terabytes of lossless music on two hard drives.

Damn, I didn't realize that there were that many titles out.

07-17-2010, 06:55 PM
Is there a setup like Squeeze Box that will play without a computer? I realize it needs a hardrive, but now you can get 1 terabyte portable hardrives for under $100.00.

07-17-2010, 06:57 PM
For music, I have about 350 concert video and 120 music only titles on Blu ray, about 600 concert video's on DVD, 140 DVD-A titles, 375 SACD titles, 140 DXD recordings I have made, 445 CD's of Jazz, Classical and Gospel, and 4 terabytes of lossless music on two hard drives.

what's a bluray title go for these days? Remember when the first CDs were sometimes over $20.00 in the early .80s.

Sir Terrence the Terrible
07-17-2010, 07:05 PM
Damn, I didn't realize that there were that many titles out.

Oh, and I don't even have all of them.

07-17-2010, 07:34 PM
Is there a setup like Squeeze Box that will play without a computer? I realize it needs a hardrive, but now you can get 1 terabyte portable hardrives for under $100.00.

I think you can use the squeezebox with a NAS setup