I'm so happy I live in the suburbs! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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06-27-2010, 05:08 AM
I don't how much G20 news you're all getting in your corner of the world but it's been pretty much 24 hour coverage here for the last couple of days since this meeting is being held in our fair city.

Police have spent weeks securing the downtown area where the world leaders are staying and meeing. Security includes a concrete and metal fence that runs kilometers long and isolates the area where the meetings are taking place. No one gets into that area without showing proper ID and a reason why they should be there. Additional resources have been brought in. Auxiliary police have received special training. Highways have been closed for motorcades as the delegates arrived. In all, the news has been reporting that a billion dollars has been spend on security for the G20.

The police prepared themselves for protesters and the city has designated a large park in the city for safe and peaceful protests. Security has been provided to keep the protesters safe and allow them to exercise their right to freedom of speech.

Yesterday, a peaceful protest began on Toronto streets and was supervised by police. But a group of people chose to infiltrate that peaceful protest using Black Bloc techniques. Black Bloc is when people with bad intentions join a peaceful protest. While in the crowd, they change to black clothing and masks and they perform violent acts, they are then able to quickly change back to regular clothing and blend in with the crowd to avoid police.

These Black Bloc *******s got into the crowd yesterday. They broke windows with hammers. They spray painted on walls and windows. They threw golf balls and other debris at police. And they set police cruisers on fire. In total, five police cars were torched. People were injured by their activities and by the end of the day over 400 arrests occured.

The police and the city responded quickly. They did their best and spent the better part of the day trying to secure the city once again using peaceful means. Basically the entire downtown core was put into lockdown. All public transporation was suspended to downtown to keep people from getting into the city. Business owners were asked to close for the day. Downtown hospitals were locked down to anyone that didn't arrive in an ambulance.

And we watched it all unfold on TV, hoping that it didn't get any worse. It was surreal to watch groups of officers converge on the crowds on horseback, on bicycles, and on foot in full riot gear. It was like watching something that happens somewhere else in the world...not here.

Yesterday was the first time in history that the Toronto police have ever used teargas.

These were not protesters. These were criminals and terrororists. What message did they think they were sending by breaking a window or setting a police cruiser on fire? All they did was create unnecessary chaos and get people hurt. Perhaps that was their mission.

So what's your favourite protest song? :D

06-27-2010, 05:36 AM
Either peaceful or violent, the leaders aren't listening anyhow. All Black Bloc guys do is help everyone to get a beat down.

My buddy works at CBC, he has been going through check points for weeks now. It's crazy. Ironic that they spent a billion on security, yet there are poverty groups protesting.

These are 20 of the most important people in the world, end of story.

06-27-2010, 07:35 AM
Yeah, I've seen footage of some of the violent protests (vandalism, etc.). I never have understood this. What can it possibly gain?

06-27-2010, 11:50 AM
because surfing porn sites, hacking message boards and trolling YouTube threads gets boring, and Black Bloc parties are more exercise - gets 'em outta mom/dad's basement for a while

Peaceful protesters should be better prepared to keep their demonstrations peaceful. I recommend all peaceful protesters carry pepper spray and a swift kick to the nether regions. Being peaceful doesn't mean having to be a pussy.

06-27-2010, 01:11 PM
Actually, although the peaceful protesters have publicly condemned the Black Bloc actions, they are being criticized for just stepping back and watching the vandalism happen instead of trying to stop it. But, frankly, if I were in their position I'm not sure that I would want to step in the way of man in black swinging a hammer.

06-28-2010, 04:49 AM
Chaos is exactly the intent, but the motive, other than prejudice, is unclear.
Any location on the globe is now targeted by the moral insensitivity.

06-28-2010, 05:20 AM
These Black Bloc *******s got into the crowd yesterday. They broke windows with hammers. They spray painted on walls and windows. They threw golf balls and other debris at police. And they set police cruisers on fire. In total, five police cars were torched. People were injured by their activities and by the end of the day over 400 arrests occured.

Geez, you would have though Toronto had won the World Cup of Curling for that kind of celebration to happen!

06-28-2010, 05:27 AM
Actually, although the peaceful protesters have publicly condemned the Black Bloc actions, they are being criticized for just stepping back and watching the vandalism happen instead of trying to stop it. But, frankly, if I were in their position I'm not sure that I would want to step in the way of man in black swinging a hammer.

I agree with you, but like 3LB said, if you are planning a peaceful protest, you better plan on someone or some group trying to fluck it all up. Times are changing. Be prepared next time guys.

06-28-2010, 08:10 AM
"you know, the bible says 'the meek shall inherit the earth' and well, I hope they do... cuz who's afraid of a buncha meeks anyway; we'll just beat 'em up and take it away from them" - A. Whitney Brown

06-28-2010, 08:31 AM
...and most of the press I read while in your fair city a couple weeks ago was heavily against it. The initial cost were supposed to be less than $300K I believe, perhaps even lower, but have ballooned into the billions. Then the leaders talk about reducing deficits. I'll believe it when I see it.

06-28-2010, 11:22 AM
...and most of the press I read while in your fair city a couple weeks ago was heavily against it. The initial cost were supposed to be less than $300K I believe, perhaps even lower, but have ballooned into the billions. Then the leaders talk about reducing deficits. I'll believe it when I see it.

You may be interested to know that the majority of the damage and arrests occured on Queen West...your favourite part of town.

No one in Toronto or the surrounding area wanted the G20 here. It was very disruptive. A lot of businesses chose to close for the three days. Many business had no choice but to close because they were in, or very close to, the secured area. And many on Queen Street West will have to remain closed until they can repair the damage. Damage, BTW, that the Federal Gov't has said from the beginning that they will not compensate for and most insurance policies won't cover!

It was interesting to hear the Mayor of Toronto being interviewed this morning. From the way he tells it (and I believe him), he was not consulted on the G20 meeting arrangements. Basically the Federal gov't told him what was happening and he had to accomodate as best as he could. He said that had he been consulted he would not have held the meeting downtown. He would have suggested an area just west of downtown, near the lake (The Exhibition grounds for those who are familiar with Toronto) that would have been very easy to secure. It would have required a lot less preparation, been less disruptive, at a fraction of the cost. As soon as he said the location that he would have chosen, it made perfect sense to me. But it would not have been as prestigious a site.

I'd just like to say that in spite of the damage that occured on Saturday, the various Police departments involved did a fantastic job keeping the city safe.

06-28-2010, 11:34 AM
Oh, here's my favourite story from the weekend:

A protester was arrested and detained during a march on Saturday night and released on Sunday evening. She said that she was detained for 22 hours. There was a local reporter standing outside the detention centre who was interviewing people as they were released. When she was released, it was pouring rain outside. She, apparently, went to the reporter and asked to tell her story. She stood in the rain until the newscast broke to them. As part of her story she said that she begged the police for medical assistance and they refused to help her. The reporter asked why she needed medical attention. She said that she had an infected toe that made it very difficult to walk (she was in a protest march when she was arrested!) and "was bleeding profusely" for the entire 22 hours that she was detained. But the police wouldn't help her.

So, with her infected and "profusely" bleeding toe, she stood in the pouring rain waiting to be interviewed instead of seeking the medical assistance that she so desparately needed.

And she's wondering why the police didn't believe her or want to help her. Yeah. :19:

06-28-2010, 02:25 PM
You may be interested to know that the majority of the damage and arrests occured on Queen West...your favourite part of town.


C'mon FA, if there's any part of town that should be burned down it's the corporate hell that Queen has become. I will watch it burn and we can build it back how it used to be. The "hipsters" and wannabe wankers will try to put it out with their Starbuck cappucinos...

06-28-2010, 02:35 PM
C'mon FA, if there's any part of town that should be burned down it's the corporate hell that Queen has become. I will watch it burn and we can build it back how it used to be. The "hipsters" and wannabe wankers will try to put it out with their Starbuck cappucinos...

LOL! I actually haven't been down there in a few years. I used to work in the Canada Life building so lunch at The Black Bull and visits to Steve's guitar room were regular occurances. I saw on the news tonight that the heat from one of the burning police cars actually melted part of the Steve's sign. Anarchist Bastards! :incazzato:

I mention it to Swish because he and his lovely lady enjoy going for a stroll along there when they are in town, as they were just a week before the G20.

06-28-2010, 03:34 PM
Oh yes, Steve's. A good friend of mine works upstairs in the Brass Dept. Lest we forget little Erin Palmer, daughter of the one and only Carl who works there also. One of the last great Queen St staples.

And yes indeed, summers on the Bull patio were never wasted. I once peed next to Jeff Healey in the washroom there. No I did not "size him up".

The good ol days. Did you ever hang at Tortilla Flats, over at Bathurst? Now memories are flooding into my mind. Keep in mind I grew up at Bloor/Ossington, jaunts down to Queen were many. Used to hang at the Generator, partied with Dayglo Abortions, the immortal BFG's and of course the Headstones. That place was great.

Oh and of course 1001 Queen West, where every good mental patient must visit. I remeber fondly the statues they used to have on the grounds, and watching the out patients chat them up.

Thanks for the stroll FA...

06-28-2010, 03:39 PM
Sorry what burb are you in BTW?

06-28-2010, 03:54 PM
Sorry what burb are you in BTW?

Thornhill. Just north of Toronto. All of the amenities and none of the politics. :cornut:

I never spent much time on Queen West other than my years at Canada Life. I was more of a Yonge Street girl. Hanging at the Eaton Centre and getting refused entry to the Hard Rock and Gasworks for being under age. If I was west of Yonge, I was at the El Mo.

06-28-2010, 04:16 PM
Gasworks, oops you are showing your age now. Don't worry I won't tell. :lol:

Yes anyone with a musical hip bone has hung at the ElMo. I remember when Danko Jones were just getting going, boy those shows were great. Toronto's little secret.

One night I was having a beer at the Horseshoe and the scheduled band, my friend's band, were announced as cancelled. As I was yelling up at the stage, I also belched, and then Pearl Jam came out and started to play.

You just never knew what was going to happen partying downtown.

Thornhill. I live in London which is similar to a TDot suburb. Many things I don't like about it, but then I can take my kids into the city for those. I guess no crackheads or early AM car alarms ain't so bad.