Network Vs. normal cable. [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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06-19-2010, 03:47 PM
Hi Everyone,

I have this question long ago but I couldn’t find the answer so I hope discussed here could reveal better knowledge and understanding, also probably lead to other helpful discussion.

Everybody knows there are lot manufactures and each brand sound different, which is difficult to know the correct one! But the most interesting the new design cable that have network box, so my question: which is better audio cable; the network like Transparent and MIT or the normal type like Nordest or Kimber?

To my understanding these networks have crossover but these are already installed inside the units (CD, Preamp…)! So is it possible these network alter the sound or do something because they add another different crossover while the normal type let you hear exactly how your equipment sounds?

Last note: Transparent method to achieve best sound is removing the noise out from their cables. But Nordest mentions that noises are present in their cables because they are useful! Quite confusing I must say from two major cable companies!

So which one is better? And what differences between MIT and Transparent? Or any experience you have or like to discuss about high-end audio cables…please welcome.

Thanks and cheers to Everyone. :)

Mr Peabody
06-19-2010, 04:53 PM
Exotic, or, high end cable manufacturers most have their own approach or selling pitch. Whether it's networks, exotic metalergy, how they wind the strands or insulation. The only thing you can do to cut through the crap is try certain cables for yourself. It has been my experience that most of these cables do improve sound and some vary in the way they effect your systems sonic character. Transparent was started by former employees of MIT, not sure whether they claim to do it better or if they just chose to borrow the idea from their former employer. The networks are said to eliminate an antenna effect of stretches of cable. I found Transparent to be a very good product. I've only used MIT's power cord and it was also good. I like certain models of Siltech. I've not been overly impressed with Audioquest or Monster. Even Bluejeans sells their "no nonsense" approach to cables and their product is a good middle ground between high end and cheezy. Ixos I would not use and did not like but a few use them to their liking.

If there is a true neutral cable whose to say what that is or how it would sound. I find cables are system dependent and they have to be treated like another component, does it improve what you hear. If you like it then keep them in, if not, return them. I stated I liked Transparent, and they worked well with my Krell gear but I was not happy with them connecting my Conrad Johnson and preferred the Siltech. Just because a cheap cable is free does not mean it is neutral. In fact, I find cheap cables to degrade good equipment's capability to perform to it's potential.

You'll find some people don't even believe cables make a difference. Some out of ignorance because they have never tried and some just did not hear an improvement. Maybe it was from not being that familiar with their system or the system was not capable of benefiting from the upgrade. Whatever the issue, some may not like the answer, but there really isn't one, cables are something one must try for themselves.

06-19-2010, 10:39 PM
Everybody knows there are lot manufactures and each brand sound different, which is difficult to know the correct one! But the most interesting the new design cable that have network box, so my question: which is better audio cable; the network like Transparent and MIT or the normal type like Nordest or Kimber?

Definitely the normal type. Good cables are designed to have least effect on the signal it is carrying, which mean cables’ parameters that effect the signal should be kept to minimum.

I am guessing the network in cables are some type of filter and as you said about Transparent, it uses network to achieve best sound by removing the noise from their cables. The problem here is that cables are not suppose to alter the signal in any manner, shape or method.

If it does by applying a filter or network in signal’s path, the cable can not be called transparent (neutral) any more.

If there is a true neutral cable whose to say what that is or how it would sound.

Best cables don’t have any sound, so listening to cables might not be a good way to find the right one. You probably will have better result finding a neutral cable by looking at its craftsmanship, material used, terminations. And a design that uses well known and tested cable and physics engineering theories to minimize its effect on the signal :)

06-22-2010, 12:21 AM
Thank you Mr. Peabody you’re most welcome :). And thank you very much Smoky, your inputs are very helpful. Like you said this is my understanding but someone told me it has some type of crossover, which split the high/ mid/ and low frequency! How that is true that I don’t know. I have Transparent my self but I didn’t compare it with normal type except AudioQuest Topaz 2, which is not enough to tell the different. Transparent are excellent, they are warm sounding and reveal high frequency good. But sometimes I might felt slight change in sound. Now im thinking trying something else and see the differences... any suggestion?

Mr Peabody
06-22-2010, 03:50 PM
The network is not a crossover. What good would it do to divide the signal to sum it again? It's probably a good thing for you to compare so you will know and be confident in what you are using but don't let the network scare you, we may not know what's in it but it seems to work, that's what counts. If you are really into "neutral", I'd suggest trying Cardas Neutral. Cardas carries different lines, the Golden has more of a warmer effect, the Neutral is what it suggests and I can't remember what else they have.

06-24-2010, 10:45 AM
I understand. I’m not worry about the network itself! Only felt somehow shrink the soundstage width, like compression but reveal the high and lows better. With AudioQuest the sound breath better no thin, also sounded liquid and sweet. I heard Sky interconnects are highly recommended but the DBS batteries annoying me because they need to replaced after 18 months! Thanks for Cardas recommendation :) never comes to my mind but I might try it and see.

Mr Peabody
06-24-2010, 03:44 PM
You might also try a pair of Siltech MXT Pro Series, New Yorker. Siltech makes more expensive but the NY'er is as far as I went. I found the mids and highs very good and natural while having the bass slam of Transparent.

A friend of mine used all Cardas Neutral with his system which was Esoteric and Jeff Rowland. I've never had the chance to compare the Neutral to anything but he swears by them and said he tried several other brands. His goal was to make his system as neutral as possible.

06-29-2010, 03:29 AM
Sure I will look to Siltech MXT Pro look very interesting. Also if anybody has experience with 24-Audience please let me know. By the way, can I buy interconnects from Ebay? I noticed some sellers have brand new stock but they sell it without original box.

Thanks to all :)

Mr Peabody
06-29-2010, 02:57 PM
I personally would not buy cables from Ebay, or any where but an authorized dealer due to the high volume of counterfeit products being sold. Much of which is very similar in look and packaging to the real thing. It's just me, others could be fine with it.

06-30-2010, 07:17 AM
Yes you probably right! Mr. Peabody I see you have Siltech and Transparent cable, I don’t know which Transparent interconnect you have, can you tell us what different you found between the two?

Mr Peabody
06-30-2010, 04:42 PM
The Transparent I have is mostly a couple levels of entry and used now in just my home theater set up. The Siltech I use is more expensive. They both provide great bass but the New Yorker seems to sound more natural in mids/highs, slightly better sound stage and just an overall preferred tonal quality.

07-02-2010, 01:05 AM
Thanks Mr Peabody for clarification.

07-02-2010, 01:40 AM
if you were to buy cables online, get them from audiogon, and even there, beware...;

the "magic boxes" that transparent & MIT use, contain parts that "neutralize" the cable's specifications.

a cable has resistance, capacitance and inductance, they try to "neutralize" these numbers by adding the "magic boxes".

Other companies like Kimber, for example, has their own theory on getting the best signal transportation. Kimber, as for this example, is known by it's braided cables.

Cables are very subjective to the numerous theories, but then again, some of them are just "theories", and are way overpriced.

I second the opinion about the Siltech MXT new york. I have a pair as well, and I'm very pleased indeed :)

Keep them spinning,

07-05-2010, 02:00 AM
Thank you Basite, you explain it very well (about network design) :)

I might try Siltech the intry level and see. Also AudioQuest has positive reveiw.