Time travel with Nurse with Wound [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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05-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Recently, I set up an old stereo receiver, speakers and cassette deck in my storage shed after installing some shelves then went searching for my long stowed away collection of cassettes. In the mid to late 90s a buddy and I made tons of cassettes from vinyl and cd some of which were pretty rare. My friend had most of the rare stuff, but he always made me excellent copies considering the medium.

We listened to Stereolab back in the Refried Ectoplasm, Emperor Tomato Ketchup, Dots & Loops, Aluminum Tunes, Peng, etc. days.

I found a tape my friend made that contains a Stereolab/Nurse with Wound tune called Simple Headphone Mind. I vaguely remembered it. I listened to it the other day and thought that it was really representative of what we were in to back then. I'm not sure I want to mine that stuff again, but I'm curious about Nurse with Wound. Anybody familiar with or a fan of NwW? Comments? Best album?

Finch Platte
05-12-2010, 10:57 AM
Not familiar with them, but I hear they're back together & touring. Tickets are $265 each.

05-13-2010, 05:48 PM
Eek! Don't go down the Nurse with Wound rabbit-hole. You'll never come out.

Nurse with Wound is an avant/noise group with really variable output and is arguably more infamous for the liner notes included in one of their albums than for the music itself-- they made a record in the late 1970s that included a list of all their influences; 200 some of the most obscure avant-garde acts ever immortalized. That list has served as a manifesto/shopping list for noise enthusiasts ever since.

Anyway, I can't make a specific recommendation, but they're kind of a gateway to a world that spirals into the more and more impenetrable and rare.


05-14-2010, 08:04 AM
Eek! Don't go down the Nurse with Wound rabbit-hole. You'll never come out.

Nurse with Wound is an avant/noise group with really variable output and is arguably more infamous for the liner notes included in one of their albums than for the music itself-- they made a record in the late 1970s that included a list of all their influences; 200 some of the most obscure avant-garde acts ever immortalized. That list has served as a manifesto/shopping list for noise enthusiasts ever since.

Anyway, I can't make a specific recommendation, but they're kind of a gateway to a world that spirals into the more and more impenetrable and rare.


Thanks, Rae. Although intriguing, I think I'll take your advice and stick with the Stereolab collaboration. No time these days to go chasing rabbits (but I will ramble a little bit).

My friend, we'll call him shlo-mo a/k/a DJ Born to Die, replaced the Tangerine Dream soundtrack to the video Planetary Traveler with some of that avant/noise group music. His re-mix surpassed the original by light-years - changed the whole mood to something dark and foreboding.