Just bought a Lexicon DC-2 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Just bought a Lexicon DC-2

04-16-2010, 07:24 PM
Lexicon DC-2 V4 form ebay. :D I paid $265 w/ shipping, I think I got a good deal. Saw it "buy it now" for $250, just listed and had to Google about it fast to not loose it. It retailed for $3995 10 years ago, I know things have come a long way since then, but it still seams to be highly regarded. Saw it sell for as much as $575 less than 1 yr ago. ebay still has a couple of DC-2s "buy it nows" for $400+ and one at $200 w/6 bids and 2 days to go, and I think it isn't v4 (doesn't have DTS or THX log on front).

Anyway, I will be using it to replace my Yamaha RX-V995, I have separate amps for all channels anyway. Anyone have experience with this? What can you tell me. If it is better then the Yamaha, I'll sell the Yamaha, If not, I should be able to sell it for a profit.


04-16-2010, 07:54 PM

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.smr-forums.com/resources/20070528_182130_Lexicon_DC-2_re.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.smr-forums.com/forum_posts.asp%3FTID%3D415&usg=__5jvtH6vBgY63uGVHItC-0j-hNG4=&h=107&w=450&sz=37&hl=en&start=7&sig2=jCMGrAqrmhU01AVC3ikO3w&itbs=1&tbnid=gK19_M6dL6cdaM:&tbnh=30&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlexicon%2Bdc2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff% 26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=_izJS5KVCsT48AaMr_yEBw

I did a image search on google. Try these links for more info on this unit. I never heard this unit but have heard Lex. DPL earlier units. What is very interesting with these units is their side channel availability. On the DPL unit that I heard(might have been a CP1) the side channels were marvelous and functioned similar to the side speakers in a theater on a smaller scale.

04-17-2010, 09:40 AM
Lexicon DC-2 V4 form ebay. :D I paid $265 w/ shipping, I think I got a good deal. Saw it "buy it now" for $250, just listed and had to Google about it fast to not loose it. It retailed for $3995 10 years ago, I know things have come a long way since then, but it still seams to be highly regarded. Saw it sell for as much as $575 less than 1 yr ago. ebay still has a couple of DC-2s "buy it nows" for $400+ and one at $200 w/6 bids and 2 days to go, and I think it isn't v4 (doesn't have DTS or THX log on front).

Anyway, I will be using it to replace my Yamaha RX-V995, I have separate amps for all channels anyway. Anyone have experience with this? What can you tell me. If it is better then the Yamaha, I'll sell the Yamaha, If not, I should be able to sell it for a profit.


I had the first version and sold it to buy my Rotel RSP-1098. I think I got $800 for it on e-bay from a guy who had the same model but it went kaput.

I never had any problems with mine, but wanted the ability to play all the newer formats coming out, so the DC-1 was becoming obsolete. It was one fine piece of equipment though.

04-17-2010, 10:20 AM
I had the first version and sold it to buy my Rotel RSP-1098. I think I got $800 for it on e-bay from a guy who had the same model but it went kaput.

I never had any problems with mine, but wanted the ability to play all the newer formats coming out, so the DC-1 was becoming obsolete. It was one fine piece of equipment though.

Thanks, I also want to pick up an Acurus A125x5 to replace my Adcom and BIAMP amps. With my Citation 5.1 (bridged) that will give me 7 channels. When I want to I can just sell the Lex and plug in a newer pre/pro for all the new formats. I think I will be happy with this one for a while though. For the price I paid for it, I should be at least able to break even selling it, maybe make a few $.

04-18-2010, 10:55 AM
Thanks, I also want to pick up an Acurus A125x5 to replace my Adcom and BIAMP amps. With my Citation 5.1 (bridged) that will give me 7 channels. When I want to I can just sell the Lex and plug in a newer pre/pro for all the new formats. I think I will be happy with this one for a while though. For the price I paid for it, I should be at least able to break even selling it, maybe make a few $.

Doubt that.
Everybodies going to want the new formats.
Still a good price, tho.
Everybody forgets that the "plain" DD on a BLU disc is still as large as the format allows, and does sound better than the DVD version, but the LEXICON should be able to handle it.
In my experience tho, this is just a stopgap, the new formats are simple beyound compare to the old ones.
I would not try to sell the LEX myself, when the time comes to replace it would be an exelent center for an audio only system, a couple of speakers, an amp...:1:

04-19-2010, 03:43 PM
I would not try to sell the LEX myself, when the time comes to replace it would be an exelent center for an audio only system, a couple of speakers, an amp...:1:

I agree, it should be a very good stereo preamp. I am anxious to compare it to my PS Audio 4.6 2 chan preamp, if it is just as good or better I will be able to simplify my system a bit. My HT and Stereo system are integrated, I use my M3SIs as the mains for HT with the Yamaha and I use them with my PS Audio for "stereo" listening. The PS audio is a good preamp, was once a Stereophile reference preamp, but it is 20-25 years old now and has a couple issues.

04-23-2010, 06:57 AM
Well I got it in and hooked up. I first tested it against my PS Audio 4.6/SoundStream DAC for stereo listening, it is definitely cleaner/clearer with better imaging and detail. The PS Audio/DAC combo on the other hand, had a warmth and to a lesser degree "fullness" which I liked. That is probably just distortion, I'll need to get used to the new sound.

For Surround, it is definitely much better, but again it does come across lacking "fullness" for lack of a better term. Everything is so precise and detailed it comes across maybe a bit "sterile".

It does lack a great deal of gain. Using a HD/DD recording of the Black Eyed Peas in concert (I like it for testing bass) I pegged the output to get to the level I had with the volume knob of my Yamaha set at about 11 o'clock. That was fairly loud and I really shouldn't listen to it any louder than that, but it seamed a little odd. If I need I can boost the output of every amp +5 to +10 db, but that would be higher than they are supposed to be calibrated at.

The last thing is sub level. My Yamaha had no test tone for the sub out so I just set to where I thought it sounded best (I do hear a lot of systems in the field and in theaters, so I have a good idea of proper vol). When I calibrated this system, including sub, the sub(s) were relatively quiet. They really had no more bass than the mains. My B.E.P. concert was boring and the whole system lacked "oomph". I ended up increasing the sub level by 5-7 db and it brought it back to what I was used to & enjoy.

I need a little more time to listen to it, but I am happy, and it will be replacing the Yamaha & PS Audio.