View Full Version : Which 901's
Mike Creel
04-13-2010, 10:37 AM
Hi, First post. I have been looking at several pairs of 901's from series IV to series VI. Amongst Bose 901 users which are considered to be the best? Also does anyone know exactly what the powered 901 series is. Mabey a specific model number. Thanks
Mike Creel
04-13-2010, 10:40 AM
I have a set of Klipsch KG5.2's. Excellent condt. Anyone interested, I'll post in the classifieds.
JoeE SP9
04-13-2010, 11:09 AM
Hi, and welcome to AR. You won't find many if any Bose users here. There are some Klipsch users but they're not all that popular either.
04-13-2010, 07:06 PM
Hi, First post. I have been looking at several pairs of 901's from series IV to series VI. Amongst Bose 901 users which are considered to be the best? Also does anyone know exactly what the powered 901 series is. Mabey a specific model number. Thanks
I can think of no reason to spend money on Bose spks. I don't know what price range you are looking at but you can definitely find better spks no matter what you are spending.
IMO the 901's are a very flawed design. The main reasons are, with most of the drivers pointing away from you, you get no, or very poor, imaging. Secondly, the required 901 EQ boosts the treble and bass WAY up to try to get a flat response out of the 4" drivers. That is ok for a cheap pair of spkrs, but for spks verging on "audiophile" price range it is a big no no. Audiophiles generally are trying to reduce any unneeded circuitry between the source and the speaks, not add a huge equalization curve.
Anyway, if there is some reason why you need 901's that is one thing, but let us know what you are looking at spending and I guarantee we can steer you in a much better direction.
04-13-2010, 07:27 PM
The 901's haven't changed much over the years. If you can find an older pair for less money, that would be the way to go.
04-14-2010, 04:08 AM
I do appreciate the contributions Dr. Bose made to the world of small full range drivers. Unfortunately his bean counters got in the way.
The 901's haven't changed much over the years. If you can find an older pair for less money, that would be the way to go.
tru dat, mon
04-14-2010, 09:14 AM
B etter O ff with S omething E lse
04-14-2010, 04:25 PM
Anytime I see “Bose” or something to do with them, I just laugh because I know what’s coming! :eek6:
I wonder if Bose owners have any idea what the audiophile community thinks of Bose speakers??? I have to imagine it can be a little bit of a shock to their pride. I would be mad if someone told me that the speakers I just dropped $$big bucks$$$ on sucked. :mad5:
04-15-2010, 05:02 AM
On that last point I know they hate me. Every person I know who's asked me my opinion has gone on to buy something else. Out of curiousity I'd buy a pair of series I's or II's just to play around with, but other than that... meh. I know I've not cost Bose a great deal of money, but I have cost them some.... :lol:
04-15-2010, 05:07 AM
Anytime I see “Bose” or something to do with them, I just laugh because I know what’s coming! :eek6:
I wonder if Bose owners have any idea what the audiophile community thinks of Bose speakers??? I have to imagine it can be a little bit of a shock to their pride. I would be made if someone told me that the speakers I just dropped $$big bucks$$$ on sucked. :mad5:
You don’t know the half of it. Not to jack this thread, but take a look at this post I made a while back.
I didn’t think I would make it out of that place alive.
04-15-2010, 11:39 AM
You don’t know the half of it. Not to jack this thread, but take a look at this post I made a while back.
I didn’t think I would make it out of that place alive.
Haha, yeah, I have read that thread, that cracked me up!!! :arf:
JoeE SP9
04-15-2010, 11:51 AM
When someone in my neighborhood tells me about the Bose system that they heard that is the best available I invite them over. Once I put them in the sweet spot and play something they are familiar with and like, the look on their faces says it all. The comments range from, "I never knew music could sound that good", to "It sounds like they are here in the room playing" and various other superlatives. Needless to say that person doesn't think Bose is the best any more.
All I'll say is Bose are over-priced, but then again, all speakers are. Any speaker can be replicated for a fraction of its MSRP (to a degree). Carpentry skill notwithstanding, all you need a trifle bit of math and a good source for drivers and components. That being said, Bose are perhaps the easiest and cheapest to replicate. The money they've spent on marketing far and away exceeds any R & D (if any) on their part. Much of their current speaker line (and that of the past three decades) is the result of their buying up of older patents and claiming credit for the research of others. Especially their Accoustamass (6th order bandpass) and their Accoustawave (transmittion line) products.
I will go on record as saying that I have heard some perty good sounding Bose speakers ( i think they were 601s or 801s), but I can build better. I'll also go on record as saying I've bought my last speaker for retail price.
04-15-2010, 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=3LB]All I'll say is Bose are over-priced, but then again, all speakers are. Any speaker can be replicated for a fraction of its MSRP (to a degree). Carpentry skill notwithstanding, all you need a trifle bit of math and a good source for drivers and components.
I can agree with this statement a little bit, I did build my last set of speaker for well under the cost of most decent brands, so well under the price of Bose. I would put them up against them any day, they sound good, Bose does not. But for the normal Joe who could care less about the craft of speaker components, who is just looking for something "Good" is going to fall hook line and sinker for those little boxes of horror every time.
04-17-2010, 02:39 AM
I'm with you 3LB. Mainstream speakers are a thing of the past for me. DIY or the backyard builders offer so much more for the money.
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