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04-10-2010, 03:25 AM
Well, just felt like sharing with my friends on here. I've made some exciting upgrades and things are sounding REALLY good. I feel like a little kid, anxious when I'm away from the gear. Can't wait to come home and tune in. My A-25's are taking the Pepsi tube challenge right now, so don't mind them...



Pictured: Golden Tube SE-40
Eico HF-85
Creek OBH-18
Technics SL-Q2 / Sumiko Blue Point
Magnavox CDB-482
Dynaco A25 (in front of) Sound Dynamics 1200 SMT

Acoustic Research IC's
Bi-Wired Speaker Cable - DIY 14awg Solid Core / Audio Quest Hyperlitz

Rear/Front wall panelling
6 Bass Traps

Thanks to everyone for their guidance and help. Most importantly, thanks to those who've helped me out with gear. You guys are truly awesome and make this forum a real community. Forever indebted, Chubbs

Y'all get a headbang!!

04-10-2010, 04:15 AM

That room is really coming around!
Very sweet set-up-Congratulations!!!

04-10-2010, 07:48 AM
That is an awesome set up!! What headphones are you using there?

04-10-2010, 08:35 AM
Hey thanks alot guys, and especially extra thanks kid!!!! The C1 will stay with my comp system until the end of time. Wonderful piece. I know this thread may seem kind of cheesy, but for perfect strangers, it's a pretty good thing going on here.

Enochrome those are vintage Koss Pro 4AA. Not a bad set. The re-issued Pro 4AA are horrible and an insult to a great legacy. My main cans are AKG K240S. My goal for headphones is a pair of AKG K240 Sextett LP (Late Production). E-Stat put me onto the Stax electro-stat, might try out a pair of those someday.

The A25 are such an exceptional speaker. It's uncanny really. Superb imaging and seperation. Alot of music coming out of such a small box. I find drums are super fun to listen to with these. Absolutely no fatigue or repititiousness, nothing to make you tire. Just pleasant and detailed sound. I had these put away for some time, I think they'll be making a comeback.

My Sound Dynamics are great fun, but far more in your face, WAY more efficient than the A25. Somehow the Dynaco is on par with the SD in terms of immediacy. Overall, the transparency of the Dynaco is what sets it a cut above the 1200 SMT.

04-10-2010, 09:50 AM
Glad I could help out with the C1.
I second your opinion on the Dynaco's.
I listen to mine just about everyday while getting ready for work in the morning and the bass response still surprises me.

04-10-2010, 09:55 AM
Took this one for you kid...
