How would set this HT room up? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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03-31-2004, 10:09 AM
My friend just purchased a lovely Denon Avr-3803 HT receiver to with his Energy Veritas 5.1 speaker system for his new house. We're going to pick up the speakers and set it all up this weekend.

Here's the problem...he's rather odd room dimensions working against him. The room is situated in the corner of his basement, 19.5 ft long by 11.5 feet wide, with about a 9 inch ledge on the lenghtside and widthside outer walls.

We were thinking of setting the Main speakers about 7 to 8 feet apart on the narrow wall. This would leave about only 18 inches from the side walls, allows him to place his rears the same distance from his seating area as the mains (about 8.5 ft). This a pretty good seating area from his TV. However, it will probably cause a lot of "early reflections" and really drive him nuts in 2-channel stereo since the speakers are rather close to the side walls. Moving the speakers, say, only 6 feet apart will limit the soundstage though, right?

Alternatively, he can use the longer wall to put his TV and main speakers against, be about 6-7 feet away from the TV, have the rears 2 feet behind and off to the sides of his seating area. This would give him 4 or 5 feet from the side walls, allow for about 10 feet of spearation in 2 channel stereo, but this would probably be at the expense of a 5.1 rear surround effect, as he's only 2 or 3 feet from the back wall speakers.. All though, I think this is closer to the ITU guidelines for multi-channel audio.

Which way would you go? Any suggestions?

03-31-2004, 10:23 AM
Ultimately, the most important parts of any home entertainment center is those being entertained by it. The first scenario seems to be the most liveable for the human's involved. You can toe in the speakers and otherwise tweak the positioning for the best compromise.

With the other setup, it'll be even more cramped in front of the TV and, ultimately, the main viewing/listening area. You'll loose any depth gained by the siurrounds by putting them along side the viewers.

In the end when perfection isn't possible, you settle for the lesser of the evils.

Of course, this is all a personal choice, but that is what I would do. YMMV

03-31-2004, 11:12 AM
I'd play with both set-ups and see what sounds best. The seconds scenario isn't that much of problem because as you noted, ideally that's about where the surrounds are supossed to be anyway. You'll simply be listening nearfield in stereo, which a lot of people do anyway. Just be careful with your toe-in because it can cause beaming.

In the first scenario, make sure the mains are NOT equidistant from the back and side walls as this causes inherent problems. I believe it should be a 2:3 ratio. Rich Greene (the resident sub guru) did a thread on this a few months back so you might want to look it up because it was very interesting as well as informative. You can address the first order reflections with some bookcases, pictures, or some other wall treatment if need be.

Have fun in the set-up.

04-01-2004, 12:36 AM
I would do your first set-up, and play with some room treatment. You can make some cheap treatment out of carpet pad covered in a fabric that matches your wall. It's cheap, and it really works. I guess you could say my Martin Logan's are bi-polar, since sound is emitted from both sides of the panel, and I have the carpet pad right behind the ESL panel. It cuts down on echo's well.

That’s my suggestion. But most of all have fun picking it and playing with it :)

04-01-2004, 01:43 AM
I have the carpet pad right behind the ESL panel. It cuts down on echo's well.

That's interesting. I thought the natural bi-polar effects of panels was part of their inherent benefits and charm...and a big reason why people bought them. Don't the treatments severely limit the soundstage and depth?

Oh well, hey it's your system and whatever sounds best to you must be correct.

04-01-2004, 02:38 AM
That's interesting. I thought the natural bi-polar effects of panels was part of their inherent benefits and charm...and a big reason why people bought them. Don't the treatments severely limit the soundstage and depth?

Oh well, hey it's your system and whatever sounds best to you must be correct.
It can, but my room has some strange echo's. I understand what your saying though, but it still has good depth. The carpet pad is on the wall, not right behind (attached to the speaker). If I was not clear, sorry.

04-01-2004, 04:59 AM
UPDATE: Well, we couldn't wait and moved his stereo (just the receiver and veritas v2.4's into the room last night. In 2 channel it definitely sounds better on the longer wall, but unfortunately his room is just too narrow to move his rather large TV there. That being said his Veritas really sing when that AVR-3803 is driving them even on the short wall. We drapped a curtain against the wall and it definitely seem to turn a bit of the liveliness down, hopefully proper sound treatment will really improve the reflections. He's happy. Thanks to all who posted.