View Full Version : Gold Marantz
02-25-2010, 09:46 AM
Today I just pick up a Marantz system! It is gold and it says on it "Collectors Edition". It is in very good condition and everything is working!
Marantz IA 2232 Amplifier
Marantz DA 2452 Cassette Deck
Marantz TR 2242 Tuner
The amplifier has on the back for surround rear speakers and I have the remote control.
02-25-2010, 01:28 PM
I would guess that the components were from the dreaded mid 80's when rack systems were all the rage. They are not at the level of current or classic Marantz. Marantz at one time I think was owned by Sanyo. I am glad they work and have fun with them.
audio amateur
02-25-2010, 03:12 PM
They have a pretty cheap look to them..
02-25-2010, 03:46 PM
Yeah it doesn't look like something great but the sound is decent. It has for surround rear speakers which is something unusual for the systems in the 80's
02-25-2010, 04:41 PM
They have a pretty cheap look to them..
Well, as mid-80s stuff goes, they aren't that bad looking.
No question, though: nothing compared the '70s Superscope equipment, much less the true, Saul Marantz classics.
audio amateur
02-25-2010, 04:52 PM
Yeah it doesn't look like something great but the sound is decent. It has for surround rear speakers which is something unusual for the systems in the 80's
Yes, that is strange indeed
02-25-2010, 05:06 PM
Yeah it doesn't look like something great but the sound is decent. It has for surround rear speakers which is something unusual for the systems in the 80's
Not too unusual as I have seen it with systems with versions of Dolby. Remember you had quad receivers back in the late 60's that offered hook-ups for rear speakers or surround speakers.
I found an orphan tuner from one of these rack systems awhile back and it was not too bad. However as others have mentioned this gear is from almost a different company in terms of comparison to early Marantz that is most coveted. It looks good and if it works for you then that is realyy all that counts.
02-25-2010, 08:31 PM
What is the value of this system, does anyone know? I saw just the amp on ebay was for $160 without the remote!
02-25-2010, 08:47 PM
I'd say it wouldn't likely have any consistent value. There are some components, like Adcom, that are traded so often you can see a pattern and establish that as the value. With equipment like Marantz Gold, I'd say it's worth nothing other than what enjoyment one person might get from it. Expecting any significant re-sale value would be iffy.
Also...some things to consider with eBay: 1st, a listing might never sell for the minimum bid or the buy-it-now price shown. 2nd, completed auctions might be fakes completed for the sake of establishing an inflated value of the product. 3rd, a high price on a completed sale could be a fluke...just happened to be at least two people caught up in bid fever...or one bidder caught up in the fever and one shill bidder.
02-26-2010, 02:35 AM
Hard to say what it is worth. E-Bay is a barometer but not neccessarily a proven source for a pieces value. Rack systems like this are almost never sold as a single piece so that creates one problem and then the second problem is whether enough of them have been sold on E-Bay to firmly establish the market.
The Kenwood KM-series amps (I think you have at least one) were part of a rack system which was apparently fairly popular given the number for sale on E-Bay. When you look at the completed listings for them they seem to sell in a consistent range. If you try to find info on this Marantz amp you notice there is not anything out there except the one you mentioned.
I think this is a case of a seller trying to take advantage of a name rather than relying on the quality/market of a particular piece. You see something similar with Pioneer gear of the same era. I am trying not to rain on your parade about this piece but I don't think you have something here that is well sought after by Marantz collectors but if it sounds good to you then that should be what counts.
02-26-2010, 08:00 AM
Yeah I kind of figured that out for the price but I thought someone would know how much they were when they were new! I will see what I can do with it.
02-26-2010, 08:27 AM
Yeah I kind of figured that out for the price but I thought someone would know how much they were when they were new! I will see what I can do with it.
The thing is, hardcore collectors aren't much interested in the Japanese '80s stuff with the exception of a few high-end models. TheKid has some nice '80s pieces, though.
You can check out pre-80s original prices HERE ( Info on a few high-end or exotic post-1980 models is available HERE ( at The Vintage Knob.
02-26-2010, 04:46 PM
TheKid has some nice '80s pieces, though.
Feanor - Thanks for the props. I justed noticed your playlist down in your signature. I will give them a try.
Dak- I will keep looking around for info but for whatever reason there just does not seem to be alot of info on rack systems in general.
02-26-2010, 09:33 PM
It is ok I don't need more information! It seems that it is not worth keeping it compared with my other stuff I have! The 2250B I have is much better!
03-08-2011, 09:00 PM
Hey guys.. my 1st post lol
I had to reply to this Marantz.. This is so funny cause i have the same rack system, Black laquer Speakers, black laquer cabinet. Turn table, EQ, Tuner, Cassett deck, 6 Cd set. Now I bought this brand new in 1989, Paid close to $2000. This system still works perfect. The speakers (dual 10's) have no cracking in them when I go full volume. The wife hates it. but I just have to keep it. But I think most of these posts are correct about this collectors edition not being the real classic Marantz. If they work for you, then have fun with them..
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