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02-22-2010, 07:07 AM
Been a while since I chimed in here but I've been on a tear lately so I've decided to play catch up before I gits too far behind.

1. "Avatar" - C - Finally saw the elephant this weekend. Due to wounds (concussion, loosened eye muscles) suffered in service I cannot see 3D but I took the family anyhow. They enjoyed the effects but thought the story (Natives = Good, Corporations/Soldiers = Bad) was hackneyed at best. I called it dances with Navi. The couldn't decide if the Navi were Native Americans, African Tribesmen, Tarnsmen of Gor or whatever. Ian thought that the 3D effects were so sparingly used as to make the experience wholly underwhelming.

2. "The Complete Superman Collection" - B-Minus - This 2 disk collection features all the Paramount Studios Superman Cartoons from the 30's and 40's. The first disk contains 8 shorts from the Fleisher Brothers (think Popeye) which mostly follow the Mad Scientist, seeks to destroy Metropolis and threatens Lois Lane formula. This scenario gets old quick. The Second Disk has 7 shorts made during the war. The Fleishers no longer seem to be involved. These shorts find Superman fighting Nazi sabatoers and "Japs" in Tokyo. There were several episodes that made me cringe but considering the time in which they were made. The disk got a minus grade from me because of the less than stellar soundtrack and the complete lack of any extras.

3. "Up" - A - This film gets the first "A" I've given out in a while. This movie was/is a marvel. It uses simple but effective story telling to draw you in and bind you within the first 10 minutes. Quite simply the best movie I've seen all year. Do yourself a fave and rent it.

4. "The Hurt Locker" - C+ - In case you didn't know, when I was in the Combat Engineers I did a bit of EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) work when stationed at Fort Leonard Wood Missourri. Now the most I dealt with was unexploded rounds left over from WWII and Korea and sometimes granddads WWI souvenier. While I enjoyed the storytelling, in my experience any NCO who flaunted safety protocol so often and thoroughly would've been relieved or fragged in a heartbeat. The protagonist's near suicidal methodology wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in my unit and as a result I could "never suspend belief" I just kept hollaring about what he was doing wrong. Perhaps that's why I'm giving it a less than stellar rating.

5. "District 9" - B - I enjyoyed this movie a lot. The whole idea of a race of aliens having their whip break down over the South African capital was pretty novel to begin with but the sublte manner in which they explore xenophobia, racism and their own sordid past via this allegory was pretty darn outstanding. Calling them Prawns was a bit of a mis-nomer though cause if they're anything they're walking cockroaches... period. Gave me the damn creeps.

6. "Julie and Julia" - C+ - Wifeypoo wanted this one, I sat through as much of it as I could. She thought that the schizophrenic nature of the story ruined it. It would've been a far more effective film had it just concentrated on Julia Childs fascinating story alone. Amy Adams might be a good actress but when paired with Meryl Streep she just couldn't hold up her end. Kinda sad really.

7. "Rent Filmed Live on Broadway" - B - This filmed Broadway performance was/is everything the failed feature film was not. Do yourself a favor and see this one. The sound is excellent, the music marvelous, the extra's thorough and spectacular. "Rent" was more than a Broadway play it was almost "therapy" for certain communities in New York City. It is quite simply a marvel.

8. "Qulls" - B - Fascinating story of the confinement and death of the Marquis de Sade. Stellar cast, sumptuously filmed this movie is a treat for those unfamiliar with the man behind the name and the myth. Geoffery Rush and Juaqin Pheonix are marvelous as is a young Kate Winslet.

9. "Cheri" - F - Another "period" piece that fails at every turn. Forget the film, read the book. Poor script, worse acting and haphazard direction make this one of the worst films I've ever endured.

Hope this all helps...


02-22-2010, 08:50 AM
8. "Qulls" - B - Fascinating story of the confinement and death of the Marquis de Sade. Stellar cast, sumptuously filmed this movie is a treat for those unfamiliar with the man behind the name and the myth. Geoffery Rush and Juaqin Pheonix are marvelous as is a young Kate Winslet.

Hope this all helps...

I've seen several Eurotrash movies based on the life of or inspired by the Marquis de Sade. Wasn't aware of this one. Sounds interesting and probably easier to watch than the low-budget trash I've seen. Thanks for the heads-up.

02-22-2010, 02:53 PM
I liked "The Hurt Locker"

Sir Terrence the Terrible
02-22-2010, 04:00 PM
Me thanks you for the honorable mention of Up.

I totally agree with you about District 9, I thoroughly enjoyed it while being completely creeped out by it.

Rent Filmed live on Broadway is a film I reviewed for Blu My review and your observation were right on target.

02-22-2010, 04:38 PM

Always glad to see your reviews especially since my sense is that we have the same tastes. Have not yet seen Avatar but my son has and gave a similar review as you have. Visually stunning but weak plot. We have the "Hurt Locker" sitting waiting to be viewed. I don't have your experience/perspective so it will be interesting to see if I come to the same conclusion.

Thanks again.......

02-22-2010, 04:55 PM
Worf, I think we share a similar interest in movies, although I have to say that I did not care very much for Quills. It seems that every movie about Sade focuses far too much on the sex and sadism side of the man. Sade was more of a pervert and ran afoul of religious law more than anything else. Many of his "crimes" were ones that today would be considered at most Jerry-Springer worthy (sodomy, the use of aphrodisiacs, and relations with relatives, which was quite common then), rather than criminal. That said, I won't excuse the objectionable proclivities of the man, but there's another side to Sade that is seldom talked about, that of a revolutionary.

Many of his writings had political motive with the message between the lines being downright anti-monarchist and anti-religion. After the revolution he also spoke out against absolute power (getting him in trouble with Napoleon), and then against capital punishment and torture (ironically, perhaps). Despite all these things he spent the majority of his life imprisoned and ended his life miserably in solitary confinement at an insane asylum, and his descendants have all but disavowed his name. Sade was a very complex person and it's unfortunate that history, and also Hollywood, has focused on the sex and sadist parts only. Quills was more of the same, I'm afraid, and not even Geofrey Rush's acting could save it from the regular banality that sells tickets.

02-22-2010, 05:36 PM
With you on the ones I've seen:

I'm betting on an Avaturd sweep. It's exactly the kinda heavy-handed crap that wins oscars©, see also Dances with Wolves. Beautiful, but stooopid.

Up is a powerful movie that has to win the animated oscur. It'd be a crime for this to not kill the competition, however strong the rest of the animated field is this year. Speaking of which, how did Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs not get an oxcar nomination?

With you 100% on The Hurt Locker. I didn't serve, but I do understand basic tactics. I went off on this in detail in the thread devoted to this movie. Suffice it to say I was hollering at the TV too. This movie is getting a lot of oscar® buzz, and I'm not getting it at all.

District 9 was a lot of fun, wasn't it? I like the mix of doofus humor with sci-fi and splatter-violence. It just had a weird tone that felt unlike any other movie I've ever seen.

02-23-2010, 11:10 AM
It's interesting how many people have a fascination with this man. Based upon my viewings, readings and research he was quite complex, as are most villains, and there is much more to him than meets the eye. I'm surprised to see so many on this board and others intruiged by the man, his deeds and the rants. You're NightFlier, except for certain summary acts of "torture" the mans misdeeds primarily break down to being unable to keep his mouth shut to authority. Perhaps today he wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but as we know.. timing is everything.


02-24-2010, 07:55 PM
1. "Avatar" - C
2. "The Complete Superman Collection" - B-Minus
3. "Up" - A
4. "The Hurt Locker" - C+
5. "District 9" - B
6. "Julie and Julia" - C+
7. "Rent Filmed Live on Broadway" - B
8. "Qulls" - B
9. "Cheri" - F
The standout of this crowd is certainly Up. I truly believe that it deserves the best picture Oscar this year. It'll be interesting to see if the academy has progressed to a point where they would seriously consider an animated film. It is just so much better than any of the other nominees though. Given the academy's choice of such a ridiculous number of films in the category this year, numbers could get split up and spread out and this could work to Up's advantage.

I agree with you about Avatar and I actually think it'll get only the slightest recognition in a technical category at the Oscars. It's more of a study in marketing than serious film-making. That makes it a big thing with popular culture, but I'm not sure that the voters are so easy to fool into thinking it was anything special.

You're also right on with The Hurt Locker. I would have rated it even lower actually. It was ridiculous tripe that portrayed pure fiction and presented it as though it was fact.

I thought District 9 was an absolute mess. Seems most everyone disagrees with me, but I wouldn't sit through that stupidness again with a gun to my head.

The Rent finale is fantastic. It is such a great disc to recommend to blu-ray owners. The picture and sound are phenomenal and the show is amazing - just the way that it's supposed to be. It's unfortunate that nobody thought of filming it with the original cast way back when, but the final cast is quite good too (with the exception of Michael McElroy who I thought was pretty bad). This one's an easy #2 for me on your list behind Up.