Speaking of Keith Emerson...... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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02-12-2010, 08:45 AM
......because I didn't want to hijack the Crimson King thread......

Any of you guys ever read his book, "PICTURES OF AN EXHIBITIONIST" ?

Good insight into the trials and tribulations of ELP..........including some infighting.

KE spends a lot of time revealing the excessively anal retentive Greg Lake...........and a lot of time spent drinking Congac..............and even enjoying the groupies.

02-12-2010, 11:19 AM
......because I didn't want to hijack the Crimson King thread......

Any of you guys ever read his book, "PICTURES OF AN EXHIBITIONIST" ?

Good insight into the trials and tribulations of ELP..........including some infighting.

KE spends a lot of time revealing the excessively anal retentive Greg Lake...........and a lot of time spent drinking Congac..............and even enjoying the groupies.

Have not read that but the music they do by the same name is awesome. There is an Animusic number called Cathedral Pictures that pretty much uses the ELP version as its basis.