View Full Version : Phillips GA-312/ Stanton 681 EEE out of the attic
01-22-2010, 08:46 PM
After 13 years, I got my Phillips GA-312/ Stanton 681 EEE out of the attic and played Emerson, Lake & Palmer.
I acquired the Phillips GA-312/ Stanton 681 EEE circa 1978. I used for about 20 years. I always enjoyed using it. Hey it’s what we used back then. It’s been in storage in the attic since 1997. A new Yamaha RX-7 receiver from Santa inspired me to pull it down.
When I pulled it out of the attic last week, it was in its original box. The cover still had some wax from a burning candle I had left on top and some minor scratches. The transport body looks to be in good condition, although the wood grain seems to a different color than I remember. Apparently, I had the foresight to secure the tone arm with a metal twist tie and NOT a rubber band. Yet the transport was not secured to the body with the shipping screws. The rubber belt was off the platter drive, but still in one continuous ribbon. Was I smart enough to take it off before storage? Who know?
With the belt attached and the platter on, I plugged it in to see if it would still spin- success! She spins at both 33 and 45 RPM and the lights on those buttons work. The stop button does not light up. (Is it suppose to?) The strobes on the platter indicate reasonable speed accuracy without touching the FINE SPEED CONTROLS. Upon operation, the ON OFF button and the drop needle button are a little sticky, but I think they'll loosen up after awhile.
On , when I asked,
“Hummm .... which LP should I play first....?”, paul401 replied,
“Well, how about 14th LP from the left, side two, track three? Hope it’s good one!” To which I said.
“That would be The Beatles / 1967-1970, 'The Fool On The Hill'. How did you know?”
Tonight was my choice LP, Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Cottilion SD 9040, 1971). I chose this because I haven’t heard it in more than 13 years. The sound is completely different than what I’ve heard lately- mostly Redbook CDs, my medium of choice for the last several years. With only two LPs spun, it hard to make any sound assessments. I quit buying vinyl in about 1985. Although my vinyl collection is limited, I have some titles on both LP and CD. I’ll try those out next.
I’m ecstatic that I rescued it from its coffer. It was a fine machine in its day. Stay tuned for more updates on the sound, operation, and potential refurbishment.
Potential plans
1. Clean it up.
2. New RCA audio output cable.
3. Inspec and test the cartridge and needle.
4. Acquire a new needle and/or cartridge.
5. Buy more vinyl.
6. Any suggestions?
01-22-2010, 09:05 PM
That's it? How about some details?!? Happy you bothered or a waste? I guess CD is your medium of choice?
Do you listen to Supertramp? If you want a good reason to get back into vinyl, play any remastered copy of Crime of the Century and then play an original LP of it.
01-22-2010, 09:27 PM
I remember the Phillips GA-312 fondly. I loved the touch sensitive buttons and the sliding weight on the tonearm to set tracking force.
01-23-2010, 09:56 AM
That's it? How about some details?!? Happy you bothered or a waste? I guess CD is your medium of choice?
Do you listen to Supertramp? If you want a good reason to get back into vinyl, play any remastered copy of Crime of the Century and then play an original LP of it.
See Update to OP.
Rats, I thought I had Crime of the Century on LP but I don't see it.
01-23-2010, 10:00 AM
I remember the Phillips GA-312 fondly. I loved the touch sensitive buttons and the sliding weight on the tonearm to set tracking force.
Yep, that's it. Maybe I'll post pics later.
01-23-2010, 10:45 AM
You should most certainly think about replacing your belt and buying a back up. I'm guessing it will go within a month or two of steady playing.
I recently replaced the dental floss, 24 AWG RCA's on my Pioneer PL-516. After labouring and finishing it (not fun), a few of the guys made the suggestion of putting a female RCA enclosure in. Of course!! Makes so much more sense, then choose the cables of your choice, length considered.
The Supertramp is a great example of where CD sucks and vinyl rules. They actually remastered that album twice, and both times compressed the heck out of it. Such a beautifully recorded album, with no range. The LP takes you on the intended journey and brings your mood/emotions with you. The CD is good for frisbee...
Thanks for the update BTW! I've always been curious about that Stanton cart. If I was you, I would replace the stylus. I'm pretty sure they sell for relatively cheap, 30 - 40 range. I would then set out on buying a new cart. Much has transpired since you mothballed your deck, some great carts available for good prices. Do some research on the Ortofon 2M series. I have the Red, which is the entry level stylus. You can upgrade the body 3 times, Blue, Bronze and Black. Essentially, if you want to upgrade your table, the cart can upgrade also. I believe that a table like yours would even benefit from upgrading to the Blue, although I'm not 100% familiar with the Phillip's sonic ability.
BTW, here's my Pioneer...pimped.
01-30-2010, 02:17 PM
Update: 20100130
LP vinyl VS Redbook CD, inventory list
A brows though the collection found these titles common in my inventory.
1. Elton John, Madman across the water
2. Fleetwood Mac, Rumors
3. John Prine, Storm windows
4. Kenny Loggins with Jim Messina Sittin’ In
5. John Prine, Diamonds in the rough
Soundoff: LP vinyl VS Redbook CD
I started my sound check of LP vinyl VS Redbook CD on my current system. So far I’ve gathered the above list of titles for the check. The intent of this check is to assess the conditions of the turntable/ cartridge (Phillips GA312/ Stanton 681 EEE) which was recovered from its coffer in the attic after 13 years in storage. The Phillips GA312/ Stanton 681 EEE is about 32 years old. I was the original owner. The attic was not climate controlled, I suspect the temperature extremes ranged from about 0 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The RCA connectors show some discoloration on the outside of the ground return. The internals of the RCA connectors seemed to fair better.
This is NOT a vinyl VS CD debate, although I expect to educate myself and formulate my own opinions in the process. Also, this only a qualitative check, NOT a double blind A/B psycho-acoustic controlled experiment. This is actually the first time my personal audio system has had vinyl and CD capabilities at the same time. So begins my quest.
Audio Setup-
Here’s the audio setup.
Phillips GA312/ Stanton 681 EEE/ == OEM RCA analog cables ===>> |
Sharp DX-650 CD <<======= Monster M STANDARD THX i100 =======>> |
Yamaha RX-797 Receiver ---------------------------------------- +
Klipsch RF-7 <<L######### #########L bi-wire SERIES M Monster>> |
Klipsch RF-7 <<R######### bi-wire SERIES M Monster #########R>> |
The GA312 RCA analog cables plug into the PHONO input of the RX-797 and the ground wire is connected to the RX-797 phono ground. The Sharp DX-650 CD player is not ideal for comparing vinyl to CD, but right now, it’s the only CD player I have. I play the vinyl with “PURE DIRECT” activated (a feature of the RX-797) which bypasses most of the internal electronics of the RX-797. I call this vinyl mode. I switch to CD by pressing the “CD DIRECT AMP” (a feature of the RX-797) which overrides the PURE DIRECT. I call this CD mode. My nominal listening position is about 6 feet from each speaker. My listening room is far from optimal. (That’s a topic for another thread.)
Noise Checks-
The volume control on the RX-797 adjusts from about 7 o’clock (0700, no sound) to 4 o’clock (0400, full volume). My nominal listening level is about 0830. With the sound level set to 0900, and no source playing, I hear no noise in either vinyl or CD mode at nominal listening position. With my ear to the speakers, I hear more noise in vinyl mode than in CD mode. In CD mode, the noise at the speaker is almost inaudible. At about 0930, I begin to hear noise in vinyl mode at nominal listening position. Even at full volume, 0400, I hear no noise in CD mode at nominal listening position. Beyond 1200 volume (12 o’clock), vinyl mode noise is quite audible at nominal listening position. In addition to “white noise” static, I hear ticking sound at a repetition frequency of about 10 to 20 Hertz. When I have a CD source playing, but the RX-797 is set to PHONO (e.g., vinyl mode), I can faintly hear the CD source at about 1200 volume and beyond.
Source Playing Checks-
As to be expected, fluids for my “discwasher” D4 and SC-2 have evaporated. Currently, I cleaned the stylus with my dry discwasher brush (model SC-2?) before playing each vinyl LP. I clean each side of the vinyl with my “dry” discwasher D4 brush. Then I hit the vinyl with my discwasher ZEROSAT antistatic gun. Acquisition of new cleaning fluids and/or system is now in the plans.
The sound level output of the DX-650 (CD) is much higher than the GA312 (vinyl). This makes it hard to switch between vinyl and CD with the same sound level at the speakers. I try to adjust the volume between modes to compensate.
100123 Sat: I played Elton John, Madman across the water on LP vinyl VS Redbook CD. I switched A/B by pushing the CD DIRECT AMP on the RX-797 and adjusting the volume. I started both sources at nominally the time and switched between select song passages. I liked the CD better. Perhaps the vinyl is a bit worn. On vinyl, there was significant snap crackle & pop. On CD, the high frequencies seemed louder and there no noticeable noise.
100124 Sun: I played side 1 of Fleetwood Mac, Rumors. Before playing vinyl LP, I cleaned the stylus with a q-tip soaked in 91% isopropyl alcohol (CVS brand). The only other listed ingredient is water. On vinyl, I listened to all of side 1 of Rumors. It was very pleasant. Not as much snap crackle & pop as the Elton John vinyl. Then, I listened to same tracks on CD, all of side 1. Lastly, I started both sources at nominally the time and switched A/B between select song passages. Now I’m feeling better about vinyl. I can hear the difference between vinyl and CD, but I don’t really care. The vinyl sound very pleasing. If I were pressed to use an adjective, I’d say the bass is mellow. Yet, the vinyl did have the usual noise- an occasional pop and few snaps from record defects. The CD has higher output in the high frequencies with a very clean sound, that is no perceived noise during music passages. On CD the only noise I noticed was at the very end of “Songbird”, when the music stopped but the recording had not. I suspect that was tape hiss from the original master tapes.
100130 Sat: I played side 2 of Fleetwood Mac, Rumors. Today I made DIY record cleaner. I call it D3wi, Disc cleaner with 3 parts distilled water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol (91% CVS brand). Some people add a few drops of Kodak Photo-Flo, but today, I tried it without Photo-Flo. At first I could barely tell the vinyl from the CD. But then, I perceived that the CD high frequencies were louder than that of the vinyl. Again, for bass and midrange on the vinyl, the adjective “mellow” comes to mind. On the CD, near the end of “Gold Dust Woman” both the bass drum and the cymbals were noticeably louder and were more distinct. On the vinyl, the bass drum and the cymbals seemed to blend in with the rest of the music and was not as noticeable as it was on the CD.
The Phillips GA312/ Stanton 681 EEE turntable and cartridge seem to be working reasonably well. Further checks and tests are required to fully test the system. I will continue to listen to more of my vinyl collection.
In a double blind A/B psycho-acoustic controlled experiment, I suspect I could tell the difference between my “vinyl mode” and “CD mode”. But I’m not sure I really care. If I want to play vinyl, I’ll play vinyl. If I want to play CD, I’ll play CD.
02-01-2010, 08:16 AM
That's it? How about some details?!? Happy you bothered or a waste? I guess CD is your medium of choice?
Do you listen to Supertramp? If you want a good reason to get back into vinyl, play any remastered copy of Crime of the Century and then play an original LP of it.
Man, thats a fine album, I also just got into Little Feat. another fine group I completely ignored in the 70"s when I was a Jazz/Classical snob. . "TIme loves a Hero" is tasty.
Enjoying my vinyl more than ever. "Vintage presence" is what you get from the old stuff. I have a couple of very old Lambert Hendrix and Ross that literally transport me into the late 50's early 60's when I play them. You can see them perform, imagine the mocrophone set-up's in the studio, Currently on an analog binge.
02-01-2010, 01:51 PM
Man, thats a fine album, I also just got into Little Feat. another fine group I completely ignored in the 70"s when I was a Jazz/Classical snob. . "TIme loves a Hero" is tasty.
Enjoying my vinyl more than ever. "Vintage presence" is what you get from the old stuff. I have a couple of very old Lambert Hendrix and Ross that literally transport me into the late 50's early 60's when I play them. You can see them perform, imagine the mocrophone set-up's in the studio, Currently on an analog binge.
Last weekend, I listened to Supertramp, "Crime of the Century" on CD (THE SUPERTRAMP REMASTERS, A&M Records, 069 493 346-2). I don't think I have it on vinyl. It truely is a great album. I remember listining to it in my college dorm mates rooms. I never bought the vinyl because everybody else had it.
Hey, I just found a full bottle of "vintage" discwasher D4+ TM (red bottle, 6 fl. oz). It has a price tag of $8.95 on it. Interesting, is does say "D4+ TM", not "D4 TM" like on my original bottle of D4 (red bottle 1.25 fl. oz., now empty) that came with my discwasher brush. It's not the RCA branded D4+ (black bottle, at Rat Shack) that some on these forums disfavor. I'll give it a spin tonight. The smell has only a slight hint of alcohol. Not nearly as strong as my D3wi, 3 parts water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol.
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