moving, new rooms, new problems... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : moving, new rooms, new problems...

01-13-2010, 08:44 PM
So when spinning the wonderful world of vinyl in my new place i've noticed i'm getting more of a distorted lisp/hisp sound more often.

new electricity could present new problems. i was very careful in packing the TT for the move and handled all the equipment with care, but you know...for NorCal to SoCal is a long trip in the back of a u-haul truck.

my concern is the cartridge got messed up. I can't see how that happened, but is hearing more of this sound a sign of anything?

I'm getting some entry level PSAudio power conditioners in to test out, maybe that could be the issue. or maybe just more high frequencies bouncing off the walls in the new place.

I think i need to get to generate some pink noise on my laptop and use my cell phone to see the results of the noise on a freg graph.

01-13-2010, 09:42 PM
i guess what i'm gonna do is get a pink noise generator and sit in my spot and see what is going on with one of those frequencies graphing program on the phone.

from there, i'll most likely go out and buy some very thick curtains and work on putting some high frequency noise pads on the ceiling.

after that, i suppose, if i need to, make some bass traps.

just such a frustrating experience to go from a room i had figured out to a new room.

01-13-2010, 09:45 PM
What's at the point of the 1st reflection on the side walls? I once had an annoying little noise that as it turns out was only an unfortunately-placed TV set.

01-13-2010, 10:33 PM
hey 02noob -

Actually, I"ve got those busted MMGs that I use to deal with first reflections. I think the room itself needs major treatment.

I got a spectral analyzer on the phone and ran a 24000khz to 32hz sine wave off the laptop through the system and this is what i get. which leads to some questions.

i'll assume, the stuff circled in green is background noise.

the stuff in red, is that room reflections, or built up octaves?

I'm going to head to home depot and get some, or, some store, and get some curtain rails and then get some thick curtains to deaden the room. but i would love to get some professional or just opinions on what those little sparks are.

01-14-2010, 03:37 AM
Do you have an alignment protractor? I would check the TT set up before anything else. I highly doubt it's the power, or even the room, although the room could probably benefit from some absorbtion.

01-14-2010, 04:03 AM
I would check your vertical tracking force. In all that travel your counterweight may have moved enough for the VTF to have changed. I would rebalance the arm and reset VTF.

01-14-2010, 11:56 AM
I would check your vertical tracking force. In all that travel your counterweight may have moved enough for the VTF to have changed. I would rebalance the arm and reset VTF.

Hey John, I PM'd you a few days back. What? No time for the Chubbster? (sniffle)

01-14-2010, 12:07 PM
Hey John, I PM'd you a few days back. What? No time for the Chubbster? (sniffle)

Last PM from you was on 1/07 and I responded. I am spending a lot of time with my aunt who was in the car accident helping her and taking care of things that need to be done since her husband my uncle's death. Today I am at home on the computer but most time I have been using the I-phone to keep in touch with the world.

I may escape and run up your way for a good drunk. Good news is I found out I passed my state certification. I have been feeling certifiable.

Hugs and I will be sending some things North as soon as I have a free minute.

01-14-2010, 12:14 PM
Ahhh, very nice. I thought I sent you an additional message, after that one. Well anyhow, if you didn't get it, no worries. Situation is the same? You must be wearing out.

Wouldn't be a stretch for you to arrive in the true north. Problem is, drinking is about the only activity right now. Oh sorry, tobogganing and hockey, right.

Anyhow, congrats on the approval from the great state of Ohio. Take care buddy...

01-14-2010, 12:18 PM
Oh and I have been reading this book.

01-14-2010, 02:13 PM
Fabulous! hehe...

01-14-2010, 05:06 PM
hey guys - nice thread jacking! jerkfaces!

let us know how the book turns out. and i hope you hold out, tragic events of late everywhere. very humbling way to start 2010

01-14-2010, 06:00 PM
Jerkface wants to know if you have checked the VTF.

01-14-2010, 06:50 PM
Hey is that RouPaul??? I think thats his/her name.


01-14-2010, 06:53 PM
Yeah that is RuPaul....I thought he/she was dead.


01-14-2010, 06:55 PM
Ahhh, very nice. I thought I sent you an additional message, after that one. Well anyhow, if you didn't get it, no worries. Situation is the same? You must be wearing out.

Wouldn't be a stretch for you to arrive in the true north. Problem is, drinking is about the only activity right now. Oh sorry, tobogganing and hockey, right.

Anyhow, congrats on the approval from the great state of Ohio. Take care buddy...

what is tobogganing??? Is that like riding a sleigh?? Down in the south its wearing a skull cap.


01-14-2010, 07:19 PM
what is tobogganing??? Is that like riding a sleigh?? Down in the south its wearing a skull cap.


You ride a piece of molded plastic down the side of a snowy hill, wicked fun!

01-14-2010, 07:19 PM
Jerkface wants to know if you have checked the VTF.

No, not yet. No time. Will get to it Saturday.

BTW - PC - I know that setting a room will take time, and bass traps are not a much unless there are too many low end standing wave. I'm just more talking about a loose plan. But I guess 1st will be to move the speakers about the room without the spikes in place to see how it goes.

01-14-2010, 07:22 PM
No, not yet. No time. Will get to it Saturday.

BTW - PC - I know that setting a room will take time, and bass traps are not a much unless there are too many low end standing wave. I'm just more talking about a loose plan. But I guess 1st will be to move the speakers about the room without the spikes in place to see how it goes.

I'm just trying to save you undue grief/labour. Indeed, move the equipment first...

01-14-2010, 07:30 PM
what is tobogganing??? Is that like riding a sleigh?? Down in the south its wearing a skull cap.


In Ohio it involves riding down a hill on one of these. When there is snow of course. Oh is this off topic?

01-15-2010, 03:26 AM
In Ohio it involves riding down a hill on one of these. When there is snow of course. Oh is this off topic?

Is that what you guys use in Ohio? John that things a relic, you gotta get jiggy with the trends. This year inflatable are big, great for jumping off of ramps at the bottom of the hill. Oh ya, umm, solid state amps, something, something analog.

As exemplified in this photo, look at how much fun those kids are having. Actually, it doesn't even look like they're on a hill...

01-15-2010, 10:00 AM
My magic formula of choice for speaker placement is -

a - Space apart tweeter to tweeter equal to half room width
b - Distance from speaker front face to back wall 2 to 3 feet
c - Distance from center between speakers to ears 1.5 x horizontal separation
d - No toe in unless "c" can't be met

Give it a try. You'll be all, "He likes it! Hey Mikey"....Life cereal pop culture reference

01-18-2010, 07:19 PM
just not my week it seems.

the 12v adapter for my MoonLP3 just died. I sent them an email asking for a new one. Guess we'll find out how cool a company they are.

Funny though. I have another 12v adapter, from Creative, it has a longer plug part (silver round part that goes in the unit, and a much bigger part that goes on the outlet) and it sounded like crap. Tinny and just all messed up. So, can't use.


I'm enjoying my CD collection.

01-18-2010, 08:34 PM
So I'm trying a radical change of room design.

The Golden Triangle just wasn't cutting it. And moving the speakers around near those spots just wasn't doing it either. The middle just felt very faded and the left/right stereo imaging was just too large a field. Too much air in the music and not enough body. There was bass, and it was very detailed, in fact everything was detailed, it was just lacking substance.

So, I don't have an image yet, I've moved the speakers so they face the shorter length of the room, the width. Which, would now be the length, and the old length is now the width.

I got about one song played when the wife asked if we could have quiet time, otherwise known as, 'time to uses those $250 headphones you had to buy'. :incazzato:

Anyways, it sounded more of like what I wanted. bass was a little blurry, but soundstage felt better. left/right sounds didn't seem so far out of place. the middle beefed up a lot, and the lower end thickened up and had more body.

So I am going to play with this set up for a bit and see how it goes. I also took down all the foam on the walls. I'll see how that sounds next time.

01-18-2010, 09:45 PM
well - unfortunately none of that seemed to work. i'm starting to think just being a headphone hi-fi addict might be best.

01-18-2010, 11:06 PM
well - the closets i've got to what i want is a slight alteration in the Golden Triangle room set up. So i've gone back to that set up and I'll try again tomorrow to get them settled.

01-19-2010, 03:58 AM
Take a day off and then try again. The room needs some treatment Adam. Did you put the foam back up? If the walls are bare, stand in the center of the room and clap your hands together, really hard. Here that echo?

audio amateur
01-19-2010, 04:14 AM
Yeah, take some time out. Take it slow, don't get uptight about it

JoeE SP9
01-19-2010, 01:10 PM
You're right about room treatment PC. Placing some damping material at the first reflection points is important and significant. It could be the place to start.

01-19-2010, 03:56 PM
You're right about room treatment PC. Placing some damping material at the first reflection points is important and significant. It could be the place to start.
I use fake ficus trees for that. They work and possess high WAF. :)


01-19-2010, 09:17 PM
I use fake ficus trees for that. They work and possess high WAF. :)


LOL - Actually, wifie and I were at Target the other day and I was looking at some palm plants. This room does need more plant life.

01-19-2010, 09:47 PM
You're right about room treatment PC. Placing some damping material at the first reflection points is important and significant. It could be the place to start.

Just had the wife help with the FRP. I'll be able to test tomorrow. I set the speaker back up in the Golden Triangle position. My plan is to move in and back slowly if the image is too faded in the middle and if the bass doesn't seem to be sufficient.

01-20-2010, 03:42 PM
In Ohio it involves riding down a hill on one of these. When there is snow of course. Oh is this off topic?

In North Carolina and much of the south east this is a toboggan (


01-20-2010, 07:02 PM
Well, even with all the talk of winter past times. humm......:prrr:

I think I got it all set up.

Used the Golden Triangle method, blocked out the FRP on the sides and ceiling, and am sitting pretty close. I guess the correct distance.

I'm happy again. Almost like headphones but bigger.

Thanks for the help guys and putting up with my insanity over poor sound

01-20-2010, 08:39 PM
Well, even with all the talk of winter past times. humm......:prrr:

I think I got it all set up.

Used the Golden Triangle method, blocked out the FRP on the sides and ceiling, and am sitting pretty close. I guess the correct distance.

I'm happy again. Almost like headphones but bigger.

Thanks for the help guys and putting up with my insanity over poor sound

What!?! That's it?!? Hahahaha...aren't you glad you didn't kick the chair out from under yourself? Just funny after all that, the problem is fixed so easily. Well I for one am happy for you, I knew a solution existed.

BTW, the Golden Tube is ready. He figured out where the pop came from, and he found some head scratching work that someone had done to the amp. I imagine I'll pick it up by the weekend, I'll keep you posted...