Power Amplifier for Paradigm Studio 100... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-11-2010, 08:10 PM
Hi guys,
I am not getting good sound from my Paradigms Studio 100 V2 . I have them hooked up to my Yamaha RXV-800 reciever which doesn't drive them properly. I am thinking to add a power amplifier since the Yammi has main preout to do it. Do you think the benefits worth the money?? Does the sound quality is going to improve??? I was looking to Emotiva power amps. Not sure because I don't know them Any advice???

Thanks guys,

01-11-2010, 08:31 PM
A separate power amp and preamp are worth it. What is it that you don't like about the sound and what is your budget? If its too bright I would look for a warmer sounding amp instead of the Emotiva. I would consider B&K, NAD, Parasound, Van Alstine.

What CD player are you using?

Mr Peabody
01-11-2010, 09:03 PM
There are a couple guys here that use Emotiva amps with a Yamaha receiver and very satisfied with the result. You have a 30 day return window if you didn't like it with your gear..

I sold my Adcom gfa-5500, 200x2, to a guy who has older Studio 100's. He is biamping and using the 5500 on bass, it rocked the 100's. You can only find these used though, under $500.00.

I think you are on the right track though with adding the power. The guy that bought my 5500 was using a couple 50x2 NAD amps on the 100's. They drove them alright to a point but nothing like when the 5500 was in the line up.

01-11-2010, 09:26 PM
Hi guys,
I am not getting good sound from my Paradigms Studio 100 V2 . I have them hooked up to my Yamaha RXV-800 reciever which doesn't drive them properly. I am thinking to add a power amplifier since the Yammi has main preout to do it. Do you think the benefits worth the money?? Does the sound quality is going to improve??? I was looking to Emotiva power amps. Not sure because I don't know them Any advice???

Thanks guys,

If you want those Digms to open up, you've gotta feed them some power.

01-12-2010, 09:42 AM
If you want those Digms to open up, you've gotta feed them some power.

Yup yup, just from the specs alone one can tell that you need to feed 'em some power. Admittedly, my knowledge of the 100's is limited compared to some others here but I've noted marked differences in my own humble system by changing amps...cdp's too...any change of components will get you a change. More watts, more headroom (not necessarily volume)...all the better.

01-12-2010, 10:57 AM
I find the Studio 100 V2 bass drivers rigids. I am familiar with the Studio 100 V3 and find the bass drivers more flexibles. I believe the Studio V2 demand an amplifier with bigger damping factor to control the speakers properly and most HT recievers don't have it. My studio sounds good with the Yamaha receiver but I am not getting the sound they are able to delivery. The bass drivers are hard to move. I have never seen the bass driver moving with the Yammi even at loud levels.Time ago, I tested them with a Classe power amplifier and the Nad C-370 preamp, the sound was excellent in the bass and mid frequency region but the high was totally down. The Classe was totally lack of details. I have never own any Adcom power amp so I can not say how they are. I owned a Rotel 1070 and I wasn't happy with the sound either. I also had the Nad C-370 for a while and finally sold it. I am courious about Acurus and Parasound. Since I like slightly bright sound, it can not be a warm amp.

01-12-2010, 02:17 PM
Take a look at the Parasound Halo if you want great dampening. The A21's dampening is >1100 at 20Hz and the A23 is >800. However, dampening over 200 may have no audible effect. See this paper- http://www.silcom.com/~aludwig/Sysdes/Thiel_small_analysis.htm#Crossover_cable_effects

But the Parasounds have good dynamic headroom and high slew rates for what thats worth.

01-12-2010, 03:55 PM
I have Paradigm Studio 40's. When I ran them off my Adcom gear I found them just a tad too bright even for my liking. They sounded much better matched to my NAD amps, but at the expense of some detail. They sound a bit more laid back with my Yammie/Emotiva combo than the Adcom, but I find my Rotel integrated (1070) brings out a wee bit more detail without excess grain or fatigue, but doesn't have as great a midrange. None of these are apple-to-apple comparisons, but it can tell you one thing - Studio's are fussy at the top end in my opinion.

I wouldn't necessarily go looking for a warm amp to pair them with - if you like the Studios "warm" probably isn't your thing.

I'd put Emotiva's sound somewhere in between NAD and Adcom...it's a bit warm, without being overly dull or bloated like NAD in my opinion. Maybe Adcom is worth considering?