Hi from Europe [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Hi from Europe

12-15-2009, 05:44 AM
Hi Everyone
I'm new to the Forum. Here to exchange ideas and learn about hi fi...
See you soon.

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 09:43 AM
Cool. I'm usually In England or France. Welcome to AR

12-15-2009, 11:46 AM
Thank you! Me in France so not far at all!

12-15-2009, 12:14 PM
Alors Soavo, tell us a bit about yourself. What kind of system do you have, what you like or don't about it, what kind of music you like, etc.

aa, I thought you were en Suisse?

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 02:41 PM
aa, I thought you were en Suisse?
Well technically I live in France, however I'm right on the border with Geneva, which is in Suisse. I would tell you the name of the small French village that I live in but you'd be clueless:)
During term time though, I'm in England.

soavo, ou habites-tu?

12-15-2009, 03:20 PM
Try me, I've lived in France many years (albeit in the North) but I know my way around them French Departments. Been to Suisse a few times too (and not just for skiing, lol).

12-15-2009, 03:26 PM
Hey Nightflier,

My System:
Yamaha CD-S700
Yamaha A-S700
2 speakers : soavo2
turnetable : Rega P1
interconnects : Atlas Equator MK II
speaker cables : Atlas Equator 2.0

likes : retro look (Amp.), easy to the ears, smooth, clarity and balanced sound
dislikes : lack of punch and speed

I recently listened to a Magnum IA 170 and it was a big WoW!!!
But I haven't founded it in the market!! What a pity!!!

What kind of music do I like to hear?
Soul, Latin music, Jazz, Flamenco (Spanish guitar), Pop and Classic a litter bit.

And you? are you happy with your system?

12-15-2009, 03:46 PM
Suis à Perpignan
Do you know where this city is nightflier?

JoeE SP9
12-15-2009, 04:14 PM
Welcome aboard soavo!

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 04:20 PM
Try me, I've lived in France many years (albeit in the North) but I know my way around them French Departments. Been to Suisse a few times too (and not just for skiing, lol).
You're full of surprises, how is it you lived in France? The little village I live in is called Segny, about 15 mins from Geneva. Geneva is in a valley, between the Jura mountains (French), and the northern Alps mountains (both French and Swiss). It's quite a beautiful place to live.

12-15-2009, 04:30 PM
JoeE SP9 => thank U!!!
aa => j'habite à Perpignan. Tu connais, j'imagine!

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 04:42 PM
aa => j'habite à Perpignan. Tu connais, j'imagine!
A vrai dire je n'y ai jamais été, mais bien entendu je vois ou c'est. Comme je l'ai indiqué plus haut, je suis tout pres de Geneve, mais coté Francais.
Ton anglais est parfait, comment l'as tu appris? Mes parents sont anglophones de fait je suis parfaitement bilingue.
Ce forum est tres sympa, je t'encourage vivement dy rester. La plupart des membres sont americains, mais il y a quelques exceptions.
Si tu veux parler de quelque chose en particulier sur le forum, n'hesite pas a créer un nouveau 'thread' (je ne sais meme pas comment ca se dit en Francais!)

12-15-2009, 04:55 PM
A vrai dire je n'y ai jamais été, mais bien entendu je vois ou c'est. Comme je l'ai indiqué plus haut, je suis tout pres de Geneve, mais coté Francais.
Ton anglais est parfait, comment l'as tu appris? Mes parents sont anglophones de fait je suis parfaitement bilingue.
Ce forum est tres sympa, je t'encourage vivement dy rester. La plupart des membres sont americains, mais il y a quelques exceptions.
Si tu veux parler de quelque chose en particulier sur le forum, n'hesite pas a créer un nouveau 'thread' (je ne sais meme pas comment ca se dit en Francais!)
Thanks for jogging my memory! I can read le Francais far better than I can speak it. It would really be cool to be in an environment where I could use what little French I know.


12-15-2009, 05:00 PM
A vrai dire je n'y ai jamais été, mais bien entendu je vois ou c'est. Comme je l'ai indiqué plus haut, je suis tout pres de Geneve, mais coté Francais.
Ton anglais est parfait, comment l'as tu appris? Mes parents sont anglophones de fait je suis parfaitement bilingue.
Ce forum est tres sympa, je t'encourage vivement dy rester. La plupart des membres sont americains, mais il y a quelques exceptions.
Si tu veux parler de quelque chose en particulier sur le forum, n'hesite pas a créer un nouveau 'thread' (je ne sais meme pas comment ca se dit en Francais!)

thread=fil conducteur?! C'est ça?
j'ai appris l'anglais à Cuba (suis cubain) et avant de poster un message je fais une correction sur Internet.
Ta région c'est La Haute Savois, n'est-ce pas?! Je ne la connais pas... j'ai failli y aller l'été dernier!!!
Ce forum me plaît et je compte y rester un moment. Je pense y poser une question sur les amplis magnum ia 170 ou 200. tu connais?

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 05:00 PM
Thanks for jogging my memory! I can read le Francais far better than I can speak it. It would really be cool to be in an environment where I could use what little French I know.

Glad you like it.
I guess I could be your French 'mentor':)

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 05:04 PM
thread=fil conducteur?! C'est ça?

? Desole je n'ai pas compris.

j'ai appris l'anglais à Cuba (suis cubain) et avant de poster un message je fait une correction sur Internet.
Ta région c'est La Haute Savois, n'est-ce pas?! Je ne la connais pas... j'ai failli y aller l'été dernier!!!
Ce forum me plaît et je compte y rester un moment. Je pense y poser une question sur les amplis magnum ia 170 ou 200. tu connais?
Internet peut vraiment servir a tout!
Enfaite c'est juste au nord de la Haut-Savoie, j'habites dans l'Ain, mais c'est tout pres de la Haute-Savoie.

Pour les amplis, non je n'ai jamais entendu parler de Magnum. C'est Francais?

12-15-2009, 05:15 PM
'thread' (je ne sais meme pas comment ca se dit en Francais!)
tu m'avais dit ça et je t'ai repondu que thread voulait dire fil conducteur (dans un dialogue) ou sujet.
magnum audio c'est une marque anglaise

audio amateur
12-15-2009, 05:24 PM
tu m'avais dit ça et je t'ai repondu que thread voulait dire fil conducteur (dans un dialogue) ou sujet.
magnum audio c'est une marque anglaise
Ah pardon je sais pas pourquoi je n'ai pas compris c'etait pas bien compliqué a comprendre....
Un thread c'est la page qui est crée lorsqu'il y a une nouvelle discussion. Je sais pas si c'est fil conducteur en francais mais possible.

12-15-2009, 11:07 PM
Alons, alons, let's return to speaking in English so that we don't loose eveybody else. Even our Canadian contingent is getting bleary-eyed.

AA, when I was small I lived in a little town called Andresy, close to Saint Germain, for a little while. More recently, I did a Polybius-styled trek studying if the Petit Saint Bernard pass was the historical pass that Hannibal took to reach Italy - it was for a reasearch project and because I speak French, well that's where I ended up. That's also when I had some time to spend in Switzerland as I have friends who live there.

Soavo, I've never been to Perpigan (the closest was during a trip to Spain when we went through Andora), but I understand it's beautiful and historical, too. I imagine it's probably similar to Barcelona, and I really like it there - similar climate to what we have here in Southern California, so it should be nice. Pretty decent wines down there too.

Am I happy with my system? Well yes, athough my speakers take a lot of trial & error to set up properly, and I'm not sure I'm there yet. The rest of the system is still a work in progress: I'm trying to get it to be as simple as possible without giving up on the latest technologies like suround sound and BR. I'm also on a search for the most energy efficient and cool-running setup, while still maintaining a high level of sound quality. All this has not been easy, but I'm getting there.

12-16-2009, 09:13 AM
Alons, alons, let's return to speaking in English so that we don't loose eveybody else. Even our Canadian contingent is getting bleary-eyed.

That could be a good way to people to practice their French!!!

Soavo, I've never been to Perpigan (the closest was during a trip to Spain when we went through Andora), but I understand it's beautiful and historical, too. I imagine it's probably similar to Barcelona, and I really like it there - similar climate to what we have here in Southern California, so it should be nice. Pretty decent wines down there too.
We all think that before coming to Perpignan but once here you realise that the only point in common with Barcelona is that both are in Cataluña!
similar climate to what you have there in Southern California? Never been there, so I can't tell. In Barcelona the weather is better than in Perpignan and here we have one of the warmest climate of France but it is very windy. Thankfully we have good wine to drink at home went the wind blows!! :3:

Am I happy with my system? Well yes, athough my speakers take a lot of trial & error to set up properly, and I'm not sure I'm there yet. The rest of the system is still a work in progress: I'm trying to get it to be as simple as possible without giving up on the latest technologies like suround sound and BR. I'm also on a search for the most energy efficient and cool-running setup, while still maintaining a high level of sound quality. All this has not been easy, but I'm getting there.

What a task!!!! That's the way we say : Quel pragramme!! in English?
It sound interesting! Keep me posted on your research.

12-16-2009, 09:16 AM
AA How do you put 2 quotes in the same message?
I just tryed and didn't work!!!

audio amateur
12-16-2009, 10:05 AM
AA How do you put 2 quotes in the same message?
I just tryed and didn't work!!!
lol. you know how you have a quote thing at the beginning and the end of the text? well just make two more if you want to make a double quote. It takes a little editing but it's not hard at all.

audio amateur
12-16-2009, 10:24 AM
I didn't actually see your above post, you're simply missing the bracket ] at the end of the first quote thing.

12-16-2009, 12:23 PM
I didn't actually see your above post, you're simply missing the bracket ] at the end of the first quote thing.

I've got it!!! and I did 3 of them!!!:23:
I didn't realise I erased part of the script!!