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12-13-2009, 04:19 PM
...at Mr.Peabodys. The show was opened up with Alica Keys...Followed by Pat Metheny, Black Sabbath, Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush, a few others and ended with Robin Trower. I thought the CT6 sounded different from what I remember his other preamp sounded like. This was not as sweet as tubes. But not as a SS would sound either. I would say some where in the middle. What got my attention the most was when he fired up the first artist, Alecia Keys, it was a very good presentation as if I was in a music hall. It had depth as if I was really sitting in a live concert hall listening to Alica Keys. For tubes it also had a good bottom end thrust unlike tube but as a SS but not sounding like one...if that makes any sense. We also had a chance to switch out the Siltech Cables and put in the Analysis Plus cable. The A+ was not bad at all. While it lacked the highs and bottom end of the Siltech, they did seem to present a more midrange presentation than the Siltech, especially on vocals. The Analysis Plus cables are a warm cable giving a warm presentation. But to be fair you cant expect the A+ which was one of the lower priced A+ cables at $99 a meter to be better than a $300 cable from Siltech. I would love to see a more fair shootout with A+ and Siltech at the same price point. I learned three things from the shootout between the A+ and Siltech shootout.

(1) The Siltech or the Analysis Plus would be a very good choice for cables.

(2) Those who think there is no difference in cable are only depriving them selves of maximizing there system.

(3)Those who never buy cable thats comprable to their gear are also fooling themselves. Why buy $35 Blue Jean Cable (which is good cable) for a system with a $2000 amp and $2000 preamp. It makes no sense. My system is comparable to my $99 dollar cable. My cable is like magic in my system giving it very good highs, mids and bottoms. My system is about maxed out in what it can do and it sounds very good with the tweaks I've done and cables and speaker wire. But the Analysis Plus "Oval One" interconnects did not sound as good in Mr.Peabodys system as it did in mine...why? I believe Mr. Peabodys system which is a higher end system than mine, costing much more than mine will on benefit from more expensive Analysis Cable or a comparable cable on par with his system. So don't fool your self if you are using Blue Jean Cable or other good cable thats not up to par with the gear you have. I know we try to save money, but don't cut corners on cable. Maximize your system with good cable. I know if I move up the chain in gear, I will need to move up in cable as well. Now while Blue Jean Cable is good cable, do we really think its good enough to let all the technology put in very expensive amps, preamps and CDP's shine at its best? While Blue jean cable is good cable, I think its good for gear in its comparable range....I doubt its really made for a single piece of gear that's maybe $2000 and up. Not saying you got to spend a lots of money of expensive cables because some expensive cables are junk, but ask around and do the research for good cable that's good and comparable to your system.

So back to Mr.Peabodys new CT6...Its a beauty of a preamp, it has clarity, smoothness, a very good bottom end , great seperation, detail and air and well worth the money spent. You go Mr.Peabody! You have a very nice addition to your system. Once again enjoy and congrats.


Mr Peabody
12-13-2009, 09:18 PM
You forgot Paula Cole, Billy Cobham, Stanley Clarke & Eagles. Wouldn't want people to think we were just totally Rockin' out :) Were you convinced that turntables have potential to sound good?

12-14-2009, 12:49 AM
They where the "few others" that I didn't mention by name.

Oh yeah, TT's are great. Now you really got me thinking I need one. They are totally diffrent from what I remember of TT's back in the 80"s. Shoot....some of the albums you played really sounded as clear as a CD. Got my eyes set for a Music Hall MMF 5.1 now.
