View Full Version : All for Nothing??
11-22-2009, 03:37 PM
Well, I've finally achieved a small audio milestone today. I now have an excellent condition set of Dynaco A-25's!!
Problem is, I don't think these will pair very well with my tube amp that's coming. Such a shame. Anyhow they sound great!!! Might end up using them for the computer sound.
11-22-2009, 03:40 PM
A great pair of classic speakers, good job. I am sure you will find some way to enjoy them. Now hooked up to the never exploding Krell might be interesting.
11-22-2009, 03:45 PM
They arrived just as the power wars statred ramping up in the late 60's and, being an "aperidoic" Dynaco's word, not mine) design, they fall somewhere between an acoustic suspension and ported design. They do like a bit of power to tighten up the bass and bring out the best in them This is not to say that they play extremely loud or can suck up gobs of watts but they do like having power in reserve..
With sufficient power they can produce a nice, neutral sound, This may or may not jibe with your taste in music.
11-22-2009, 04:30 PM
Well, I've finally achieved a small audio milestone today. I now have an excellent condition set of Dynaco A-25's!!
Problem is, I don't think these will pair very well with my tube amp that's coming. Such a shame. Anyhow they sound great!!! Might end up using them for the computer sound.
Great! Really nice looking A25's. You'll enjoy them with the tube amp; remember they were developed in the day of the Dynaco Stereo 35 integrated and the Stereo 70 power amp.
Incidentally, A25s where my first hifi speaker back in the day. I drove mine with a Dynaco Stereo 80, (40 wpc), which was s/s however. My mother still has a pair of the smaller A10s I bought for her in the early '70s.
harley .guy07
11-22-2009, 05:52 PM
I would try them with the tube amp. feanor has a point, they were built by a company known for tube amps. They might just surprise you with your tube amp. Hell give it a shot and tell us how it sounds. if it does not work make them a vintage pair of speakers for your computer audio or put them in an extra room for brackground music or as a vintage show piece.
11-22-2009, 06:13 PM
Thanks for all the replies fellas. Well, not to say I won't try them with the Golden tube, but all of my research is pointing away from a speaker like the A25. As Mark pointed out, optimal sound is reached when they recieve alot of power. The GT needs efficiency at the ends of its cables. I have been narrowing down the options for the Golden Tube. I will keep an open slot for any concensus the Yahoo Golden Tube group may have.
Many roads lead to Klipsch, and the Heresy is legendary, I would prefer a vintage pair with 4 ohm efficency but the 8 will do also...
Also the well priced RB-61 are on huge blip on the radar...
I really want the Heresy's with the bigger woofer, easier to drive...
harley .guy07
11-22-2009, 06:26 PM
I had a friend with the Heresy's and he loved them. To me they were way to "in your face" sounding but he was using SS amplification(Adcom 5400) and I have never heard them with tubes so they might be a totally different dog with a tube amp. And I know they a super effecient because they did not even tax his Adcom at all. He eventually cahnged out the woofers after the origionals blew and I think he still has them in his garage to crank hard rock out of while he works on his harleys. Now for me I would give the RB series a more serious look since they have had many years to improve there designs. I am not huge into Klipsch but they are one of those brands you either love or you don't.
11-22-2009, 06:53 PM
harley, I've never so much as uttered the word Klipsch let alone been a fan. The simple fact is paired with a tube amp, their speakers are perfect. Well you know what I mean by "perfect". 40 watts of super clean tube power will have these things sounding great. The tube amp is the one thing that can tame the infamous Klipsch horns.
I think this is why they get such a crumby rep, people don't pair them correctly and they end up sounding like crap. The Heresy however is in a class of it's own. IMO it's a name by itself, without the Klipsch badge. People know Heresy without even knowing that Klipsch make them.
Thanks for the tip on the RB series. 02audionoob made the recommendation, it was one of the first I got and I seem to keep coming back to it. They are priced great, nice size and style. I am going with a dedicated analog system for this tube amp, just my turntable with an upgrade to follow. The RB will give it this almost mini, small and mighty quality that I really dig.
Dudes would look at it and shrug.
(While chewing gum really obnoxiously) "Ya? So? What's so special about that?"
"Well, let me show you"...I would reply as I turn on the power...
As the system plays the most amazing sounds he's ever heard, his face begins to melt, as does the rest of his head. As panic takes over, he reaches for his face but its too late. When the song is complete, his body slumps to the ground, his neck oozing what's left of his completely melted brain.
"MMMMhwwhahahahahhaha...told you it was good sucka!!"
harley .guy07
11-22-2009, 07:21 PM
Like I said I have heard tube amps with several speakers but not klipsch. I might like them with a good tube amp, not sure. but I do know that until know I havent heard them with a setup that made me like them yet but I have heard speakers before that i did not like with one setup and when I switched out the amp,preamp, or cd player they came alive and I liked them. So I guess its possible.
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