09-22-2009, 03:32 PM
Did anyone even notice that Zelaya is back in Tegucigalpa? If you're asking: "who is wha'?", then it's time you stopped watching Fox news. If this isn't acknowledged by Obama & co., in one way or another, this is going to be one heck of a situation.
Basically it calls into question our whole Latin-America-is-our-backyard foreign policy of the last 50 years. The Obama administration has been playing hot potato with the coup and hoping that its close ties to Dole & Chiquita won't be front-page news. Funny thing is, the rest of the world (pretty much everyone but the "Coalition of the Willing" gang) is already making it so, and only here in the US, is there almost a complete media black out on the subject. If this situation turns ugly (not that it hasn't already started to), this could be one hell of a powder-keg pitting the US (& Canada) against all of Latin America. With our economy teetering on the wrong edge of recovery and our military solidly busy encircling Iran, that could become a very unfortunate geopolitical situation for us.
If Brazil picks the other side (which it looks like they are doing), it's going to be even worse.
Basically it calls into question our whole Latin-America-is-our-backyard foreign policy of the last 50 years. The Obama administration has been playing hot potato with the coup and hoping that its close ties to Dole & Chiquita won't be front-page news. Funny thing is, the rest of the world (pretty much everyone but the "Coalition of the Willing" gang) is already making it so, and only here in the US, is there almost a complete media black out on the subject. If this situation turns ugly (not that it hasn't already started to), this could be one hell of a powder-keg pitting the US (& Canada) against all of Latin America. With our economy teetering on the wrong edge of recovery and our military solidly busy encircling Iran, that could become a very unfortunate geopolitical situation for us.
If Brazil picks the other side (which it looks like they are doing), it's going to be even worse.