Best 5.1 Speakers On Budget!LogitechX-520 VS Creative Inspire T6100 HELP! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Best 5.1 Speakers On Budget!LogitechX-520 VS Creative Inspire T6100 HELP!

09-21-2009, 10:52 AM
Hi :4: :16: :16: :16: :4:
I am considering these 2 sets of speakers FOR MY PC! :D
Creative Inspire T6100 Speakers

Logitech X-530 PC Multimedia Home Theatre Speaker System
Which is better and i am on a budget of £100 and cheaper!
Advise please!!

Suggestions would be Greatly Received!!


10-08-2009, 11:05 AM
Creative is always better on similar product line than Logitech...and the T series is also fine, but Creative was better when they worked with ambridge Soundworks...For example the good product of Creative are Inspire 5200 and 5700 digital...and stay away from SBS series...and whole Logitech products except mices...