Site Newbie [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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11-23-2003, 09:23 AM
ROFL - this is the third major overhaul I've seen this place go through.

This place is nearing MJ's "Reconstruction" record.

Site Newbie - LOL!!!!

The changes definitely appear to be for the better.

Bravo to the administrators!!!!

Too bad it necessitated a full "Brain Dump" of the past......after sifting out the trolls and flame wars, there was a lot of good information lost.....especially in the DIY forum.

Cheers to the new regime!!!!

(I want my stripes back)

karl k
11-25-2003, 08:25 PM
Good to hear from ya man! MJ's Reconstruction.. I like that. :D Looking forward to kickin it with you again(at the DIY)

Site Newbie... Consider it being born again! LOL (picturing your face on a babies body holding a glass of wine and a cigar)

I'm slowly getting use to the new changes and options but will probably act stupid for a while longer before I get it down.

Here's to getting your stripes back and getting my stars soon! :p