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View Full Version : Eric Von Schmidt

Bill K Davis
08-23-2009, 04:04 PM
I have an album called Psychedelic Hits,which I thought would be like Hendrix(I was a kid ,21). Instead it was a weird collection of folkie types singing of drug experiences. It was an eye opener and fun. Holy Modal Rounders, Dave Von Ronk,and Eric Von Schmidt singing :Junko Partner,Acne,and Edward Teller. Now as an oldster,I'm tracking down Von Schmidt and I can't find the 2 albums he made in about '63,anywhere. They are" Eric Sings Von Schmidt" and "Folk Blues of Eric Von Schmidt". I would take a cd or even a cassette off fm. Nothing on ebay or even Gemm. Are his later albums any good? He combined good music with a great humorous touch.He died about 3 years ago.