View Full Version : Latest Vintage pick up.. $4 speakers
08-23-2009, 03:28 AM
Need another pair of speakers like the Sahara needs sand but for $4 for the pair I could not walk away........
RS speakers of this era were not too bad and these sound very good though I question if they are the original drivers. Both woofer and tweeter are in excellent condition and have treated cloth surrounds that will never need replacing. Tweeter is not like anything I have seen with the unusual cup attached to it. Cabinets are beat with some veneer chipped off in places but with a little Restor-A-Finish should clean up okay.
08-23-2009, 09:08 AM
I love you like a bro... bro! You're a man's man, a man after my own heart... But I'm a startin to get worried about you a bit. You CAN'T take home every stray set of speakers you see!!!! You're startin' to wander into "crazy ole cat lady" territory. Authorities will bust into your house because the neighbors complained of an awful odor. They'll find you buried beneath a stack of vintage speak... your body reeking of solder.... Sniff...
Wake up man before it's too late!!!!!
Da Worfster :out: :yikes:
Mr Peabody
08-23-2009, 11:56 AM
If you could part with a decent set maybe shoot Freewilis dead a deal, he has a pair of Mach One's he doesn't seem to have the power to drive and some buyer's remorse. At least you would know you used them for a good deed and a fellow AR member :)
I have a friend who listens to music a lot and really don't work and have the money to spend on a system, I broke down and sold him my Sansui for a fraction of what it's worth. I did ask for the understanding if he ever wanted to sell it I could get it back for what he paid. When he heard it he was pretty excited. All he has for CD though is a JVC 5 disc changer. I wish I could find a good player cheap, doesn't every one? :) I need to call him to see how that worked out.
Rudy Gireyev
08-23-2009, 01:56 PM
I love you like a bro... bro! You're a man's man, a man after my own heart... But I'm a startin to get worried about you a bit. You CAN'T take home every stray set of speakers you see!!!! You're startin' to wander into "crazy ole cat lady" territory. Authorities will bust into your house because the neighbors complained of an awful odor. They'll find you buried beneath a stack of vintage speak... your body reeking of solder.... Sniff...
Wake up man before it's too late!!!!!
Da Worfster :out: :yikes:
:) +1 :)
Scary how this thing sweeps us up and carries us away.
08-23-2009, 04:11 PM
I thought i was bad.:biggrin5: ...I need to show this to my wife so she knows i'm not the craziest speaker junkie
08-23-2009, 05:05 PM
I love you like a bro... bro! You're a man's man, a man after my own heart... But I'm a startin to get worried about you a bit. You CAN'T take home every stray set of speakers you see!!!! You're startin' to wander into "crazy ole cat lady" territory. Authorities will bust into your house because the neighbors complained of an awful odor. They'll find you buried beneath a stack of vintage speak... your body reeking of solder.... Sniff...
Wake up man before it's too late!!!!!
Da Worfster :out: :yikes:
Thanks Bro!
I know you are looking out for me and have my back!
When I come to in the hospital I know it will be you standing over me asking for those EPI's........ :D
Should I also mention here that I picked up a Kenwood Basic M1 ($50) and a vintage Kenwood KR-70 ($8)........ :idea:
Mr. P your suggestion is admirable and I think you did a great thing helping some one out with your Sansui. I do have some gear/speakers that I need to unload so if any AR member within a reasonable distance of VB VA wants to PM me we can talk.
JoeE SP9
08-23-2009, 05:34 PM
If you could part with a decent set maybe shoot Freewilis dead a deal, he has a pair of Mach One's he doesn't seem to have the power to drive and some buyer's remorse. At least you would know you used them for a good deed and a fellow AR member :)
I have a friend who listens to music a lot and really don't work and have the money to spend on a system, I broke down and sold him my Sansui for a fraction of what it's worth. I did ask for the understanding if he ever wanted to sell it I could get it back for what he paid. When he heard it he was pretty excited. All he has for CD though is a JVC 5 disc changer. I wish I could find a good player cheap, doesn't every one? :) I need to call him to see how that worked out.
How about a $40 DVD player and the ART DI/O at $130. The ART has a very high output level and needs it dropped. The link below tells how to do it with just 2 resistors in the cable.
Mr Peabody
08-23-2009, 07:36 PM
How many Basic amps are you up to now?
08-23-2009, 07:56 PM
How many Basic amps are you up to now?
3 The M1D and 2 M1's (see what you started... :D ) but one of the M1 has problems with the right channel. The one I picked up today was in excelllent condition. Picked it up off of E-Bay from a local seller from whom I had also scored a Basic T-1 Tuner earlier in the week. The tuner is no great shakes but I thought it might be neat to have a complete set. In addition to the Basic amps I have 2 C-1 pre-amps and a C-2 pre-amp. I'd like to say I am done but if I see an M2 for cheap I probably will nab it. I also have 3 KM amps that are kissing cousins to the Basic amps. They seem to sell well on the Bay so might be moving them except for the KM-209 which is a beast.
08-24-2009, 03:44 AM
Thanks Bro!
I know you are looking out for me and have my back!
When I come to in the hospital I know it will be you standing over me asking for those EPI's........ :D
Should I also mention here that I picked up a Kenwood Basic M1 ($50) and a vintage Kenwood KR-70 ($8)........ :idea:
Moi, attempt to profit from a friends "misfortune"... never... errr... How many EPI's you got now?
Da Worfster
08-25-2009, 02:43 AM
Moi, attempt to profit from a friends "misfortune"... never... errr... How many EPI's you got now?
Da Worfster
Just the one but I will make sure I change my Will to make sure they go to you... :thumbsup:
I finally got some woofers in there and they sound great.
While they are cousins to the Genesis 1's I have to give the nod to the EPI's.
I am debating whether to move out the KLH-17's in the main line up and put the EPI's in there.
08-25-2009, 04:14 AM
I've been using floorstanders as my mains for a while now. I'm currently running ADS 1290's as my mains. But if I ever need to downsize, I've a pair of modded Epicure 14's that are simply flat out the most beautiful sounding and refined bookshelf speakers I've ever owned, heaviest too... You're lucky you can swap out as easy as you do, not that easy for me.
Da Worfster
08-25-2009, 06:08 PM
I am glad to hear you are liking the ADS. Even though I am flush with speakers and as this post demonstrates still can not resist taking home the occasional stray I'd love to get my hands on a pair of ADS basd on their reputation.
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