Pink Floyd's The Wall sync WALL-E [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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07-23-2009, 09:31 PM
dont know if this has been posted before but...

yes we know about over the rainbow - but here is a new one -

i thought it was pretty lame until the compacted trash came out.

watch the video


07-24-2009, 03:41 AM
Hmmm...I'm going to take my Little Mermaid soundtrack and listen to it while watching The Wall next...wouldn't that be something...

07-24-2009, 05:40 AM
Thanks for posting that Adam. You know what I find really amazing? That someone has enough time on their hands to figure that out. I've got to wonder how many hours this guy spent trying to figure out what songs might match and the exact second to start the music.

Kex, I'd like to see The Little Mermaid matched up with something a little heavier. The Little Mermaid matched up to Sabbath Bloody Sabbath maybe? LOL

07-24-2009, 08:35 AM
Here's the other thing about this, and the Dark side of the Oz, and others.

When I was a teenager we'd get totally baked and put random TV on while we played albums. Every night we'd get stuff to sync. Every night. It was a riot, we had a lot of fun doing that. We learned that a lot of things will sync, especially instrumental music and films with lots of striking visuals. That first 20 minutes of Wall•E has NO dialog, so it's an ideal candidate for this kind of thing.

How "deep" or "perfect" it was depended on how high you were, I suppose.

The point of all this being, this kind of thing just isn't that big a deal.

07-24-2009, 08:41 AM
I find it hard to find the time to simply watch an entire movie, let alone sync it to any music. Of course, a lot of guys I knew in the Navy could watch a film like this for days on end...I'm sure the mind starts to drift after a while. Of course, how much synergy do you need when you're dropping acid? Pink Floyd would sync with Little House On The Prarie on the right kind of dope.

07-24-2009, 09:07 AM
Here's the other thing about this, and the Dark side of the Oz, and others.

When I was a teenager we'd get totally baked and put random TV on while we played albums. Every night we'd get stuff to sync. Every night. It was a riot, we had a lot of fun doing that. We learned that a lot of things will sync, especially instrumental music and films with lots of striking visuals. That first 20 minutes of Wall•E has NO dialog, so it's an ideal candidate for this kind of thing.

How "deep" or "perfect" it was depended on how high you were, I suppose.

The point of all this being, this kind of thing just isn't that big a deal.
Yeah, very good point. The fun of this kind of thing wore off as soon as the high did. The dope must have been better back in the 70's cause I could never get through more than a few minutes of DSOTM and Oz anyway. Zzzzzz.

07-24-2009, 09:54 AM
We were a little more "high brow"....DSOM and the McNeil Lehrer Report.

Followed up with T.J. Hooker, of course! :)

07-24-2009, 10:21 AM
Pink Floyd would sync with Little House On The Prarie on the right kind of dope.

You'd have to be on some good dope to be watching Little House on the Prairie. :lol:

Speaking of bad (I'm sure it will be) musicals (from the FaveFilms forum). We're going to see Little House on the Prairie, the Musical some time next year. It's even starring the woman who played Laura Ingles on the TV show as the Mother. When you buy a theatre subscription, it's amazing the kind of **** you'll sit through. :nonod:

But now I'm thinking that I could just take my iPod and see if I can get it to match Wish You Were Here. :cornut:

07-24-2009, 10:32 AM
We're going to see Little House on the Prairie, the Musical some time next year.

Its ironic in a way, that when Mel Brooks cooked up the plot for The Producers, he was being completely sarcastic when he came up with the Springtime For Hitler review, meaning it to be intentionally'd figure everybody who saw that got the joke. Look at the musicals that have sprung up over the last decade or Mel looks prophetic.