So, I need to sell off my speakers - how much are they worth? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : So, I need to sell off my speakers - how much are they worth?

07-21-2009, 06:45 AM
I have a pair of Cliffhanger Audio Bulldogs I'd like to sell, but I'm not sure how much to ask for them.

They're in good condition overall, and work beautifully. How much should I ask?

07-21-2009, 07:20 AM
I see the list price was $3700 US. How old are they? What did you pay for them?

How many people ever heard of them? I didn't until I looked at your links.

I can tell you now, selling unknown gear is pretty hard today. I have been trying to sell a pair of Clearfield Continental speakers for a while. They are actually Von Schweikert's when he worked for Conterpoint. They were $3500 new and I can't get a hit for $600 and they are killer speakers.

I was just able to sell an $800 Sound Valves Tube Pre amp for $250 within a month only because you can't get a tube pre any good for close to that money.

What country are you in?

that one guy
01-15-2013, 05:36 AM
i have 2 1/2 in sony car speakers, 2 6/9 in car speakers and 2 12 in kicker subs how much are they worth