Help me find an amp--- with VU meters. [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Help me find an amp--- with VU meters.

06-28-2009, 05:29 PM
I'm a very budget-minded audio enthusiast. I don't want to call myself a true audiophile.

I'm trying to piece together a system of separates. I think i have settled on an outlaw 990 Pre-Pro, but an amp still eludes me. Im trying to find something with VU meters as the title states. I like the Carvers, but all the models im looking for seem old and i'm having trouble sourcing them in good shape. Of course the Mcintosh has got to be (what i think) is the prettiest front plate, but pretty much out of my price range.

Please don't scoff at my request shopping for amplifiers based on looks not sound. I have come to the conclusion that in the price range im looking (1-2K) all amps are pretty darn good, and its really a matter of taste as to which one is "better".

Anyone have suggestions? Im looking for about 200wpc, but of course am very flexible. 2 channel amps are ok, as are 5...

07-01-2009, 04:34 PM
While I would think that the Carver's ( M-500t, Silver 7 / 9 mono blocks, TFM 35/45 ) would be your best bet, you may also want to check out some of the "Classics"! Almost all of the older Hi / Mid Fi companies made a power amp with meters. Some of these are rare and you will find yourself in a bidding war if you can even locate one.

Pioneer Spec 2
Technics A5000- A Hi-End looking classic design ( Very large white Meters )
Onkyo Integra - ( M504 / 588 ) The amps look fantastic at night ( Big Mac Blue Meters! ) This would be my first choice if you are wanting the kind of look and not wanting to drop a great deal of money.
Sansui BA Series
Kenwood and Denon both made some very large amps with the power meters. These are very rare in the open market and you can expect to pay "OMG PRICES".

If you have set your mind on a Carver, there are thousands out there and you will, in time, find a clean example. Along with Ebay, you can also try Audiogon and Videogon.

Good Luck with your choice!

07-02-2009, 09:10 AM
Hey Thanks,

I have been sticking with the search but have not found anything exciting. You have given me some models to try and chase and ill do just that. Ill keep my nose in the used market. Im also hoping that someone will chime in with one of those internet direct brands that may have meters.

Im afraid that my first message came off a little "rude". Given that all else is nearly equal i will chose an amp with meters over one without. Im not going to run after a 1960s Kenwood amplifier and pay $1000 over list just because it has meters... The meter thing was my way of narrowing down my amplifier search. Thats

I am disappointed that the manufacturers have gone away from VU and power meters on the amplifiers. I like the clean look too, but for me, the bouncing indicators really tops the cake.

07-02-2009, 06:28 PM
You want meters, I'll give you meters... Yay for meters! (

07-02-2009, 06:45 PM
How about this Emotiva amp with digital meters

or this 5ch

07-03-2009, 10:36 AM
You want meters, I'll give you meters... Yay for meters!


I hate being lower middle income. :-/

How about this Emotiva amp with digital meters

Emotive is really high on my list. And that may be the closest i can get to the meters i want at the price i can pay.

07-03-2009, 11:21 AM
Check this 'un out, Lapdancer! It's live, from Minneapolis.

Also look out for good deals on Proton amps....

Luvin Da Blues
07-03-2009, 12:58 PM
Check this 'un out, Lapdancer! It's live, from Minneapolis.

Also look out for good deals on Proton amps....

Uhmmm, I'm thinkin' ya wanted to attach a web addy not a email addy??? Ya spending too much time with the farm animals and not payin' attention to the task at hand, Auric?

07-04-2009, 02:47 PM
If you spend time with the animals, there ain't no reason to pay much attention to the task at hand, now is there??

Luvin Da Blues
07-04-2009, 09:11 PM
If you spend time with the animals, there ain't no reason to pay much attention to the task at hand, now is there??

Good thing Miss Palmer isn't the jealous type.

07-05-2009, 12:41 PM
Well, me and Rosie have an "understanding"....

07-07-2009, 11:34 AM
Im trying to find something with VU meters as the title states.
Would LED ladders suffice? I've owned one of these Threshold amps for 28 years. Not affiliated with sellers...

Stasis 3 ($620-ship)


07-07-2009, 11:46 AM
How about this Emotiva amp with digital meters
They would have been a bit more useful if they were arranged vertically. I find the ones on the Stasis helpful for setting gain levels in the garage system since there are separate left and right volume controls on the DAC.


07-07-2009, 05:36 PM
I have this amp on my radar and thought I would share the info.

Search for Reference Amplifier A500. Professional 500-Watt Reference-Class Studio Power Amplifer.

I think the price in the USA market is $299.00 each. However, unit does not have UV meters...check it out though as it does have precise level indicator meters and clipping indicator.


Glen B
07-07-2009, 07:28 PM
I am disappointed that the manufacturers have gone away from VU and power meters on the amplifiers.

That's because they've wised up and now prefer to put the money into things that contribute to performance versus useless bells and whistles. As I responded to your post on this same topic at AVS Forums, most meters are too inaccurate to be of any real use, and are little more than visual entertainment, the novelty of which wears off quickly. Meters are calibrated to a specific load, usually 8 ohms. However, speaker impedance varies with frequency, so the meter readings are going to be off the mark in keeping with these variations.

07-08-2009, 11:04 AM
If you want meter's and a cool looking amp, you should consider buying a vintage McIntosh amp. Many of the older Mac's hold up well against todays amps.