View Full Version : Living right.. Marantz 2245 and KLH 5
06-28-2009, 04:04 PM
A pair of KLH 5's had been sitting w/o any takers on CL for awhile so I contacted the owner and asked if he was interested in a gear swap. After several e-mails and a phone call the owner agrees to stop by and see if anything in my garage interests him and BTW he is going to bring by a Marantz 2245 that he has been unable to sell on CL due to several no shows.
Long story short he settles on my TK-250 and Kenwood KT-7500 tuner and we swap straight up for his Marantz 2245 and KLH 5 speakers. He likes the TK amps and he already has several Marantz 22XX series receivers so we both got something we wanted.
I really do think with the addition of the Marantz I have topped out on the vintage gear but I guess you never say never and the next great find is always around the corner......
06-28-2009, 04:56 PM
Have you had a chance to listen to the Marantz, yet?
06-28-2009, 05:16 PM
Have you had a chance to listen to the Marantz, yet?
Yes....... :15: :15: :15:
I am using it to drive the KLH 5's and putting it through its paces with some classical music. Very nice well balanced sounding piece. I certainly can understand the buzz I have heard about the Marantz 22XX series. This one is 45 WPC which is plenty enough power for the older speakers I listen to in my 2-channel set-up
06-28-2009, 05:58 PM
Yes....... :15: :15: :15:
I have using it to drive the KLH 5's and putting it through its paces with some classical music. Very nice well balanced sounding piece. I certainly can understand the buzz I have heard about the Marantz 22XX series. This one is 45 WPC which is plenty enough power for the older speakers I listen to in my 2-channel set-up
I have one, too, and lately I've been listening to it quite a bit. It was in semi-retirement for a while. It just sat there politely while I gave my relatively new integrated all the playing time.
06-30-2009, 03:32 PM
I have one, too, and lately I've been listening to it quite a bit. It was in semi-retirement for a while. It just sat there politely while I gave my relatively new integrated all the playing time.
Any chance you have a copy of the owner's manual you send my way??
It has been a couple of days now and I really like the looks of this piece and the SQ. I will probably spend most of the night reorganizing my two-channel shelf to make room for it. Probably move one of the Kenwood amps out to the garage and just go with the Marantz, Luxman R-1050 and the Sansui AU-505/TU-515 combo for the 2-channel. They will be powering the KLH-17's, KLH-5's and the Large Advents. Though I might see how my Marantz Imperial 5's sound on the Marantz. It might be cool to have an all Marantz set-up but I don't think the SQ of the Imperials are up to the level of the others.
06-30-2009, 05:35 PM
Any chance you have a copy of the owner's manual you send my way??
I don't have an owner's manual for mine, either. Are you looking for something in particular that would be in it?
06-30-2009, 07:29 PM
No not really, I just like to try and get manuals when I can for the older gear. Those on-line sites that sell the manuals often charge more for the manual that I paid for the gear.......... :)
Go here
Create an account and get your manuals
07-01-2009, 03:27 PM
Go here
Create an account and get your manuals
Those are actually a schematic diagram and a service manual, rather than an owner's manual.
07-04-2009, 01:40 PM
I did the same thing on a receiver i was watching on my local craigs list. The receiver had not sold in 2 weeks and the owner was aggrevated that he hadnt sold it so i picked it up for 100.00 a kenwood kr-9600 that is in pristine condition.
07-04-2009, 02:50 PM
I did the same thing on a receiver i was watching on my local craigs list. The receiver had not sold in 2 weeks and the owner was aggrevated that he hadnt sold it so i picked it up for 100.00 a kenwood kr-9600 that is in pristine condition.
Despite the blurry picture I can see that is a nice piece!
Welcome to AR!!
07-06-2009, 04:05 AM
I thought I'd mention a thing or two about the KLH-5 speaker. It was introduced in 1967 as a KLH alternative to the popular AR-3. The AR-3 customarily sold discounted for $180 each, and the "fair-traded" price of the KLH-5 was the same. The AR-3, despite its critical acclaim, wasn't popular amongst retailers for two reasons: most of us just didn't like the speaker very much, feeling it was much too restrained and lackluster, and secondly, no one could ever make any money selling it. The KLH-5 was an answer to both of those problems.
At the time, KLH's best loudspeaker (with customary drivers, as opposed to the electrostatic elements of the KLH-9) was the KLH-12. The 12 was a decent sounding speaker, but fairly large floorstanding unit. The KLH-5 used the same elements of the 12, but in a smaller "bookshelf" enclosure.
Personally, I found the 5 to have a bit much in the midrange section if the speaker were placed up on a shelf, but found it quite likeable when placed on or near the floor. I actually preferred (and purchased for myself) the less expensive KLH-6 model, at a salesmans' accommodation discounted price off a "fair-traded list of $134 each. That was all way, way back in 1968, and I'd be curious as to what I'd think of either speaker today.
07-06-2009, 05:48 AM
I thought I'd mention a thing or two about the KLH-5 speaker. It was introduced in 1967 as a KLH alternative to the popular AR-3. The AR-3 customarily sold discounted for $180 each, and the "fair-traded" price of the KLH-5 was the same. The AR-3, despite its critical acclaim, wasn't popular amongst retailers for two reasons: most of us just didn't like the speaker very much, feeling it was much too restrained and lackluster, and secondly, no one could ever make any money selling it. The KLH-5 was an answer to both of those problems.
At the time, KLH's best loudspeaker (with customary drivers, as opposed to the electrostatic elements of the KLH-9) was the KLH-12. The 12 was a decent sounding speaker, but fairly large floorstanding unit. The KLH-5 used the same elements of the 12, but in a smaller "bookshelf" enclosure.
Personally, I found the 5 to have a bit much in the midrange section if the speaker were placed up on a shelf, but found it quite likeable when placed on or near the floor. I actually preferred (and purchased for myself) the less expensive KLH-6 model, at a salesmans' accommodation discounted price off a "fair-traded list of $134 each. That was all way, way back in 1968, and I'd be curious as to what I'd think of either speaker today.
Thanks for the history lesson. I am guessing that the 5's sold only slightly better than the AR-3's given the dearth of info on the web about them. I can't think of the last time I read a thread on the 12's but it will be something to keep an eye out for when making the rounds.
I think you are probably right regarding the mids but after some EQ work I have them producing a very nice sound. I will admit i don't think they produce quite the bass that my Large Advents have but it is still there. I currently have them sitting on top of the OLA's so maybe based on your advice I will switch them around.
I see you are just "down the coast" from me so if you ever find yourself in the VB area of VA you are always welcome to stop by and give them a listen........ :)
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