Wednesday song o' the day thread. [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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05-27-2009, 09:21 AM
Yeah, I know this isn't a regular thread/post, but I felt like doing one anyhoot. On the way to The Shins show a couple Saturdays ago, my friend and driver played a bunch of comps he made and included one tune I hadn't heard in eons. It was by Cuts You Up by Peter Murphy, doing his best Bowie imitation. I didn't realize this song, from his 1990 cd 'Deep', became the American modern rock hit of the year, spending seven weeks at the top of the U.S. Modern Rock charts and crossing over to Album-oriented rock radio (#10) and the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart (#55). Following its success, Deep reached number 44 on the U.S. Billboard 200 album chart. Not that I care about such statistics, but it is truly a great rock song.

I find you in the morning
After dreams of distant signs
You pour yourself over me
like the sun through the blinds

You know the way, It throws about
It takes you in and spits you out

Anybody else got a song 'o the day?

05-27-2009, 09:55 AM
k.d. lang's version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. I was listening to this on the drive home from work yesterday. It was the only song that I listened to (on repeat) during my 20 minute drive. In the right mood this version can move me to tears, she sings it so beautifully.

Hubby and I have had many discussions about whose version of this song is better, lang's or Jeff Buckley's. Lang wins hands down IMO. Its not even a competition.

05-27-2009, 10:07 AM
Had some Ventilator Blues bangin my head this morning from a great sounding Califone live show that featured a 7-song Stones tribute. All dirty + good. FLAC downloads available at ... or mp3 at all the usual places.

Or just the one song ...

05-27-2009, 10:54 AM
I took a couple of days holiday to get some things done around the domicile and do some legwork for the September Chicago it turns out, very little of that has happened. On the other hand, some great tunes have been spinning over the last few, and as I have yet to make it back to my local for a replenishment of tunes it's been a litany of the old stuff; revisiting the joys of the past...

Song of the day, you ask? Big Blue Diamonds off the Pay The Devil album...

Finch Platte
05-27-2009, 11:41 AM
Pretty much any song that would go with this:

05-27-2009, 11:44 AM
You bastard...that's terrifying...

05-27-2009, 11:58 AM
Pretty much any song that would go with this:

I think you should see a doctor about that. :shocked:

Finch Platte
05-27-2009, 12:27 PM
You bastard...that's terrifying...

What, you don't like sausage?? :shocked:

05-27-2009, 01:07 PM
Gawd, Finch! You just ain't right, boi!

Me, I've been goin' to church, lately....Gots to restore my tired self!

05-27-2009, 01:50 PM
Had some Ventilator Blues bangin my head this morning from a great sounding Califone live show that featured a 7-song Stones tribute. All dirty + good. FLAC downloads available at ... or mp3 at all the usual places.

Or just the one song ...

...burnin' a copy tonight.

Grassy a<a>ss senior.

05-28-2009, 06:44 AM
Angola by Ray Davies off the Working Man's Cafe album.

Davies has always been a good storyteller, and this whole album shows that. Angola song is one of those compelling first person tales about 'being on the wrong side of the law', which can that can stick with you long after you hear it. Davies' ability to place himself in the shoes of his subject is comparable to Robbie Robertson, another foreignor who seems to share a fascination with the downtrodden and misunderstood in America's south.

Mr MidFi
05-28-2009, 08:35 AM
NP: "White Light, White Heat" from Lou Reed's Rock N Roll Animal

The twin-guitar attack of Steve Hunter & Dick Wagner be kickin' my ass sideways right now.

05-28-2009, 11:25 AM
Way cool dude. I just downloaded them and will be burnin' a copy tonight.

Grassy a<a>ss senior.

That Peter Murphy CD does bring back memories. Listened to it a lot back then, funny when you cogitate on what had a chance to get popular in the early 90s. Saw him touring around it too with some friends from work, remember that part, but strange days, can't remember the show to save my soul. So much different now, or so it seems. Not the memory part, but just very little left in popular music from those times.

No surprise, but Richard Buckner in my headlight today, the song "Figure" from that amazing second CD has always knocked me out, and always will.... Well, you can take your friend along, and say you'll be back later tonight, oh, but if I had your lil two-time figure, close just one last time...