Recommendations for speaker and XLR cable upgrades please [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Recommendations for speaker and XLR cable upgrades please

04-26-2009, 07:10 AM
Hi all.

I have just aquired a new Xindak XA8800MNE pair of monoblocks which I've hooked in
my pair of DynAudio Contour 1.8 Mk-II's.

They are between 1 to 2 metres apart, I'm looking for a 2 to 2.5 metre exceptional
quality pair of speaker cables. I need the left and right to be separate because I have
monoblocks, so the speaker is not that far from them. I'm sure they can take in banana
connector, but I am currently using bare wire, which I'm sure it's not recommended.

In addition the DynAudio Contours cannot be bi-wired.

I need someone to shed some light as I heard banana connector is not recommended.

I see that Audioquest do a high variety of speaker cables to choose from. Are they
very good ? or there are some even better than those ?

Also I'm sure I will be getting a pair of XLR cables. I believe 1.75 to 2 metres should do
the trick. They must be separate as my monoblocks are 90 cms (about 3 feet) from
each other.

Many thanks.


Mr Peabody
04-26-2009, 02:08 PM
Ozzie, bananas are fine, I use them with my t2.5's. Some like spades better because of the surface area connection and being able to tork them down. The best bananas are the WBT the expand after being inserted.

I like Transparent with Dynaudio and the local Dyn dealer uses Transparent with them. Even better I like the Siltech but they are pretty expensive. On a budget but good cable is Blue Jeans or Tributaries.

In head to head I preferred Transparent over Audioquest. Transparent seemed more clear and definitely better bass. The 1.8's will slam.

04-26-2009, 05:27 PM
Also I'm sure I will be getting a pair of XLR cables. I believe 1.75 to 2 metres should do
the trick. They must be separate as my monoblocks are 90 cms (about 3 feet) from
each other.

Blue jeans sells both Canare and Belden and both are very good without breaking the bank.

04-27-2009, 12:25 AM
Thanks folks for the options, oh my, thankyou Mr P, Transparent cables ? heh if only price
was not a factor :P Many of the high end exceed the total cost of my entire system haha.

Speaker cables for 33k ? wow... lol that would break my budget like forever ? lol

It's very worrying, but it would be good to find out just how much improvement can one expect
from a speaker cable upgrade.

I would say from source to speakers is like trying to fix a leaking water pipe system. Every
hole/leak must be sealed to experience the best listening experience. So that means connecting
from the sources to the receivers/DACS/Pre-amps to the power amps, to the speakers. They
say garbage in, garbage out, I should work out my weakest cable and work from there. In this
case it "may" be the speaker cables. I would need to bring in a stereo hifi professional. The one
who works in the shop who sold me the amp. They are an amazing bunch, would highly
recommend them to anyone coming to Western Australia for a visit.

I am not exactly complaining about the cables I have now, but I'm sure there are cost effective
room for improvement. I have to set a budget which is not over 2k for cables, as I've spent at least
1k already. I intend to purchase 2 to 3 more pairs by the time I get a new source (CD player).