SHM-CD (Super High Material CD) and Blu-spec CD [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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04-26-2009, 05:50 AM
Seriously, do we need yet more CD formats to confuse the consumer even more, to
flood the markets, and to eventually fail due to poor marketing ?

The reason I say the "poor marketing" is because you can be rest-assured the majority
of the CDs I have seen released to date on these new formats are of the "classical
genre" - hmmm I see a pattern forming from SA-CD...

Glad to burst the bubble or both these formats, they simply will not take off mainly for
two reasons :

1. Large proportion of the releases will be on the Classical genre.
2. The price is more expensive than SA-CD

Now for reason 1, it matters not how many titles you release, simply not everyone is
interested in classical, or pre-70's music. Many pepople do enjoy a good variety, which
is what these new formats so far do not offer.

For reason 2, would you pay $35 to $45 US (each) for them ?

Apparently SHM-CD can be played on standard CD players, it won't be enough to hook
someone into getting a collection if they have to pay so much.

What's even more stupid is that many releases of these formats are "limited to 5000 copies
only". Perhaps I'm missing the point, maybe one's not supposed to get a collection of these
formatted recordings.

Not everyone enjoys Jazz, Classical, or Pre-70's music, I don't know these music
companies have absolute quesitonable marketing people. They don't have the brains
to release albums that are huge sellers ?

Not all best recorded material is on the Classical/Jazz genres. I am a fan of both, but
my music collection does span beyond both, and I'm sure a good proportion of others
are as well.

If Universal, Sony and other record companies simply released superior recordings on
their CDs, DVDs, SA-CDs, they would generate more sales. Tripling the price will simply
encourage more people to download music off iTune (or similar) stores. You're asking
us to pay between 3 to 5 dollars per song. I'm sure 2 or 3 of those CDs would easily
pay for a simple cable upgrade for the consumer.