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02-24-2009, 07:00 PM
I just wanted to say how utterly disappointed I am to see that this piece of crap of a 'B' movie has been remade (a whole other thread can be posted on the glut of remakes coming to theaters in the next few years).

I saw this movie when I was a teenager, and while I was able to digest any number of slasher flicks as a kid, this movie was disturbing for me. Its one thing to watch the 'undead' kill people, but when 'normal' folk set out to stalk and torture another person for "fun", well, I'm sure most of you know this movie, so I won't go into detail, but it was graphic and beyond brutal, with sexual molestation as the central theme. Basically its an *STF's dream, as well as an excuse for a third rate director to work out his fantasies of sexually assaulting women. Don't let anybody try to tell you its a revenge movie, because they're fooling themselves.

I'm sure another deplorable 'B' movie is being remade as we speak - I'm guessing I Spit On Your Grave can't be far behind. I wished I'd never seen that movie either and only hope that the former shipmates who watched it incessantly eventually got "help".

*Sick Twisted F**k