Nad C355bee [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-17-2009, 12:10 PM
Hello Everyone,

First I would like to inform everyone that I'n new here since today, so this is a Hi to everyone here.

Before yesterday I bought a NAD C355BEE amplifier, so I'm the happy owner of it for 3 days.

The NAD replaced the Marantz PM 6010 OSE, which I'm going to sell.

The rest of the system is: Sony cd player, Mission 702e floorstanders speakers, straithwire interconnects and QED Silver anniversary speaker cables.

There is some improvements from the Marantz: more bass and more clarity, but I think that the NAD can give more, maybe it needs a good run in and maybe a change in the cables and cd player...

I know that Chris999 posted about this amplifier, so anyone who has one is welcome to exchange some ideas about my present system and how I can take the best of the NAD, since I don't think I'm taking...


Mr Peabody
01-17-2009, 12:52 PM
Welcome to the forums. I'm sure the NAD could use some hours of burn in and I think you would definitely benefit from a CD player upgrade. What do you find lacking? If the store will allow I'd suggest bringing home a NAD player to demo. The NAD pieces should have good synergy. The combo may not be the last word in detail though. If you want more off the disc try an Arcam if it's in your budget.

I was auditioning the NAD Master series SACD player against the top of the line Arcam Diva series, now discontinued, CD player, both playing regular CD. I could not make up my mind, the NAD had such a warm dark sound and the instruments had more of a real or organic tone where the Arcam just sparkled and background subtleties were more apparent. It's like if I were listening to the NAD I'd be perfectly happy not knowing what I was missing but side by side, the knowing some detail lacked bothered me. But I think if you like the NAD sound and went with their player which would have the same sonic signature as the amp you'd find the combo very good.

01-17-2009, 03:45 PM
...where the Arcam just sparkled and background subtleties were more apparent.
False brightness can have that same effect as well. I look more for things like focus and dimensionality to judge gear as it is very easy to add a top end lift.


Mr Peabody
01-17-2009, 05:10 PM
False brightness can have that same effect as well. I look more for things like focus and dimensionality to judge gear as it is very easy to add a top end lift.


That may be true. Arcam players have focus though and in the price range some of the best I've heard. If anything, in the comparison I was talking about the Arcam had more focus than the NAD. It's hard to put what the NAD was doing into words, it may be what some call "analog", you might even say "tube like". Feanor used the term "earthy" when describing the sound of an Adcom gfa-5500 and that term seems to fit this NAD player as well.

It would be interesting to hear how NAD sounds on Mission speakers.

01-17-2009, 05:56 PM
Hello Everyone,

First I would like to inform everyone that I'n new here since today, so this is a Hi to everyone here.

Before yesterday I bought a NAD C355BEE amplifier, so I'm the happy owner of it for 3 days.

The NAD replaced the Marantz PM 6010 OSE, which I'm going to sell.

The rest of the system is: Sony cd player, Mission 702e floorstanders speakers, straithwire interconnects and QED Silver anniversary speaker cables.

There is some improvements from the Marantz: more bass and more clarity, but I think that the NAD can give more, maybe it needs a good run in and maybe a change in the cables and cd player...

I know that Chris999 posted about this amplifier, so anyone who has one is welcome to exchange some ideas about my present system and how I can take the best of the NAD, since I don't think I'm taking...


I had a NAD C352 Int, NAD C521BEE CD & Mission V63 Tower setup for about 2 years.... It works fine together (though I don't really recommend it, as I much preferred the sound of Mission and Rotel)...

10-17-2009, 02:38 AM

Now after some months I can say that I'm entirely satisfied with the NAD C355BEE because I changed my entire system to match it:

NAD C355BEE amplifier
NAD C545BEE cd player
B&W 684 floorstanders speakers
Atlas Hyper 3.0 speaker cables for the bass
Atlas Hyper 1.5 speaker cables for the treble
Straith wire Musicable II Interconnects (it's still the same)

Now I'm waiting for a ortofon interconnect and QED Qonduit mains cable to test.

The system is tottaly changed in sonic aspects: Much more bass, much more clear midrange and treble is more extended without grain


10-17-2009, 02:53 AM
Hello again,

Just a small question to anyone who has a NAD C355BEE: I hear a very small hum noise when putting my hear against the amp (right above the hole on the top lid), can any of the owners say here if it happens the same?

Thank you

10-17-2009, 04:10 AM
Hello again,

Just a small question to anyone who has a NAD C355BEE: I hear a very small hum noise when putting my hear against the amp (right above the hole on the top lid), can any of the owners say here if it happens the same?

Thank you

A slight hum from the amp itself, (i.e. not coming through the speakers), is quite common. Usually it is harmless. It's caused by imperfections in the AC line, not typically by the amp itself. Were you, say, to swap it for another identical amp, you would probably still get the hum.

The are anit-hum devices you can put between the AC and the amp, but if hum is slight, I'd suggest you don't worry about it.

audio amateur
10-17-2009, 04:13 AM
Hello again,

Just a small question to anyone who has a NAD C355BEE: I hear a very small hum noise when putting my hear against the amp (right above the hole on the top lid), can any of the owners say here if it happens the same?

Thank you
The hum is surely coming from the power transformer (power supply) and is normal:)

Mr Peabody
10-17-2009, 05:13 AM
Glad to hear you are satisfied with your system. It's always good when it comes together.

10-17-2009, 12:55 PM

Thank you for the opinions. Exactly how do I eliminate this humming? I'm not sure if in the beggining it did this humming as I never noticed this until a certain day, so i think that it appeared after a little while since I bought it.

In addition I can say that this amp sounds terrific, lots and lots of bass, clear and crisp midrange and excelent treble resolution, and power to deliver...

Thank you again

audio amateur
10-17-2009, 02:06 PM
if the hum can only be heard when you are very close to the amp, there's no point trying to do anything as it is normal.

Mr Peabody
10-17-2009, 05:21 PM
I don't hear humming in my gear but on the other hand I've never put my ear right on anything either. Been close, but, not that close.

You might try an upgraded power cord. I'd suggest borrowing one from your dealer who should have them to lend or buying from a place that will allow a return if no improvement is noticed. Or, you can try an outlet style power conditioner. You might find even though the hum doesn't go away it still improved the sound some.