What was the most "expensive" mistake/accident one of your kids caused... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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Sugar Beats
01-04-2009, 05:56 PM
& you had to pay for. (monetarily speaking)

So far my oldest takes the cake. I guess it isn't so bad, but at the time...

A couple yrs. ago, right after I had my last baby, I took my oldest daughter w/ me to do a big stock-up kind of shopping @ Costco.

W/ a newborn @ home, I didn't want to be running out alot, so we had 2 carts full of items.

On the way out to the car, she was pushing 1 cart & I the other. I'm walking slow and keep turning around making sure she is alright and following me. I know the cart is heavy, they both are, as they are overflowing w/ stuff. So as we come close to our car, we have to proceed through a row and I reach the back of ours, pop the trunk and look up just in time to see her and her cart coming at the car next to us, out of control!

I start to scream, "Oh no!" as I watch in horror as she clear bashes the car next to us and takes the side mirror clear off! I'm just like, "Great! Just Great!" It was very upsetting. She was around 11 at the time. I felt awful, both for her and the damage that was just inflicted on this new little blue number that had the misfortune of being parked next to us. But I was trying to keep my cool. I half expected the people to come out and see the damage, but they didn't.

We had just paid a huge doctor's bill, cash, even w/ insurance and I was just like, how much is this going to cost?

So we left a note w/ our name and # and sure enough received a call.
The man was very nice. It was an older gentelmen and he was very appreciative that we left our info at all. The new mirror (I knew it would be fairly costly w/ all the hardware junk that's wired in there) cost around $600.00.

So we took his quote, called the repair place, confirmed the cost and paid the bill. Oh well, there goes another $600.00 for nothing except a day out shopping! :skep:

Whatcha gonna do?
I was proud of myself for not losing my cool and screaming at her and making her feel bad; boy ~ if that had been me & my dad! LOOK OUT! He would have ripped my head off, then I never would've heard the end of it.

Anyone else? Got any good ones...

audio amateur
01-05-2009, 03:16 AM
Sorry i don't yet have any kids, but 'nice' story!

01-05-2009, 07:36 AM
Man you got off cheap. The most expensive thing my knucklehead ever did to me was decide he wanted to play ICE HOCKEY. This year it cost me $1,500 just to get him ON THE ICE. I'm sick I tell ya sick. And the hits just keep on comin'.

Da Worfster

01-05-2009, 08:30 AM
No kids here yet, but I did have an interesting incident in a parking lot once.
The wife & I were coming out of a bank and walking to our car. An SUV pulled into the empty spot next to us. Just as it was stopping, the rear door opened with a thud right into my car. The mom, yelled at her kid not to do that and kept walking to the bank. I had to stop her and show her where my car had just been damaged before she even acknowledged it. Then it took several minutes to explain that my new car did not already have that damage before she pulled in.

Some people are jerks.

Sugar Beats
01-05-2009, 10:45 AM
I think I'll tell my boys to find another sport to participate in besides Ice Hockey...
So far my one boy has played a variety of sports, but where we live it's cheap. He's 10 so, I spend like 50 bucks a season on basketball, soccer, etc.

And I hate it when people think that nice gashes they just inflicted on your vehicle were somehow already there...
What's up w/ that?!!

01-05-2009, 12:24 PM
No kids here yet, but I did have an interesting incident in a parking lot once.
The wife & I were coming out of a bank and walking to our car. An SUV pulled into the empty spot next to us. Just as it was stopping, the rear door opened with a thud right into my car. The mom, yelled at her kid not to do that and kept walking to the bank. I had to stop her and show her where my car had just been damaged before she even acknowledged it. Then it took several minutes to explain that my new car did not already have that damage before she pulled in.

Some people are jerks.
I don't have any kids of my own (I've sorta adopted my two dear sweet nieces), but I don't take sh!t like what GM described above anymore. I don't hesitate to speak my mind when people piss me off. You should see me on the highway with the mindless Texas idiots occupying the lane next to me. :mad5:

01-05-2009, 04:48 PM
A few years back, my then 18 year old strep-son got into a scape with the law...I won't go into details, but it cost us (and his father) somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 in just lawyer fees alone.