Turntable t-shirt [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-02-2009, 08:25 AM
So I decided I might spend some Xmas/birthday money on a t-shirt, and since I've been listening to a lot of vinyl lately, did a Google search on "turntable icon." This is one that turned up:


Pretty cool, huh? It reminds me of a patent drawing, so I was even more interested when I saw it. So I went to the site, and here's the description:

Troy Paiva puts his Exploded vector Spin on the Classic Turntable.

Nice job, but they're only in girls sizes.

01-02-2009, 10:38 AM
I did exploded boom box and 8-track player designs for them too. The boom box was the best selling shirt in their entire product line!

I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to run the print off center like that. They just laughed when I said WTF?

The sizes run small too . . .

01-02-2009, 11:23 AM
Hell, my daughter would love that.

Damn, Troy...you take that graphic designer thing seriously doncha?

Finch Platte
01-02-2009, 11:48 AM
Damn, Troy...you take that graphic designer thing seriously doncha?

And YECH said he has no talent!!. :D

01-03-2009, 07:08 PM
Cool shirt, Troy...

...and to this day I still pull out yer MP3 epic when weirdness is called for.

01-04-2009, 09:32 AM
Thanks you guys, keeping it weird since 1960 . . .

They made me get rid of the Pink Floyd reference . . .