To my folks at AR..... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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12-10-2008, 07:28 AM
Just wanted to tell you guys I'm not gonna be around for a bit. My life is going to hell and it's gonna be a while before I feel like posting. My marriage of 11 years is ending and I'm not feeling to good. I'll be back eventually I guess. I have a lot of things I need to sort out in my life. I want to thank everyone for helping me out through the years.

I still log into the PSN for gaming. It takes my mind off what's going on. So I'm down for a game, I guess. Take it easy everyone.

12-10-2008, 07:54 AM
Just wanted to tell you guys I'm not gonna be around for a bit. My life is going to hell and it's gonna be a while before I feel like posting. My marriage of 11 years is ending and I'm not feeling to good. I'll be back eventually I guess. I have a lot of things I need to sort out in my life. I want to thank everyone for helping me out through the years.

I still log into the PSN for gaming. It takes my mind off what's going on. So I'm down for a game, I guess. Take it easy everyone.

OMG! That sucks!!

I have to run now but will respond more after I get back.

12-10-2008, 08:03 AM
Sorry to hear it bro. Hang in there, I've a spare pullout in the living room and you're welcome to it (all joking aside). Sides, I'd rather have you there than most of my deadbeat relatives.

Da Worfster

12-10-2008, 08:11 AM
L.J. I'm sorry to hear about your tough times. I hope that you fare it well and quickly and find yourself in a better frame of mind soon.

In the meantime, know that we're always here when you feel the need for comic relief.

Take care of yourself.

12-10-2008, 08:13 AM
Sorry to here that man. Once you get everything sorted out and feel a bit better, come on back and we will be happy to make fun of Rich to make you feel better. Sorry Rich, time to take one for the team. :p

12-10-2008, 08:32 AM
Hell I never know what to type when I read crap like this, except I'm thinking of you buddy...wish there was something I could do to help. Chin up and don't get down on yourself...dominate this challenge life's thrown at you.

Look after yourself, bro...we'll be here when you get back.

12-10-2008, 08:51 AM
I am very sorry to read about your tough times LJ. It's never a happy time when a relationship ends. But try not to let it weigh you down too much. There is whole lot of good out there waiting for you to find it. Don't forget to keep an eye open for it.
Your insight and jokes will be greatly missed here until your return.
See you in the PSN. Maybe a few games of bowling? Or maybe we can take turns blowing up Tex.

12-10-2008, 10:18 AM
sucks to hear that LJ.....

I hope all ends well...

My parents divorced a couple of months ago too, it was hard, but try to look at different things. constantly thinking about it just makes things worse - believe me.

as Kex said, we'll be here when you get back...

Keep them spinning,

12-10-2008, 10:31 AM
L.J. I know the last thing you probably feel like doing is hanging around and talking AV nonsense on this site, but that might be just the kind of distraction that you need...

I really hope it all works out in the end... Try to remember that you're always welcome around here...

12-10-2008, 10:58 AM
Hang in there, LJ. It took me six years to get over my first marriage. When I finally resolved to be single for the rest of my life and began actually enjoying being single, I met my present wife. Funny how things work out - just have to be strong enough long enough for a new life to take shape.

It's tough being practical in times like these, but the lawyer in me has a list of dos and don'ts if you're interested.

12-10-2008, 12:12 PM
Very sad to hear this L.J. I can only repeat what everyone else has already said (except the part where they blow me up :yikes: ) but hang in there and things will work out for the best eventually.

12-10-2008, 12:49 PM
(except the part where they blow me up :yikes: ) .

Everyone's a critic:rolleyes5:

12-10-2008, 02:53 PM
L. J. I am sorry to hear about the events unfolding in your life. I hope whatever happens is resolved quickly and you can look for happiness again. Stop in any time you need to vent.

12-10-2008, 03:07 PM
Hell I never know what to type when I read crap like this, except I'm thinking of you buddy...wish there was something I could do to help. Chin up and don't get down on yourself...dominate this challenge life's thrown at you.

Look after yourself, bro...we'll be here when you get back.


This is such a rough time of year, easpecially this year, that so often built resentments surface and things snowball. I know so many folks that are experiencing challenges, be it in relationships or health or finances...

Thoughts and prayers, my friend, thoughts and prayers...yer in 'em.


12-10-2008, 05:06 PM
Oh man, sorry to hear about that. Keep your spirits up in the meantime. We're all pulling for you, and look forward to seeing you back in the fold in short order. Take care ...

12-10-2008, 05:33 PM
Hey LJ,

I'm really sorry to hear about that, brother. It's going to feel like the world is caving in on you, but we both know that it's not. My best advice would be to stay out of your head as much as possible. In other words, don't let your mind idle; keep feeding it good information (stay away from the news) and keep your motor running. Good books ("The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch is an easy read), sports, and yes, video games are all effective. Consider this as a "Reset" button. This is an opportunity to really move your life forward.

Stay positive, you'll get through this.

12-10-2008, 07:29 PM
Hey LJ,

My best advice would be to stay out of your head as much as possible. In other words, don't let your mind idle; keep feeding it good information (stay away from the news) and keep your motor running. Good books ("The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch is an easy read), sports, and yes, video games are all effective.

That is good advice. I would also add a long trip to that list where one get away from everything for a while visiting long distance families or friends.

Be strong L.J. and as long as you got your health, you will get over it.

12-11-2008, 01:20 AM
L.J. I'm sorry to hear this sad news.

Remember in the difficult times ahead that there is one person in the whole world who is more important than all the other human beings on this planet. That is L.J.! That is the person who you need to take care of most and embrace with a mother's love. As difficult as it might seem, take the best care of him you possibly can.

Even though the tendency might be to withdraw inward, let all of your family, friends and co-workers know about your situation. Reach out, you will need their love and support.

If you feel that you cannot cope with the sadness, give the old nurse a call. I did and the doc has some great new stuff that really helps after a few weeks. It is not a sign of weakness but a sign of a smart man. Sometimes a little help to keep the brain chemistry
going in the rights paths makes a healing difference.

Come back whenever you can and just say hello and let us know how you're doing. Friends are always here to lend an ear.

RR6 (a big mental hug)

12-12-2008, 06:50 AM
I am so sorry to read this news, LJ. Along with everyone else, I wish you well and will think good things of you in the days to come.

I will only caution you to be especially careful as the holiday season cranks into high gear. This season is already extremely stressful, and the addition of the sort of hell you are and will be going through can be well nigh unbearable. Please be careful, and seek out friends and family members who love you and can give you the emotional support you need. It will be tempting to turn to other sources of support as well: alcohol, drug, etc. Although I have kidded around alot about these things, they can pave a bad road, and I don't wanna see you take it. If friends and family are in short supply, then come back here or contact us personally. My webaddress is accessible, and you may certainly "pop in" any time you like.....

Again, you will be in my thoughts, LJ,


12-16-2008, 09:02 AM
Hello everyone, thanks for your kind words and great advice. Everything is pretty much the same with me. I have offered every possible solution to keep my marriage together but she is pretty determined to go and have it completely over. I personally thought everything was fine but I guess not. Her father died not to long ago and everything pretty much went down hill after that. She went from being my best friend, someone I thought I knew, to someone who has to get piercings and all these tattoos all of a sudden. It's almost like her dad died and she feels she has to go out and do anything and everything before she dies too. Sounds weird but that's what I'm getting out of it. She doesn't want to talk about anything serious or relating to what she is doing. As long as I shut my mouth and don't bring anything up than everything is fine. I have no real answers and I'm assuming she has meet someone else. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. She doesn't want to talk about anything because obviously she doesn't want to keep lying to me about stuff. 2 months before all this started we were looking at tent trailers and talking about what we were gonna do for our 11 year anniversary. What the hell happened in 2 months??????

We have decided to live together til both our lives are sorted out. We work together(self employed) so I have to find a job and a room mate because I can't afford to live here on my own. I barely made it out of high school and I'm paying for it now. No education, no skills. My resume isn't looking too good. She has a decent job lined up already so as soon as I find work, she's gone.

I'm being mature about this and have avoided any fights. I was feeling really bad last week but I'm a little better now I guess. My kids don't know yet and I don't know how I'm gonna cope with that. My eyes are watering just by thinking about what's gonna happen to them. I have a 10 year old and 3 year old. I just can't imagine going a day without seeing them. I know a lot of people who see their kids every other weekend but that's not me. I'm not that type of person.

I'm not trying to paint this evil picture of her. She is still a very nice person and she still loves me. As long as we don't talk about the immediate future than the house still functions somewhat normally. I want to hold onto our friendship but I don't know how long that's gonna last for.

I'm proud to say that in the end I lived up to my vowels. I never lied to her or cheated or did anything shady. I alway put my family before myself. I would have stayed until the very end.

12-16-2008, 09:36 AM

I'm so sorry to read your post. You deserve to be happy. It sounds like she is going through some kind of mid life crisis. She may come to her senses and realize that her long term happiness would be better served by staying with the man who has stuck by her all this time and is the father of her children. But people can be strange. Way too often, people do things that make no sense to me. I'll hope that she wakes up and sees the mistake she is making.

12-16-2008, 09:52 AM
Hey LJ,

Your kids are really luck to have a Dad that loves them so much, and they'll be there for you for the rest of your life because of it. Sounds like your enduring this as well as any man ever could...I wish I had some advice or something smart to say but I don't. I just know you're gonna make it through to the other side and better days are ahead. Hang in there, bro.

Sugar Beats
12-16-2008, 01:48 PM
kind of thing. Except I am the one in the midst of a crisis.

I have been going to both marriage counseling and a private counselor of my own. I have uncovered quite a lot, and while I wouldn't want to get to in depth re: it here on a public site, I think I may have some good insights for you. I have been married for 13 yrs and I have 4 kids. I'm 37 and thought maybe it was MLC, but it's not. But it's deep.
If you want to talk or share some thoughts, I'd be glad to lend an ear and give as much perspective as I can. Believe me, I know it's hard. This is the hardest thing I've ever been through in my life. Alot of it stems from family issues and from my relationship to my dad, who is still alive, but incapable of giving or showing love of any kind.
I really wish they offered "counseling" services as a requirement for marriage. Or if I had been more aware, I could have gone a long time ago and saved myself alot of pain. I am at least in the stage where I am working through my issues and I guess sometimes that's just the best one can do.

My thoughts are with you at this time. Good Luck.

Sugar Beats
12-16-2008, 02:27 PM
I have been doing alot of reading as of late.

I just finished a copy of "The Christmas Sweater" by Glenn Beck.
It's a fast read, you should easily have it done within a day or two. It's very relevant to what you are going through. If your wife would be willing to read it, I think it would have a lot of meaning to her as well, as Glenn also relates in the story and in his personal life to the loss of a parent.

It discusses being in the "eye" of your storm, whatever it may be. He really does share his own experiences very poignantly. He speaks of forgiveness, facing your greatest fears and your regrets. His website, I think it's called also shares other people's personal stories. I thought it was helpful for me to read those just to gain some much needed perspective. Even though this is the absolute toughest time of my life, it helped me to see that even as awful as I currently feel, other people have it worse than me. After reading other people's experiences, it made me feel as if I should look around and see who is hurting worse than I am and find out what I can do to help. Service. It's a great healer, perspective gainer and hey, it helps to kill the time and take your mind off your own problems. I know you may not feel like you are up to it. But just keep it in mind for when you feel like you might. Tis' the season, right?

Also if you do not have a copy of "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale, go get one - today!

I cannot say enough about this book. It's amazing. I feel like Norman Peale is straight up, a gift from God. His insights are truly amazing!
Right off the bat, he will help you feel better about whatever is going on in your life and he will tell you how to cope and what you need to do to buoy yourself up and stay afloat. Especially when you feel like you can't or don't even want to.

I highly, highly recommend this book. Sorry for the back to back posts. I logged out then thought about some of what I have been doing/read recently and am hoping this may help you.

Take Care, and remember you can email me anytime.

12-16-2008, 02:28 PM

Thanks for stepping up to help out one of our favorite members here. Just one thought though. It may not be wise to list your email address on a public forum. You never know who is reading. You may want to delete the address from your post and sent it to LJ in a PM (private message), for your own security.

Sugar Beats
12-16-2008, 03:07 PM
Thanks, GMichael, done!

Sugar Beats
12-16-2008, 03:16 PM
By the way GMichael, your lizard story was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, I needed one.

12-16-2008, 05:08 PM
Hey Sugar, was wondering if you were gonna stick around.

Yeah, don't be posting any uniquely identifiable public info here or on any other web forums. I'm pretty careful about privacy stuff, I've had my identity stolen on 3 occasions, different ways, never online, but it's scary stuff. Lucky for me I was only inconvenienced and frightened by these events, and didn't lose any money or anything in the end.

Sugar Beats
12-16-2008, 05:21 PM
I've been goin' through my own little "rough patch" as of late. I haven't really felt like talking to anyone, (for awhile) but today for whatever reason I decided to log on & read some posts. Once I read what was going on with L.J. I knew I had to at least offer some help or advice (I hope it's decent) being that I am pretty much going through the same kind of stuff. I know it's no fun. I tend to be a pretty open person and haven't had much experience on sites like this, so I need to remember to be careful. Thanks for the warning.

12-16-2008, 06:22 PM
I'm not trying to paint this evil picture of her. She is still a very nice person and she still loves me. As long as we don't talk about the immediate future than the house still functions somewhat normally. I want to hold onto our friendship but I don't know how long that's gonna last for.

LJ, I'm sorry to hear about all that's going on. This is absolutely none of my business and I don't know either of you. But as Sir TT can attest to, if you're going to air your laundry here at AR, I'm going to stick my nose in it. I'm going to play devil's advocate based on the limited information that you've provided. Feel free to tell me to mind my own business if you don't like what I have to say.

It sounds to me like you're still in shock. What you need to do is get over the shock and get good and angry. You say that she still loves you, but it doesn't sound like she's acting as though she loves you. Her behaviour is selfish and shows a lack of respect for you, your feelings, and your marriage.

Get mad. Get really pissed off. More importantly, don't let her steamroll you by telling you that she loves you but just can't make it work, blah, blah, blah, without even trying. If, after all these years of marriage, she won't be honest with you about whatever it is that she's going through then **** her. You deserve better. And fight like hell for your kids. If custody of your kids isn't an option then fight for the right to see them when you want and as often as you want. They're as much yours as hers and you should have every single right in the world to spend time with them.

Perhaps your wife's actions are the result of her reevaluating her life as the result of her father's death. Maybe it's part of the mourning process. Maybe she needs councilling. I understand that you want to be supportive of her during this time. But do what's best for you. Maybe she'll come to her senses and it will all work out. But make decisions based on the best decisions for you and for your kids.

Good luck.

12-17-2008, 06:02 AM
LJ, I'm sorry to hear about all that's going on. This is absolutely none of my business and I don't know either of you. But as Sir TT can attest to, if you're going to air your laundry here at AR, I'm going to stick my nose in it. I'm going to play devil's advocate based on the limited information that you've provided. Feel free to tell me to mind my own business if you don't like what I have to say.

It sounds to me like you're still in shock. What you need to do is get over the shock and get good and angry. You say that she still loves you, but it doesn't sound like she's acting as though she loves you. Her behaviour is selfish and shows a lack of respect for you, your feelings, and your marriage.

Get mad. Get really pissed off. More importantly, don't let her steamroll you by telling you that she loves you but just can't make it work, blah, blah, blah, without even trying. If, after all these years of marriage, she won't be honest with you about whatever it is that she's going through then **** her. You deserve better. And fight like hell for your kids. If custody of your kids isn't an option then fight for the right to see them when you want and as often as you want. They're as much yours as hers and you should have every single right in the world to spend time with them.

Perhaps your wife's actions are the result of her reevaluating her life as the result of her father's death. Maybe it's part of the mourning process. Maybe she needs councilling. I understand that you want to be supportive of her during this time. But do what's best for you. Maybe she'll come to her senses and it will all work out. But make decisions based on the best decisions for you and for your kids.

Good luck.

A lot of truth here LJ. Sometimes it's tough to be tough, but you have to think about what is right for you and your kids. It doesn't sound like she is.


Glad to see you'll be sticking around. Poor FA takes the brunt of all us guy's sarcasm.

12-17-2008, 06:52 AM
...I'm proud to say that in the end I lived up to my vowels. I never lied to her or cheated or did anything shady. I alway put my family before myself. I would have stayed until the very end.
That's a feather in your cap L.J. You've passed the Fatherhood test with flying colors. Some of us who've been around you for a while know that as well, just by reading your posts over the years. We've seen the way you compromised with the room treatments, the way you got the upper hand with the use of your Harmony remote ( :smilewinkgrin: ) and in general your treatment of the WAF.

No matter what L.J., always keep those qualities in mind and in the long run you'll be the one that comes out the winner.

Chin up son! :yesnod:

12-17-2008, 11:31 AM
Again thanks for the love everyone.

SB I sent you a PM.

FA, I feel what your saying and I agree with you. There has been no discussion of who gets the children or when or anything like that. They are my #1 concern of course and there should be no reason why I couldn't see them whenever I wanted. Since we are still in the same house, I'm trying to go about this as decent as possible. Last thing I want to do is have a bunch of screaming matches. I am frustrated but at the same time, I really don't know what to think. Perhaps "shocked" is a very good term to use.

Sugar Beats
12-17-2008, 11:47 AM
I know L.J. you mentioned you have kids, I don't know if you have a daughter or not.

As a side note, just wanted to mention the importance of keeping an outstanding relationship with your kids, especially if you do have a daughter. The whole father/daughter relationship is so important.
I know we all know that, but it's so true.

I have found that at the heart of the matter with what I am going through- because I did not have that, it's contributed to alot of behaviors and thoughts that were damaging that I didn't even realize I had or did! I realize for your wife, now that her father has passed, all she can do is go back and analyze (if she needs to) the relationship for what it was, but for you, and your kids, you have to be there. And if you have a daughter, make sure that she knows, I mean KNOWS that you love her and respect her and make her feel safe. All we can do is accept and forgive the past and go forward presently and in the future, but if fathers can give their daughters that all important confidence and unconditional love that they need and yearn to have in life; so much better they will be in how they feel about themselves and the choices they will make in their lives. It's true that if a girl doesn't have what she needs emotionally from her dad, she will go elsewhere to find it. Sorry for all the mumbo jumbo, I just wanted to emphasize to L.J. if he does have a girl how important the relationship will be, no matter what happens with he and his wife.

Hope things are looking up, remember when you're down, it's the only way to go! :smile5:

12-17-2008, 12:24 PM
L.J. It's possible she is going thru depression (clinical depression...she lost her father). Just a thought to keep in the back of your mind. You might want to search depression and the symptoms, it can manifest itself differently from person to person. It is a possibility for you also in these difficult times. It is not imaginary but a condition brought on by a chemical imbalance in the brain. I went thru it myself when my father died. Many people experience it sometime in their life at varying levels of severity. It is a very real but temporary condition that can be managed with professional help. (Be sure she is not self medicating with alcohol or drugs .. sorry, but it frequently can be a contributing factor).

Take good care of yourself and keep us up to date on how your coping.


12-17-2008, 12:55 PM
I don't want to come accross with some hokus-pokus-allakazam BS here, LJ, but without knowing much about your situation, I can imagine how upsetting and crazy it must be for you to see your one-and-only fly apart the way she has lately. In times of acute stress, it isn't uncommon to see behaviors, thoughts and feelings uncorked. Having been bottled up for so long, the pressure keeping the stuff inside has been festering and boiling. Now that dad is gone, the permission to let the stuff go has been granted, and all the attendant messiness and ugliness that comes with it is splattering everyone in its path. Since you are more than likely her best friend, you are privy to everything, including the good, the bad and the ugly. Right now, you are in the awful quandry of pushing or pulling: If you push her, she'll push back with a vengeance; if you ignore her, she'll think you don't care. Don't look at these reactions as those of a rational, functional adult, but those of a frightened child or, more fundamentally, an unleashed creature.

At the same time, your world is likewise becoming unhinged. With this relationship fraying around the edges, your senses of identity, safety and self-respect are in precarious positions, testing your mettle and ability to stay safe and sane. You cannot allow yourself to fall into a trap of hopeless thinking or consideration that you are a failure. Drugs and booze will cloud your judgment and put you into a bad hole that will be hard or impossible to crawl out of. Surround yourself with good, healthy friends and people who know you and are encouraging. Don't listen to heavy music with the curtains drawn and the lights out. Exercise, eat well and keep a schedule. If you find things are just, plumb awful, see a professional. This means both of you. Even a couples' expert, who can help you uncover some of the crap that is poisoning your relationship. Don't be shy about a temporary med to ease your anxiety and help you sleep.

You are a strong man, LJ: You have achieved much in your time and there is much more for you to do before you kick it. Don't let your head trick you into thinking half truths and BS thoughts that you know are nothing more than BS....

Now, who wants some homemade tollhouse cookies and milk?

12-17-2008, 01:54 PM
Again thanks for the love everyone.

SB I sent you a PM.

FA, I feel what your saying and I agree with you. There has been no discussion of who gets the children or when or anything like that. They are my #1 concern of course and there should be no reason why I couldn't see them whenever I wanted. Since we are still in the same house, I'm trying to go about this as decent as possible. Last thing I want to do is have a bunch of screaming matches. I am frustrated but at the same time, I really don't know what to think. Perhaps "shocked" is a very good term to use.

I hear you. A peaceful environment is a good environment, expecially when there are children in the house. Just don't let yourself be taken advantage of. That's all I was really trying to say.

Sir Terrence the Terrible
12-17-2008, 06:06 PM
Oh man, sorry to hear about that. Keep your spirits up in the meantime. We're all pulling for you, and look forward to seeing you back in the fold in short order. Take care ...

+10. I am a little bummed myself, as my baby chickens are flying the coup next year. I am already missing them.

12-18-2008, 09:24 AM
I could use some cookies and milk!!!

I've lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks :nonod: I haven't been eating much but I'm starting to get my appetite back.

I'm not gonna let this get me down. I've read this thread over and over and you guys make a lot of sense. It's sad that a bad situation is splitting us apart rather than bringing us closer together. The fact that she is not willing to fight for our marriage after 11 years tells me a lot though. People just throw good things away too easy now a days. She has a lot of people supporting her decision. I would think that people would suggest working things out but I guess not.

She has been taking depression or anxiety meds since her dad died. Whatever she was taking before made her sleep all the time and the doc recently switched her meds. I suggested counseling to her months ago and although she said she would do it, she keeps putting it off.

Now she says she'll seek counseling after she leaves. I have suggested doing anything and everything to work through this but her response is she has made up her mind, nothing or no one can change that and she just wants to be alone.

I come from a stable household and although my parents divorced after many years of marriage, I was already out of the house. She unfortunately bounced around as a child. Her mom has been married 3 times but now she is alone. Her parents lived in different states so she would stay with her dad all year long and go to her moms during the summer and breaks. She tells me she went through a stretch of 5 years without seeing or speaking to her mother. Before moving to cali, her mom got into some bad relationships. She has witnessed some bad things as a child. I believe she even lived with her grandparents for a while. Maybe this is why she can throw everything away so easily.

Since she is unwilling to try, there is pretty much nothing to work with. She may come to her senses eventually or not. I need someone who's gonna have my back when times get tough though. Eventually I'll have it together and this will be a thing of the past. I will use my free time to focus on myself and my children.

BTW, thanks for PM's. I will get to them when I get a chance.

12-18-2008, 10:29 AM
I know that this may not help you right now, but I know people who have been in similar situations and, when all the dust settled, they believe that they ended up better off.

I'm sorry that you have to go through this, and I'm sorrier that your kids will have to go through this. But you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and a good attitude.

I know that you'll be there for your kids to make things as easy as possible for them. And they will continue to be the light that keeps you going. Focus on them, just having them in your life makes you a lucky man.

12-18-2008, 11:39 AM
It isn't unusual for a person who has been bounced around to have a sense of rootlessness and have difficulty making enduring, trust-based relationships. With dad gone, your lady may feel as though an anchor has been pulled up and she has no-one left to give her a sense of roots or permanence. You may likewise get the sense that you have done your best to help in this respect, building together a place of your own.

Unfortunately, she has learned to be wary and vigilant, characteristics that we who have lived in more stable households have not had to acquire. I am not surprised to read of bad experiences that she has probably only told you about in small doses.

As I said, you are in the middle of a tug-of-war, here. Part of her trusts you and loves you and made a life with you: that is her rational, functional adult side. On the other side is a irrational and scared little girl whose priority is finding safety. Both pulls are equally strong and effective, and only time will tell which side wins out.

Give her some slack now, but let her know that you will be there when she needs you. Try not to come accross as parental, but as a peer. Imagine what it must be like to be 8 years old and hiding behind a rock with her. Be strong, but not overbearing.

Keep me up to date by PM or here if you like.

*Counseling is a good idea, but you can't force her hand. Please let me know more about the med change etc. via PM. This might be relevant....

12-19-2008, 09:55 AM
Thanks for your thoughts and PM's everyone. I promise that I will get back to you asap. I'm taking a break from thinking about this stuff so I'm going back to being good ol' LJ for a bit.

12-19-2008, 10:58 AM
Thanks for your thoughts and PM's everyone. I promise that I will get back to you asap. I'm taking a break from thinking about this stuff so I'm going back to being good ol' LJ for a bit.
I's gonna smoke yo azz next time I see you in an online game.

:out: <== I know, you don't have to tell me.

12-19-2008, 11:26 AM
I's gonna smoke yo azz next time I see you in an online game.

:out: <== I know, you don't have to tell me.

Too early for you to be sippin' Rich :nono:

12-19-2008, 11:36 AM
Even tho I had some ragin' hot wings @ lunchtime? :sad:

01-12-2009, 03:40 PM
Wassup folks! Just wanna let you guys & gals know that my wife and I have been doing better and she is pretty much gonna stay. We still have soooo much we need to correct and work out but at least there is something to work with. I have lost a lot of confidence in my marriage and I think it's gonna take a while to get that back.

I want to thank all of you for your support when I was down. It meant a great deal to me to know that people out there that has never met me, cares about me. I really do love this place and I hope the people here never go away.

Thanks to the folks that gave me advice and sent me PM's. I'm sorry i never responded but it was soooo hard for me to reply without breaking down. I truly thank you for everything and just for caring.

I haven't been around lately but I'll try to stop in more to say hi and maybe even answer a couple of BR questions:p

01-12-2009, 04:08 PM
LJ, I was glad to read the better news. You know we are all out here cheering you on for whatever makes you happy. I am glad you both are giving your marriage a second chance.

I hope one day to have the same right.

01-12-2009, 04:18 PM
Wassup folks! Just wanna let you guys & gals know that my wife and I have been doing better and she is pretty much gonna stay. We still have soooo much we need to correct and work out but at least there is something to work with. I have lost a lot of confidence in my marriage and I think it's gonna take a while to get that back.

I want to thank all of you for your support when I was down. It meant a great deal to me to know that people out there that has never met me, cares about me. I really do love this place and I hope the people here never go away.

Thanks to the folks that gave me advice and sent me PM's. I'm sorry i never responded but it was soooo hard for me to reply without breaking down. I truly thank you for everything and just for caring.

I haven't been around lately but I'll try to stop in more to say hi and maybe even answer a couple of BR questions:p
Hey LJ...
Thanks for dropping by. Glad to hear the positive news. Good on you for hangin' in there. Hope to see ya 'round these parts a bit more, hasn't been the same without you around as much.

You must be the Resistance champ by now!

01-12-2009, 04:22 PM
Hey, MAN! Here....have a beer, buckaroo!

01-12-2009, 05:02 PM
Happy New Year to you too L.J.! :cool:

Glad to hear that things have simmered down on the homefront. It doesn't sound like things will be easy, but at least both of you are on the same page with wanting to work things out. That's always a good start, and it's better for everyone esp. the little ones. No matter what happens, we're always pulling for YOU (since your wife doesn't post squat about Blu-ray, PS3 gaming, and anime, she's nolo contendere around here!). Best to you in '09

01-12-2009, 05:47 PM
Fantastic news L.J.! I'm sooooo glad that you didn't take my advice! I can understand why your confidence in your marraige is shaken. But I really hope that you can work it out. It's amazing what a good therapist can do. I highly recommend it.

01-12-2009, 05:52 PM
My dude, you're gonna be just fine. Check it out, the best thing to remember is that in life we have no control over when someone decides to have a nutty. Just roll with it and keep being who you are...and big ears, bruh...maybe you'll learn something about your significant other and yourself.

And, it's good to read that you're gonna be poppin' in more.


01-13-2009, 05:05 AM
Good to hear L.J., but I'm still not going to show you any mercy in Resistance or Warhawk. :ihih:

01-13-2009, 06:13 AM
That's great news LJ. I'm glad that the lines of communication are open now. Keep your eyes and ears wide and try to see what it is that you both want. May there be plenty of common ground.

JM, your time will come too my friend. Keep the faith.

Sugar Beats
01-13-2009, 10:12 AM
I'm so glad for you LJ! That is really good news. Just keep it up, everything will work out the way it's suppose to. Even if things are a bit shaky at first, don't be discouraged, just keep at it. Great news. I am really happy for you.

01-13-2009, 02:37 PM
Thanks for your thoughts and advice everyone :thumbsup:

01-13-2009, 03:18 PM
I'm very happy to here things are clearing up. Now I know why we saw the sun for the first time in weeks here in the Valley :cool: Guess I have you to thank for that.

I finally have the PS3 hooked up to PSN. Sometime, I'll get my neighbor's kid to tell me how to find you guys online. COD5 anyone?

01-13-2009, 05:46 PM
I'm very happy to here things are clearing up. Now I know why we saw the sun for the first time in weeks here in the Valley :cool: Guess I have you to thank for that.

I finally have the PS3 hooked up to PSN. Sometime, I'll get my neighbor's kid to tell me how to find you guys online. COD5 anyone?
COD5? :sosp:

What's your PSN name (topspeed?). Kex, GM, L.J. and I have ours listed in this thread:

Everyone shoots you a message asking you to be a friend or buddy or something like that. All you have to do is accept.

01-15-2009, 10:07 AM
You know, COD: World at War, aka COD5. I'm not sure what my psn name is, my wife's friend set it up and when he set up our router. How do I find out?

01-15-2009, 10:47 AM
You know, COD: World at War, aka COD5. I'm not sure what my psn name is, my wife's friend set it up and when he set up our router. How do I find out?

it'll be the first name on the "friends" section of the main PS3 screen.

Instructions on the forst post in this thread:

01-15-2009, 11:08 AM
You know, COD: World at War, aka COD5.
:rolleyes: I didn't know COD 5 was out yet knucklehead.

I'm not sure what my psn name is, my wife's friend set it up and when he set up our router. How do I find out?
Nevermind. We'll ask your wife's friend if he/she wants to join in the fun then. :p

01-15-2009, 11:45 AM
I'm very happy to here things are clearing up. Now I know why we saw the sun for the first time in weeks here in the Valley :cool: Guess I have you to thank for that.

I finally have the PS3 hooked up to PSN. Sometime, I'll get my neighbor's kid to tell me how to find you guys online. COD5 anyone?
COD 5? I'm still getting killed in SOCOM.

01-15-2009, 11:50 AM
I have to say that this is one thread that I'm glad to see going off subject ;)

01-15-2009, 11:56 AM
That's a hint for you and me GM. :ihih:

01-15-2009, 11:58 AM
Leave my budding flower out of this.

01-15-2009, 12:20 PM
STOP GROSSING ME OUT!!! :incazzato:

01-15-2009, 12:23 PM
Stop Looking At It!

01-15-2009, 12:33 PM
I wasn't until YOU BROUGHT IT UP AGAIN!!!

01-15-2009, 01:02 PM
It's just a flower.

01-15-2009, 01:07 PM
That's what she said last night. :ihih:

01-15-2009, 01:10 PM
Now who's creeping who out?

So? Who is she? Is she hot? Does she like music? Does she have any air leaks?

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 02:03 PM
I'm so glad not to be part of this thing that is going on between the two of you (GM & Rich)! Sometimes you guys are just too creepy for words! Heehee!

01-15-2009, 02:09 PM
Hey Sugar. Thanks for joining in. There's always room for you.

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 02:16 PM
Oh yeah! Where? You & Rich seems to be pretty ah, cozy? That sounds like the right word...or at least pretty darn comfortable w/ each other that is! Just an observation. And by the way, who said I wanted to join in? Just kidding. Thanks for making room fellas.

01-15-2009, 02:19 PM
Could you move a little to the right?

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 02:23 PM
Are you sure? To the right?

01-15-2009, 02:24 PM
Well, back and forth would be better.

Do you like my flower?

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 02:31 PM
Funny you should mention that? I was just thinking... Hey GM, do you realize that your "rose" pic and your signature sure don't go together. You must be a pretty complex cat for sure. The rose pic would suggest your confident in your masculinity and I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss (in public forum) what a self-choking masturbator is? But they do seem to be a contradiction. What do you think?

Well, back and forth would be better.

I knew I was asking for that! My bad!

01-15-2009, 02:44 PM
I think they go together perfectly.
1) 99% of the time, my goal is to make people laugh. If that means making fun of them, or myself, then so be it.
2) I have no reason to doubt my masculinity. I know who I am and don't really worry what others think. But it can be fun to confuse people now and then.
3) The self choking thing is meant to compliment FA's signature.
Oh, and I'm not so complex. Simple is what I call myself. Others seem to like the word simpleton. (well, not really, but see answer number 1)

Now, could you move a little? Your elbow is killing my leg.

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 02:54 PM
Thanks for breaking it down for me.
I have no reason to doubt my masculinity
I know, I believe I assumed correctly!
I'll keep in mind the way others might describe you (your own phrase) of "simpleton" when I am speaking to you again. Lol.
And by the way, I didn't think my elbow was, ah, against your "leg!" Opps!
Sorry, I'll move along now.

01-15-2009, 02:59 PM
Smarty pants!

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 03:04 PM
Oh, you are good for a laugh, sir. (I'm def. smiling)
Thanks, oh and just so you know, that's not the first time I've been called "smarty pants," I believe I've also been called "smart ass" as well. So if that's what's you meant, it's all good. What can I say, it's in my nature! It's been fun, getting to know you a little bit more GM. I think this thread has taken on a "new" life of it's own. Should we continue or should we part ways for a bit now?

01-15-2009, 03:33 PM
She doesn't give me the freakin' time of day.

01-15-2009, 03:41 PM
She doesn't give me the freakin' time of day.
Who FA or Sugar Beats?
Or both?

Sugar Beats
01-15-2009, 03:42 PM
Hey Rich you weren't around! Where the heck were you? I might have told you the time, had you been present...

01-15-2009, 04:50 PM
FA scolds me, SB ignores me. L.J. shoots me in the face, GM moons me, Sticky Bobby says things at me that I don't know what the 'ell he's talkin 'bout and kex talks me into buying stuff I don't need.

I'm gonna take my toys and go play in somebody else's sandbox.

01-15-2009, 07:01 PM
FA scolds me, SB ignores me. L.J. shoots me in the face, GM moons me, Sticky Bobby says things at me that I don't know what the 'ell he's talkin 'bout and kex talks me into buying stuff I don't need.

I'm gonna take my toys and go play in somebody else's sandbox.

Wow. It really sucks to be you, eh?

Ah chin up Rich. You know we love you. ;)

01-15-2009, 08:19 PM
Hey!!! I see new kitty cat!!! :lol: Got some big-ass feet! :yikes:

01-16-2009, 12:36 AM
I think they go together perfectly.
1) 99% of the time, my goal is to make people laugh. If that means making fun of them, or myself, then so be it.
2) I have no reason to doubt my masculinity. I know who I am and don't really worry what others think. But it can be fun to confuse people now and then.
3) The self choking thing is meant to compliment FA's signature.
Oh, and I'm not so complex. Simple is what I call myself. Others seem to like the word simpleton. (well, not really, but see answer number 1)

Now, could you move a little? Your elbow is killing my leg.

Self-deprecating humor is both a sign of a very intelligent and self confident individual. You are obviously both. I enjoy your posts, you make me laugh. Laughing is very healthy. Thanks for making me more healthy (btw, do you think there is anything you can do for my swollen and painful ovaries?)

RR6 :smile5:

To LJ: Great to hear that you and your wife are making progress. My wife and I are best friends. It really helps after the intial puppy love wears off. Makes for a very lasting relationship along with the romance. All the best to you two going forward. Take good care of both of you.

RR6 :thumbsup:

01-16-2009, 06:09 AM
Sugar, It was fun. We'll have to snuggle again soon.

Rich, you know we love you so stop fishing for complements. (just kidding. We do luv u tho)

RR, thanks, but I'm not sure what to do about your ovaries. Maybe AA can help.

FA, nice kitty. Is there a story?

LJ, sorry to have jacked your thread. The devil made me do it

01-16-2009, 07:07 AM
Hey!!! I see new kitty cat!!! :lol: Got some big-ass feet! :yikes:

LMAO! I took that picture last night. He was sprawled across my lap with his feet hanging off me. I thought that it would make a cool picture. So I stretch out my arm in front of him and positioned my camera as best as I could without being able to see the screen and snapped the shutter. Right as I was doing that, he yawned. It turned out to be a rather surreal picture with his open mouth, big feet and slight overexposure from the flash. Plus I got lucky with the camera angle right and he was purrrrrfectly centred. :)

01-16-2009, 07:24 AM
You mean to say....
That's your leg in the pic?

01-16-2009, 08:51 AM

RR, I thought you had testicles!

Oh, Lawdie....

GM: Whatchit, bud.

01-16-2009, 08:52 AM
You mean to say....
That's your leg in the pic?

Yep. In my orange track pants and purple t-shirt. Aren't I the fashion statement. :thumbsup:

01-16-2009, 08:54 AM
Orange and purple....You oughta move to Clemson.

01-16-2009, 08:58 AM
What/Where is Clemson?

01-16-2009, 09:05 AM

RR, I thought you had testicles!

Oh, Lawdie....

GM: Whatchit, bud.

Maybe he should try to get his hands on a couple of Kexticles. I hear that they are very popular.

01-16-2009, 09:12 AM

01-16-2009, 09:18 AM
Maybe he should try to get his hands on a couple of Kexticles. I hear that they are very popular.
That's ironic cause for years I've been told to keep my hands off 'em

01-16-2009, 09:20 AM
Only if you follow the penile code of conduct.....

01-16-2009, 09:34 AM
That's ironic cause for years I've been told to keep my hands off 'em
That's only because you let yourself get caught. Try to avoid doing it in public anymore. Unless you are playing baseball. Then it's perfectly acceptable.

02-26-2009, 07:26 AM
Hello everybody. Just wanted to give an update. Things are going well between the wife and I. We have been spending a lot of alone time together and rekindling our relationship. We have plans to spend 3 days in Tahoe next week. This is HUGE!!! We've never been away from our children for more than 1 day. I feel like a kid in a candy store!!!

I have talked to her about therapy and she has actually made 2 appointments. Unfortunately she canceled both at the last minute. I'm not putting too much pressure, but I can tell she is still having issues related to the death of her father.

Well that's about it. Not perfect, but making progress. Thanks to everyone again for helping me through tough times!

02-26-2009, 07:47 AM
Hello everybody. Just wanted to give an update. Things are going well between the wife and I. We have been spending a lot of alone time together and rekindling our relationship. We have plans to spend 3 days in Tahoe next week. This is HUGE!!! We've never been away from our children for more than 1 day. I feel like a kid in a candy store!!!

I have talked to her about therapy and she has actually made 2 appointments. Unfortunately she canceled both at the last minute. I'm not putting too much pressure, but I can tell she is still having issues related to the death of her father.

Well that's about it. Not perfect, but making progress. Thanks to everyone again for helping me through tough times!

She's a lucky woman to have such a supportive husband. I hope that she realizes that.

02-26-2009, 08:09 AM
We'll be here, LJ! Good luck and godspeed, man!

02-26-2009, 08:29 AM
Keep up the good work LJ. We're all pulling for ya.

02-26-2009, 10:04 AM
Hi. :rolleyes:

02-26-2009, 10:24 AM
Good to hear, LJ. You may find this could best thing that ever happened to you.

02-26-2009, 10:32 AM
Well done, ol' chap.
And I bet your still second guessing yourself every minute aren't ya :lol:

02-26-2009, 10:51 AM
Thanks everyone.

Your right Top and I'm having a great time running around like a kid again.

Kex, I think you got me there :lol: