questions about kenwood M1D amp [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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12-01-2008, 10:36 PM
hey folks its been a while since ive posted here.

so here goes.
i bought a m1d from my coworker, and going into it i knew it had a broken gain knob for the right channel. broken right at the shaft. paid 10 dollars for it. (the c1 preamp is coming soon.)

so know the problem is that almost no sound comes from the right channel. unless i turn up the volume way up. then i can barely discern sound from it. the left channel works just fine and nothing appears to be shot, inside. and from it im thinking that the contacts inside have jarred enough that the contacts are not touching as they should.(please no crude jokes here):skep:

so now, is it possible to take the gain pots out of the equation? i mean to totally bypass them with out performing major surgery. maybe just a bit of soldering. :o

12-02-2008, 03:03 AM

Sorry to hear about the Amp problems. I wish I was more of a technical expert and could help you. I can tell you what probably already know, which is that is a very good amp and certainly worth putting a couple of $'s into in order to get it to work. I have the same amp driving my main 2-channel set-up.

Good luck!

12-02-2008, 07:46 AM
thanks thekid, i knew it would have issues, but i thought that i could at least adjust the level using a pin of some sort,to adjust level, and i went as far as to turn te shaft. but found out that there isnt much sound from it.

12-02-2008, 08:20 AM
ill try some photos. for ya.

12-04-2008, 04:30 AM

You don't mind to do a bit of soldering, I take it you have basic electronic skills. From the pics. provided, the volume pot CAN be disabled.

How ?

1) The volume pot have a centre wiper terminal and 2 other end terminals for input and ground / return.

2) You must identify which end terminal is originally soldered / connected to input & which end to gnd. / return.

3) Having identified and marked the 2 end terminals accordingly, ( from pics, the vol. pot looks to be mounted directly to p.c.b.) now you need to cut out and disconnect the centre wiper terminal, so that there is no longer any physical contact with the p.c.b.

4) Now you need to link the input terminal to the wiper terminal ON the p.c.b. This is easily done by soldering in a short length ( cut to size ) of wire linking the 2 vias on the p.c.b. centre terminal to input terminal. Job completed ! Caution !! Signal feed now is at maximum strength. Use your pre-amp, start from lowest volume and slowly work your way up.

* In case the volume pot is hardwired, all you need to do is disconnect the wire from the centre wiper terminal and re-attach / solder to the input terminal end of the volume pot.

Note: If you identified the end terminals wrongly, no, you won't blow anything, but the speakers will remain dead silent ! This is due to the input signal being effectively grounded to the extent that no signal is passed on to the amplification stage. In this case, change your link from centre wiper to the other terminal. Should work.

12-04-2008, 07:43 AM
gerard, thanks for your reply.

the wire going from the pots to the main board were easily removable(on main board). but the wire from pre in were stuck in there.. i dont currently have a desoldering tool. so i snipped it. and from there its just push in(on te main board) and sound from both channels. should be easy enough to put the pots back in te loop when needed.


btw, i bought the c2 preamp to go with it, yesterday. its not in perfect condition either.(20 bucks for both) it doesnt have the feet. and the volume knob is some where in my cowrkers car. hopefully.

12-04-2008, 08:03 AM
another question. does the m1d use the sigma drive or is it just the m2 that uses it? any one know the low ohm handling capability of this amp? what about the strength and weeknesses?

12-04-2008, 04:03 PM
another question. does the m1d use the sigma drive or is it just the m2 that uses it? any one know the low ohm handling capability of this amp? what about the strength and weeknesses?

I looked through my M1D manual and did not see any mention of a Sigma Drive so my guess is that it does not have it. You will love the C2 especially if you use a TT. Great score for getting them for $20!

12-04-2008, 09:02 PM

Glad it work out for you.
Happy listening.

12-04-2008, 10:45 PM
i was bugging my co worker for the c 2 volume knob. (wasnt being crass mind you) then towards the end of the day he remebered. so hopefully he is right about its location.

ill have to fashion some feet for it. not sure what ill use tho. going to be alot of head aches with pictures