View Full Version : Dynaudio focus 110 - amp requirements
10-16-2008, 08:52 AM
Hi Everyone,
I could use some advice from anyone familiar with the focus 110's. Can a rotel 1062 integrated push this things at low to moderate listening levels? I won't need loud volume, but just want the detail and fullness at lower levels - but im not sure if the rotel can provide it with these speakers.
Any advice or thoughts would be very much appreciated.
Pat D
10-17-2008, 10:58 AM
Dynaudio considers the Focus 110 to be a 4 ohm speaker with a sensitivity of 85 DB. This is what the NRC measurements done for Soundstage indicate, as well. I haven't heard this model but the measurements are quite good for a small monitor speaker.
Dynaudios typically are a fairly tough drive, being both relatively insensitive and fairly low impedance. According to Hi-Fi Choice, the Rotel RA-1062 integrated amp is quite conservatively rated. Most significant here is that they measured 145 watts into 4 ohms, so I would expect you would have no difficulty using it with the Focus 110.
10-17-2008, 11:37 AM
But more power sure wouldn't hurt. My Audience speakers only improved with more watts pushing them.
Since you're asking, are you having issues with the sound? Any other links in the chain that could be causing this?
Mr Peabody
10-17-2008, 04:46 PM
I like your choice in speaker. I've heard them with a few amps but not Rotel. I can't remember who it was but some one here really likes the Rotel/Dyn combo. A Analogue Audio and Arcam integrated seemed to push them alright and Pat presented a good case for the Rotel. I've also heard the 110's with a pretty expensive T+A system which showed me they are quite at home and capable of hanging with higher end gear. Actually, I found the 110's impressive. Just my opinion, if you can afford it, I'd suggest looking for a more capable amp, not that the 1062 couldn't push them, it's that the 110's would really shine with a bit higher end amp. Of course, all of that will depend on having a source just as good or better.
Jack in Wilmington
10-17-2008, 05:40 PM
When I was auditioning the Focus 140's the dealer had them running off a Rotel RB-1072 and they really sounded sweet. Now that is rated at 190W thru 4 ohms, so it has a little more juice then the 1062. On the other side of the listening room they had a pair of Contour's running on a RB-1092, so they must have thought Dyn's and Rotel were a good match.
Mr Peabody
10-17-2008, 05:52 PM
Jack, did the Dyn's have a good bass response with Rotel? I've heard a lot of Rotel but mostly with B&W, once with ESS, and a couple with Martin Logan. In all of these it seemed like the bass could have had more weight. With he ESS and ML's that's understandable, each would take a lot of juice. With B&W it could be their response opposed to Rotel's.
Jack in Wilmington
10-18-2008, 01:34 PM
Jack, did the Dyn's have a good bass response with Rotel? I've heard a lot of Rotel but mostly with B&W, once with ESS, and a couple with Martin Logan. In all of these it seemed like the bass could have had more weight. With he ESS and ML's that's understandable, each would take a lot of juice. With B&W it could be their response opposed to Rotel's.
Mr P., I was amazed that I was getting such bass response from a standmount. I had listened to other similar sized speakers from companies such as the Quad 12L, Vienna Acoustics Hayden, Totem Rainmaker and Von Schweikerts. That was the first thing that stuck me was the bass on the 140's. I think that the Rotel had a lot to do with what I heard that day. I'd like to bring home a Rotel amp and try it out with my rig.
Mr Peabody
10-18-2008, 03:04 PM
Maybe, but don't under estimate the ability of the Focus. I went in to audition a couple CD players and really didn't pay attention to the rest of the system until a couple songs into the session, when I noticed the 110's off to the side on stands I was amazed the sound I was hearing had been coming from them. The speaker overall was impressive but what stood out is the amount of quality bass from a bookshelf speaker. To my ears Dynaudio is synonomous with ample quality bass though as long as they have the amp to drive them properly.
I trust your assessment and others have said Rotel does decent bass, so I suspect even though Rotel and B&W are under the same umbrella they may not be the best match.
Jack in Wilmington
10-18-2008, 05:11 PM
Maybe, but don't under estimate the ability of the Focus. I went in to audition a couple CD players and really didn't pay attention to the rest of the system until a couple songs into the session, when I noticed the 110's off to the side on stands I was amazed the sound I was hearing had been coming from them. The speaker overall was impressive but what stood out is the amount of quality bass from a bookshelf speaker. To my ears Dynaudio is synonomous with ample quality bass though as long as they have the amp to drive them properly.
I trust your assessment and others have said Rotel does decent bass, so I suspect even though Rotel and B&W are under the same umbrella they may not be the best match.
It may well be that the B&W's were not letting the Rotel show its best side. At these two price points, which would you choose.
$1500 B&W 705 or Dynaudio Focus 110/140
$2500 B&W 805 or Dynaudio Contour S1.4
Mr Peabody
10-18-2008, 06:08 PM
I personally prefer Dynaudio over B&W at any price point. We each like what we like and I happen to feel you can take a Dyn at a certain price and it will spank a B&W several price levels up. I gave B&W a fair shake when I was looking for speakers some years back and I thought my 2.5's were better, or I preferred them, over any Nautilus at the time.
I also like the fact that all the Dyn's I've heard have certain characteristics you can count on like quality bass response and about as neutral as I've heard a speaker to be. My
t2.5's have been excellent with Krell, Arcam, Linn or Conrad Johnson.
Jack in Wilmington
10-18-2008, 06:32 PM
I personally prefer Dynaudio over B&W at any price point. We each like what we like and I happen to feel you can take a Dyn at a certain price and it will spank a B&W several price levels up. I gave B&W a fair shake when I was looking for speakers some years back and I thought my 2.5's were better, or I preferred them, over any Nautilus at the time.
I also like the fact that all the Dyn's I've heard have certain characteristics you can count on like quality bass response and about as neutral as I've heard a speaker to be. My
t2.5's have been excellent with Krell, Arcam, Linn or Conrad Johnson.
That's exactly my take on it. I used to like B&W because it was the best that my local HiFi shop had to offer. I didn't know any better, because I had nothing to compare them to.
About a year ago they dropped B&W and picked up Sonus Faber and now they just added Wilson Audio. So it's a great place to go and listen to music again. They stepped up.
Mr Peabody
10-18-2008, 10:23 PM
I'd like to hear some Wilson. I hear a lot about them but no one around here carries them. What electronics does this store have to drive these? Just from what I've heard on reputation SF and Wilson would be two good lines to have. SF for those who want warmer sound and Wilson for more neutral. I wonder what other lines the Wilson rep carries.
Merlin made a buzz when debutted some years back at CES but I haven't heard much from them lately.
10-19-2008, 04:05 AM
Ok... time to jump in and break up the Dynaudio spanks B&W direction this thread has taken... (as I've said in the identical thread by the OP in the Amp section - mods really should blend this into one thread): I've heard the Rotel RA-1062 and Dynaudio Focus 110/140/220 combo at a B&W and Dynaudio dealer... The amp had more than enough juice to drive the Dyns to much louder levels than I'd ever listen to them (in a room about 16x18ft)...
I love the Dynaudio's bass (amazing for such small speakers), the midrange was also nice but the top end was very disappointing (especially compared to the B&W CM and 800 Series we were comparing them to)... The Dyn's top end was preferable to the B&W 703 however, as the703 were ridiculously bright (I had serious listening fatigue)...
If I had to put my money on any of these brands: I'd get B&W and Rotel and wouldn't be willing to spend a cent on Dynaudio or Arcam (these two maybe good from a technical standpoint but I found them to sound way too boring to live with)... Anyway, it really all comes down to personal preference...
Jack in Wilmington
10-19-2008, 05:59 AM
I'd like to hear some Wilson. I hear a lot about them but no one around here carries them. What electronics does this store have to drive these? Just from what I've heard on reputation SF and Wilson would be two good lines to have. SF for those who want warmer sound and Wilson for more neutral. I wonder what other lines the Wilson rep carries.
Merlin made a buzz when debutted some years back at CES but I haven't heard much from them lately.
They were driving the Watt Puppy 8 with Ayre Mono Blocks. I believe it was the MX-R. They had just started carrying Ayre about 6 months ago. I remember them saying when they got the Ayre's that they finally had something that brought out the best in the SF's.
In another room they had a pair of Sophia's running off a V-5xe Ayre's amp. In the front room they had a pair of Duette bookshelves running off a Musical Fidelity A5.5 integrated.
My salesguy said he's already trying to see what he can do to get a pair of the Puppy's.
Jack in Wilmington
10-19-2008, 06:11 AM
Ok... time to jump in and break up the Dynaudio spanks B&W direction this thread has taken... (as I've said in the identical thread by the OP in the Amp section - mods really should blend this into one thread): I've heard the Rotel RA-1062 and Dynaudio Focus 110/140/220 combo at a B&W and Dynaudio dealer... The amp had more than enough juice to drive the Dyns to much louder levels than I'd ever listen to them (in a room about 16x18ft)...
I love the Dynaudio's bass (amazing for such small speakers), the midrange was also nice but the top end was very disappointing (especially compared to the B&W CM and 800 Series we were comparing them to)... The Dyn's top end was preferable to the B&W 703 however, as they were ridiculously bright (I had serious listening fatigue)...
If I had to put my money on any of these brands: I'd get B&W and Rotel and wouldn't be willing to spend a cent on Dynaudio or Arcam (these two maybe good from a technical standpoint but I found them to sound way too boring to live with)... Anyway, it really all comes down to personal preference...
Yea I can see what you mean about getting this thread off track. But you are the first person I've heard discribe the Dyn's as bright. I can see you saying they are boring. There are a lot of people who find soft dome tweeters boring. They prefer a more detailed sound such as B&W. It is definately all about preference.
10-19-2008, 06:37 AM
Yea I can see what you mean about getting this thread off track. But you are the first person I've heard discribe the Dyn's as bright. I can see you saying they are boring. There are a lot of people who find soft dome tweeters boring. They prefer a more detailed sound such as B&W. It is definately all about preference.
Just to clarify: I was describing the B&W 703 as bright, not the Dyns... (I just edited my post to make it clear)
Mr Peabody
10-19-2008, 09:15 AM
Ajani I am surprised you don't like Arcam. They are in fact not "boring". Some of the FMJ newer stuff has been "mellowed" a bit but Arcam is extremely fast and dynamic, I also notice a lot of activity or perceived movement in the soundstage. Rotel by contrast is polite and laid back. An entire Rotel system made my discs sound like the band had been on sedatives when playing. Rotel simply doesn't have the speed and snap of Arcam. Actually I'm not sure I've heard any gear as fast as Arcam including Krell. Well, I take that back, T+A is every bit as fast with more weight but it's also more dollars. In this comparison I'm talking about ALL Arcam vs ALL Rotel, no mixing to slew the "house" synergy. You are welcome to disagree but if so I'd urge you to take the same discs and compare again in total systems as I stated, the contrast is obvious.
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