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08-03-2008, 05:43 PM
Hey everybody, I'm new here. Great forum and lots of info. Thanks.

08-03-2008, 05:49 PM
Hey catswold, welcome to the forums. That's quite a collection of Pioneer gears ya got there. No doubt the product of some time invested in this hobby.

I'm looking forward to hearing some stories,my man.

08-03-2008, 05:59 PM
Welcome to AudioReview. I like your avatar of the Cheshire Cat. Alice Through the Looking Glass I should read again.

08-03-2008, 07:05 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

The home theater receivers are good for what they do, and the VSX-36TX has been used as the front end on a (now dead) high end amp and proved to be very "musical," but the really good amps are the 9500II and the 900D (the Canadian version of the A-88X).

I am now trying to decide which one I like better, the 900D has more power, but I think I like the sound of the 9500II a little better. It seems to be a bit warmer, as the 70's solid-state stuff tended to be tuned to emulate the earlier tube gear.

I know, it's a dirty, thankless job, but someone has to do it...:)

This has got to be the best passive hobby there is...if you love music.

08-03-2008, 07:17 PM
Oh yeah, warm is good and amps can have a great effect on that. My own journey went from simple AV receiver to Rotel to McIntosh with the warmth increasing exponentially.

No doubt if you hang out long enough you'll encounter a thread or two debating warmth versus accuracy...and there's a place at the table for everyone. My place is on the side closest to the fireplace.


08-03-2008, 07:46 PM
As they say in the old west, pull up a chair, pour a cold one and join the show :)

08-04-2008, 03:06 AM
Likewise. Welcome to our little family. Enjoy.:thumbsup:

08-04-2008, 03:28 AM
Welcome to the club.

enjoy :)
lot's of good gear you got there :)

Keep them spinning,

08-04-2008, 06:31 AM
Put me down for a welcome as well :biggrin5:

08-04-2008, 06:39 AM
I'll chime in with a welcome as well. Hope it's warm enough for you here.

08-10-2008, 03:05 PM
:16: Hello to this forum,

I am new here and want to say hello from Berlin, Germany. Ich have found this forum while I have googled for Pioneer SA9500II. I have this amp for my JBL 4311A (because I needed a stronger amp like the former Yamaha CA800.

Now I am looking for information, if the Pioneer SA 9500/ SA 9900 series is maybe better than the SA9500II. I have in my citchen the SA 8500 and it sounds very good on Mirsch OM 3-28 and Braun L 530 speakers. When I opened the amps, I see in the inner, that the SA 8500 has other transistors (more bigger) then the SA 9500II and I ask myself, if they are of higher quality, because the amp is older.

If someone has information or experience with these amps and answers to my questions, I am very lucky.

Thanks a lot, musicwasmyfirstlove

08-11-2008, 03:10 PM
:16: Hello to this forum,

I am new here and want to say hello from Berlin, Germany.
Hallo, willkommen.

if the Pioneer SA 9500/ SA 9900 series is maybe better than the SA9500II. ...the SA 8500 has other transistors (more bigger) then the SA 9500II and I ask myself, if they are of higher quality, because the amp is older.
You are correct. From pics of an SA-9500 found here (, I can tell its output transistors uses the rugged, industry standard T0-3 case.

This ( thread suggests the "II Series" downgraded to the smaller T0-220 case outputs which cannot dissipate heat as well. My brother has a Yamaha receiver that has outputs like this. Over the years, he has had to replace them a couple of times.

I have a 1981 Threshold Stasis that has provided fault free performance since I purchased it new. It uses 32 Motorola devices in the T0-3 case. You can just see 8 on the top of each circuit board between the heat sink. I suspect they will never need replacement.

Bester Respekt,

01-13-2009, 05:19 PM
How do you line up your older av/receiver audio with the newer blue ray dvd players?

01-13-2009, 05:30 PM
I am a begginer in many ways. AVR is Yamaha RX-V461 with Boston Acoustics CR67 front CR57 rear surrounds and Micro Center. Sony 8" sub rounds out the system seems okay to me but i've never asked anyone experienced.