View Full Version : R.I.P. Heywood, 3LB, and Van O
08-02-2008, 01:43 PM
I've been 3-LockBox for years here, but watched this website really slow down to a crawl. About a year or so ago I created a Yech-ish type character to try and jump start a few threads but that didn't work, not really, not in a friendly way. I even tried a more friendly, music only moniker like Van Occupanther. But that worked as well as posting as 3LB. And I don't want to be Heywood Djahblomie all the time.
But I did drag another poster here into my little game without her permission and for that I apologize - to FA.
But I think its time to split for a while because I must be bored out of my gorde trying to post about music when its obvious that it doesn't work, as Van O, or as 3LB. Some people got a kick out of Heywood, but he never posted a thing about music.
For those of you who'll wonder why I let the cat out of the bag and sully my rep, just think of all the 3LB posts you won't have to pass on in the future. You might not have even noticed I was gone except for this thread title.
08-02-2008, 02:15 PM
Actually, I was just thinking 'bout you while listening to the effervescent Sounds Good 2008!! to which you contributed more than a little. Solid group effort I'd say.
Clearly I can relate to the instinct to "take it on oneself" to try and liven this place up...or else I wouldn't be posting topics with titles like "R.I.P. Geddy Lee". I think there are a couple of things to take into consideration when judging the state of the AR nation:
1)We tend to listen to some esoteric and orotund stuff...enough so that I would tend to characterize RR as sorta a niche place. Hell, Van Occupanther brought up stuff I hadn't even heard of and while not an expert I consider myself better versed than the average joe.
2) I saw that you ventured into one of the Off-Topic sections which is more than many can say. There is generally a fair amount of silliness going on over there. If i'm looking for action, or just to stir up some trouble, that's generally where I go.
3) Other than Auricauricle, Ajani, and mebbe LDB, whose joined in the last year-and-a-half that's stuck around? Nobody really. We can blame that on a lack of "Intro" section but really we have to look at ourselves. There are plenty of "Hi, I'm new" threads started that never get responses. We, as a group, prolly need to do a better job of engaging newcomers...before smackin 'em around, or worse, ignoring them...if we want new playmates. Of course that's hard to do if we (myself included) don't venture outta the RR confines very often.
You combine all that with the generally prohibitive nature of the vBulletin software and the fact that it's summer and it really isn't surprising that it's slow 'round here.
FWLIW, despite differing tastes in general I like your posts...I like Heywood as well, hehehe...
...are you sure you're not Siwsh too?
Later days T
08-02-2008, 02:58 PM
...are you sure you're not Siwsh too?
Nope. I don't even live in Texas. I may still lurk here in the future. I don't think you can close out a moniker, other than to get banned, so I may even visit as 3LB, but rest assured, Heywood and Van Occupanther are history.
I'm prolly no less guilty of being cliquish or self-centered than anyone else. I think we're all guilty of treating this board as our own personal blog. I coulda just kept the two mild-mannered monikers, but in a pathetic attempt at generating interest, I even answered my other moniker, Van O. Pretty lame.
Its possible I'm the only one that feels this way, but if I'm making up alter-egos and answering their posts, then I have to question myself as to why I hang around. I should pop in, look around for new music recs, and call it good, with no other expectation. I guess I got used to the tight-knit community that once existed, which did include a fair amount of OT content. I tried to contribute a little extra music talk with Van O, and I tried to stir sh!t with Heywood. The Heywood moniker worked, FWIW, but I don't have the energy to be a fulltime yech.
But just to be clear, I'm making no indictment on anyone here. I do this today mainly because I was sure to be outted sooner or later. Since it was obvious that I had really upset someone I liked here, I figured its time to call it good for a while. I didn't like being insulted either, or being treated insincerely as 3LB, so I shouldn't have taken Heywood that far myself. Sorry FA or anyone else who felt insulted or excluded by Heywood (me).
Now I need to get one of them there 'lifes'.
08-02-2008, 03:28 PM
Damn, and I thought you were Davey Monkey Slider :confused:
08-02-2008, 04:36 PM
Damn, and I thought you were Davey Monkey Slider :confused:
Edit: Oops, did I say that out loud?
There are other music discussion boards around. Probably none like we had for that short time during the internet explosion, but nothing lasts forever.
08-02-2008, 05:09 PM
There are other music discussion boards around. Probably none like we had for that short time during the internet explosion, but nothing lasts forever.
True dat, and it probably doesn't do us any favors. Lotta options and if peeps can't relate or aren't recognized they're not gonna stick around too long.
I wasn't around during the glory years but clearly it was something special to alot of folks. That said, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled first, nahmean? If you want to be a participant on an active board you have to be active
08-02-2008, 05:31 PM
If you want to be a participant on an active board you have to be active
Sure, but after 5 or 6 years, most of us men of La Mancha lost interest in tilting at windmills. I applaud you Sticks, your posts are the best, funny and intelligent, and you obviously are a music lover. Keep it up, even if it has become kind of like a little blog. I still read em, just don't post much anymore.
08-02-2008, 06:02 PM
Yer makin' me blush, schnookums...
It's not about posting three, five or seven times a day---although I imagine this place would seem busier if everyone did that---it's about engaging folks. Some of your narratives are so descriptive I'd have thought you were in the recording studio. Clearly you take some time on those...even the cut-and-pastes.
And, the "Sounds Good 2008!!" thread that Slsohy, and to some extent you, contributed to drew a fair amount of response and views. I call that being active.
The point that I'm flogging here---and it really has nothing to do with 3LB per se---is that we can't all go poo-pooing around about how dead this place is if we're practicing elitists. And, I'm as guilty as the next guy. Want an example?
Now I'm not a Fats Domino fan but I love me some Dr. John and I'm from Michigan. I could've at least asked how the snow cows were doin'. We just get conditioned to looking for the same names over and over. If that's the way some want it, fine, but we can't have our cake and eat it too.
And God knows we're not over-moderated anymore. You can pretty much say almost anything you want around here.
As a completely unrelated observation it has become aware to me that I'm no longer capable of spelling "Swish" correctly which should lead to some fun at my expense.
AR: The perfect pre-party place. Nothing like a little jager and red bull.
08-03-2008, 03:21 AM
Well I'd miss seeing you around 3LB.
As for the state of the union in the RR Forums - Well I'm not terribly surprised.
Look at my post count - I've been here as long as most, (kexodusc wasn't my first name) and more active than the majority. I'm a big music fan.
But when I browse through the RR forums I tend to see more condescending, pointless, self-gratifying, arrogant remarks criticizing the personal musical preferences of others. The same irrelevant BS that I find on too many other music forums. Gives you the impression you need to know the secret handshake to the club around here sometimes. That kind of junior high pissing match is just avoided by people these days (it's boring) and isn't exactly open or inviting to newcomers, especially if their sense of humor is different or their tolerance for forced sarcasm is low. I look for threads by certain people, but for the most part I ignore the others just to avoid getting baited into a flame war I've gone through a million times before.
Even if *****ing about sucky music is fun. Think most people just don't care enough for it.
Think we all could do a bit better on that sometimes. Oh well.
I've been 3-LockBox for years here, but watched this website really slow down to a crawl. About a year or so ago I created a Yech-ish type character to try and jump start a few threads but that didn't work, not really, not in a friendly way. I even tried a more friendly, music only moniker like Van Occupanther. But that worked as well as posting as 3LB. And I don't want to be Heywood Djahblomie all the time.
You sucked at being Yech! You're too damn intelligent to speak his lingo. I didn't know Heywood was you but I sure knew it wasn't real.
This place has died. I feel like a broken record, but it died the day they changed the software. It will never recover. I keep thinking I will just disappear, but I hold on to the connection I feel here with people who love music. Even if they don't listen to what I do and vice versa. You, 3LB are one of those people. Your disks still spin here and always bring back memories of all the fun we had trading disks....not those whimpy mP3 downloads...LOL.
How do you think I feel sometimes? I post and barely get a response unless it's a real life horror story with me as the victim. Nobody here like Victor Whooten enough to respond to a concert posting. Nobody like Carl Filipiak!
Don't leave. Just choose your posts.
08-03-2008, 06:08 AM
3-LB. Apology accepted. I knew a long time ago that the poster wasn't Yech and even found some of the posts somewhat amusing. But when this unknown person dragged me into the fray, I wasn't going to let that happen. I was upset to read the Haywood post that involved me, but less upset when the cat was let out of the bag and I found out the true identity of Heywood. When I found out that it was you, I understood your reasons for doing it. I didn't like it, but I understood.
For the record, you were the last person here that I expected to be Heywood. I don't mean that in a judgmental way, it's just that you've have never been anything but respectful and kind on this board and in our PMs. So I was shocked to learn that you were Heywood. I didn't think you had it in you. Knowing now that it was you, I find the whole thing kind of amusing. Swish was so sure that it was DLD. :)
Unfortunately, you took the charade just one step too far IMO.
I hope that you'll reconsider leaving this place and just retire Heywood and VO but stick around as 3-LB. As we've discussed before, there are not a lot of people on this board that share the musical tastes that you and I share. And I, for one, will miss 3-LB's presence here. Who else around here is going to point me in the direction of wonderful music from the likes of Threshold, Riverside and Beardfish if not you?
Don't expect too much from this place. It's not what it used to be, but it's still a fun place to hang out with some cool people and talk about some tunes (and other things). You can hang at PE where you'll probably find people with more in common, musically. But they don't have the same comraderie that you'll find here.
If you really don't enjoy hanging here then move on and best of luck to you. But if you're just bored, well, moving on isn't going to make it any better for the rest of us. We need more contributors not less.
I know that you don't feel that way right now, but your contributions here are important. Just because some people would rather **** on your posts than provide anything meaningful, they're probably doing it for the same reason that you created Heywood in the first place...boredom and to stir the pot.
And let's not forget, we have a lot more lurkers than contributors. Your posts might be influencing some young and hopeful Progger and you may not even know it. Think of the wrong turn in the road that young Progger might take if he only has Davey, Swish, Slosh and Stone to rely on for musical guidance. Oy vey! :rolleyes5:
08-03-2008, 11:05 AM
...friend DLD from Texas using the Heywood moniker. Or YECH, but I realize it wasn't the latter because he was banned and really had on way of returning. Not so with DLD.
Yes, this place has become somewhat of a snooze-fest, but summertime has way of making it understandable (wait a sec...I feel a song coming on).
If it weren't for Bobsticks, we could really have some fun around this place.:p
Swish - old but not wiser
08-03-2008, 11:25 AM
If it weren't for Bobsticks, we could really have some fun around this place.:p
Swish - old but not wiser
Yeah, I am a killjoy, ain't I. :dita:
08-05-2008, 04:11 PM
Yeah, I am a killjoy, ain't I. :dita:
...I wouldn't have so many frickin' typos. I don't even catch them fast enough to use the edit feature any more.
Swish - see the above. Word omitted. I make no
08-06-2008, 03:34 AM
What's all this brouhaha?
What's all this brouhaha?
You can either wait here in the sitting room, or you can sit here in the waiting room.
Luvin Da Blues
08-06-2008, 04:12 AM
3) Other than Auricauricle, Ajani, and mebbe LDB, whose joined in the last year-and-a-half that's stuck around? Nobody really. We can blame that on a lack of "Intro" section but really we have to look at ourselves..........
OK OK I'll come outta me Hobbit hole. Actually I feel guilty 'bout this notice I get.. "Hello Luvin Da Blues it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?" but as Sticks said IT"S SUMMER and I have been put on night shift while we get some highway widening work done so my schedule and sleep patterns are all mixed up.
3LB, I don't think it can get much slower than it is now...things can only pick up from here. Stick around, the quality of the few posts we get will only suffer with out ya. Besides you don't wanna miss what 'Sticks or Auricauricle are gunna say next...entertaining stuff.
08-06-2008, 07:23 AM
Sure, but after 5 or 6 years, most of us men of La Mancha lost interest in tilting at windmills. I applaud you Sticks, your posts are the best, funny and intelligent, and you obviously are a music lover. Keep it up, even if it has become kind of like a little blog. I still read em, just don't post much anymore.
...trouble getting out the door, now you go and make him feel even more important. Your opinion will change if you ever receive any of his World Music cdrs. I had to d list him after that episode. I heard he may get invited to Kathy Griffin's next show.
08-06-2008, 09:07 AM
...trouble getting out the door, now you go and make him feel even more important. Your opinion will change if you ever receive any of his World Music cdrs. I had to d list him after that episode. I heard he may get invited to Kathy Griffin's next show.
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