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09-08-2008, 06:46 AM
GM, have you downloaded the newest R&C. I've played through it twice already. The story is OK(searching for Clank) but they kinda leave you hangin' at the end. You do get a glimpse at the next villain you'll be facing. I heard to new R&C(full game) won't be out til fall of 09 :arf:

Isn't that just for the PSP?

I went on line for the first time with Burnout last night. Something called "free burn." It was filled with teenagers talkin' smack and randomly running into each other. How does a person start a friends list?

09-08-2008, 07:05 AM
I ordered a new plate amp today. That's the third amp I've used in this thing. The first one I fried with BFD, when I had the +10 dbV thing engaged and way too much gain from the reciever.

2nd amp, run over by a Dodge Intrepid. Mom's car is fine, the license plate is bent a bit.

09-08-2008, 07:21 AM
I ordered a new plate amp today. That's the third amp I've used in this thing. The first one I fried with BFD, when I had the +10 dbV thing engaged and way too much gain from the reciever.

2nd amp, run over by a Dodge Intrepid. Mom's car is fine, the license plate is bent a bit.

Maybe it's trying to tell you something.

How's that big screen look in 1080p?:ihih:

09-08-2008, 07:40 AM
Maybe it's trying to tell you something.

How's that big screen look in 1080p?:ihih:

Looks pretty good. Well 1080p really spoils you. Going back to 480p and compressed cable 1080i is a bit of a downer at first, but even they look good.

I ran DVE to get my brightness, contrast, colors and sharpness up to snuff. I have to say, some of the pre-sets on the Epson are pretty damn close to what I could come up with. Scary close. Had to change the color temp to 6500 and cut the brightness down a bit but the colors are bang on. Much more accurate than my LCD or RPTV were. Sharpness control was pretty bang on too. Turning off a lot of the auto-image correction features made some minor tweaking improvements.

Wife bought the Planet Earth BluRays. She likes crap like that. The scenes are pretty impressive. I'm pretty busy this week, but maybe next week I'll run out and splurge on some BluRays.

09-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Isn't that just for the PSP?

I went on line for the first time with Burnout last night. Something called "free burn." It was filled with teenagers talkin' smack and randomly running into each other. How does a person start a friends list?

Nah, it's on the PS3. $14.99 for about 4 hours of play. 3 levels, easy - hard. You don't get all the cool weapons or gadgets in this one though. I guess it's kind of a link between TOD and the next full game to come out.

I do plan on getting the R&C PSP package when it becomes available on Oct. 14. My kid is gonna hate me :devil:

09-08-2008, 08:03 AM
Looks pretty good. Well 1080p really spoils you. Going back to 480p and compressed cable 1080i is a bit of a downer at first, but even they look good.

I ran DVE to get my brightness, contrast, colors and sharpness up to snuff. I have to say, some of the pre-sets on the Epson are pretty damn close to what I could come up with. Scary close. Had to change the color temp to 6500 and cut the brightness down a bit but the colors are bang on. Much more accurate than my LCD or RPTV were. Sharpness control was pretty bang on too. Turning off a lot of the auto-image correction features made some minor tweaking improvements.

Wife bought the Planet Earth BluRays. She likes crap like that. The scenes are pretty impressive. I'm pretty busy this week, but maybe next week I'll run out and splurge on some BluRays.

I bet it does look great. And yeah, it's tough to go back, even though it doesn't look bad. DVD's are OK, and even some 480i broadcasts aren't bad. I still find myself only surfing the HD channels though. If it's worth watching, it's worth watching in HD.

How does that DVE work? How to you compare what you've got to what you should have? Where did you get yours? How much do they go for?

The planet Earth series was awesome. Saw it in 1080i converted to 720p and it was still the best picture I've ever seen. Must be incredible in 1080p.

09-08-2008, 08:09 AM
Looks pretty good. Well 1080p really spoils you. Going back to 480p and compressed cable 1080i is a bit of a downer at first, but even they look good.

I was sick last week and was laid up on the couch for a few days. I watched a bunch of DVDs and was just thinking that. Some BR video quality is pretty amazing. DVD is like meh....I didn't give it much thought after I got into the movie. A good movie is a good movie, no matter how good or bad the video quality may be.

Wife bought the Planet Earth BluRays. She likes crap like that. The scenes are pretty impressive. I'm pretty busy this week, but maybe next week I'll run out and splurge on some BluRays.

Good move by wifey. I think Planet Earth is a must have BR. Breath taking scenes and educational :thumbsup:

09-08-2008, 08:30 AM
Nah, it's on the PS3. $14.99 for about 4 hours of play. 3 levels, easy - hard. You don't get all the cool weapons or gadgets in this one though. I guess it's kind of a link between TOD and the next full game to come out.

Cool, I'll check it out (as soon as I can drag myself away from Burnout. in 2 weeks I have in 75 hours of playing time and have driven over 5500 miles)

I do plan on getting the R&C PSP package when it becomes available on Oct. 14. My kid is gonna hate me :devil:

Hate you? Why's that? You are going to give it as a b-day gift right?

09-08-2008, 08:58 AM
Cool, I'll check it out (as soon as I can drag myself away from Burnout. in 2 weeks I have in 75 hours of playing time and have driven over 5500 miles)

Hate you? Why's that? You are going to give it as a b-day gift right?

Because it's gonna be just for me. Serious :yesnod:

He's spoiled anyways. He has a dad that's a bid kid and has every game and cool toy that comes out. He just got a DS (we made him work around the house all summer for it) and after begging like a baby for a few weeks, I finally broke down and grabbed him some guitars off craigslist for guitar hero.

I don't mind though, he does very well in school and is above his 4th grade level so I let him get away with a little bit.

09-08-2008, 09:01 AM
...It was filled with teenagers talkin' smack and randomly running into each other. How does a person start a friends list?
I've been wanting to see if there's a way where say, the PS owners have their own private game server so we can do battle. That would be cool, and would encourage more bonding between us. :biggrin5:

I think Playstation Home will facilitate community like environments but I don't know if people will be able to set up a mini network for gaming.

09-08-2008, 09:11 AM
I was sick last week and was laid up on the couch for a few days. I watched a bunch of DVDs and was just thinking that. Some BR video quality is pretty amazing. DVD is like meh....I didn't give it much thought after I got into the movie. A good movie is a good movie, no matter how good or bad the video quality may be.
Wow! That really was some hangover wasn't it? :smilewinkgrin:

Good move by wifey. I think Planet Earth is a must have BR. Breath taking scenes and educational :thumbsup:
It ain't cheap though. It's a four disk set that is selling for more than $60 at Amazon. I wonder if this series can be purchased one BD at a time?

09-08-2008, 09:21 AM
I've been wanting to see if there's a way where say, the PS owners have their own private game server so we can do battle. That would be cool, and would encourage more bonding between us. :biggrin5:

I think Playstation Home will facilitate community like environments but I don't know if people will be able to set up a mini network for gaming.

Well we'd all have to set a certain time to meet somewhere in Home. And what game are you referring to? I read that you can have your own "space" and invite certain people in and launch games from there.

You could even get married. I think Rich & GM would make a great virtual couple :21:

09-08-2008, 09:27 AM
I've been wanting to see if there's a way where say, the PS owners have their own private game server so we can do battle. That would be cool, and would encourage more bonding between us. :biggrin5:

I think Playstation Home will facilitate community like environments but I don't know if people will be able to set up a mini network for gaming.

I know that a bunch of people get together from AVS each week to burnout, but have been a little shy about throwing my hat in. These guys have been playing every week since January. I was hoping to at least get my elite license before I join that group.

It looks like it's easy to put a group together on Burnout. We just need to know each other's P(something) code/ID thingies. Then we could add to our friends list (that I don't know how to do yet) and get together to tear down the city.

09-08-2008, 09:30 AM
You could even get married. I think Rich & GM would make a great virtual couple :21:

Still hungover I see.

If I was going to switch teams, JM would get first dibs. If he turns me down, then it's you and me baby.

09-08-2008, 09:41 AM
Still hungover I see.

If I was going to switch teams, JM would get first dibs. If he turns me down, then it's you and me baby.
You're referring to L.J. right? :yesnod:

09-08-2008, 09:42 AM
You're referring to L.J. right? :yesnod:
Yeah. Sorry Rich, but you could go 3rd if you like.:thumbsup:

09-08-2008, 09:45 AM
I know that a bunch of people get together from AVS each week to burnout, but have been a little shy about throwing my hat in. These guys have been playing every week since January. I was hoping to at least get my elite license before I join that group.

It looks like it's easy to put a group together on Burnout. We just need to know each other's P(something) code/ID thingies. Then we could add to our friends list (that I don't know how to do yet) and get together to tear down the city.

Once you know the PSN ID. Just shoot the person a message from your PS3 asking them to add you as a friend. I play my brother on Fight Night 3 sometimes. We just both log in and challenge each other to a match.

09-08-2008, 10:02 AM
Well we'd all have to set a certain time to meet somewhere in Home. And what game are you referring to?
Well, I don't know what everybody else is doing at 11 am Central time, but that's my lunchtime. Or weekends if the WAF is is positive. Not referring to any game in particular but I'm sure we could all agree on one or two.

I read that you can have your own "space" and invite certain people in and launch games from there.
Yup. That's what I mean.

You could even get married. I think Rich & GM would make a great virtual couple :21:
Put the crack pipe down knucklehead. :rolleyes:

09-08-2008, 10:03 AM
Yeah. Sorry Rich, but you could go 3rd if you like.:thumbsup:
Ain't that always the way? :mad2:

09-08-2008, 10:08 AM
Ain't that always the way? :mad2:

Trust me, it's not something you should be upset about.;)

09-08-2008, 10:24 AM
Trust me, it's not something you should be upset about.;)
;) <== This is the second time in as many weeks you've tried to kiss me! Knock it off!:incazzato:

09-08-2008, 10:43 AM
BTW, the Dualshock 3 wireless controller price is down to $46.99 with free shipping at Amazon.

09-08-2008, 10:49 AM
Whatever happened to that two piece controller that we were supposed to get for shooter games?

09-08-2008, 11:20 AM
Don't know, but something came to mind while I was reporting on the DS3 controller: I have a Hands-on Throttle & Stick controller that I used for PC Flight sims; it's a USB connected device, but I wonder if my PS3 will recognize it. I have a feeling it won't because the install disk is Windows based, but I'd like to plug it in and see what happens. I assume it won't blow anything up, but if I could get a PS type driver...

I wonder how that all works? GM, did you have to run an install program with your racing wheel?

09-08-2008, 01:05 PM
Don't know, but something came to mind while I was reporting on the DS3 controller: I have a Hands-on Throttle & Stick controller that I used for PC Flight sims; it's a USB connected device, but I wonder if my PS3 will recognize it. I have a feeling it won't because the install disk is Windows based, but I'd like to plug it in and see what happens. I assume it won't blow anything up, but if I could get a PS type driver...

I wonder how that all works? GM, did you have to run an install program with your racing wheel?

No install. Just plug it in to the USB port and then set the control settings on the 6axis to 2.:thumbsup:

09-09-2008, 09:18 AM
No install. Just plug it in to the USB port and then set the control settings on the 6axis to 2.:thumbsup:
I'm going to plug my HOTAS in tonite and see what happens. The bigger question though is do Sony and other game makers even produce Flight Sim's?

09-09-2008, 10:22 AM
(and yes...I will be putting Linux on this bad boy in due time...)

Nevertheless, I'll be interested to see how the install goes and what benefits you reap because of it. I know there is a menu item that will allow installation of other OS's so there may come a time where I try to install the bargain basement Vista OS.

09-09-2008, 11:10 AM
I'll be interested to see how the install goes and what benefits you reap because of it.

I was gonna ask the same. Plenty of install info available but I haven't found a solid reason for doing it yet.

Speaking of installs, I'm down to only 12g of free space. It's getting close to new HD time. I may put a 320 in it if I bother opening the case up. I heard the hardest part was getting the 4 little screws undone. Seems like ALOT of people stripped theres in the process.

09-09-2008, 11:52 AM
BTW, I inserted an SD memory card just for grins; the pics came up fine, but is there any reason why I can't just pull the card out? With a PC it's best to stop the connection to the card before removal.

As always, your attention into this matter is greatly appreciated. :biggrin5:

09-09-2008, 01:09 PM
BTW, I inserted an SD memory card just for grins; the pics came up fine, but is there any reason why I can't just pull the card out? With a PC it's best to stop the connection to the card before removal.

As always, your attention into this matter is greatly appreciated. :biggrin5:

Huh? As always Rich, I have no clue what the heck your talking about :p

Whadaya mean you can't pull the card out?

09-09-2008, 02:48 PM
Huh? As always Rich, I have no clue what the heck your talking about :p
Not "always" wiseguy. :nonod:

Whadaya mean you can't pull the card out?
In a Windows (the OS) environment, it's recommended that the connection (service that recognizes and allows access) to the memory card be *stopped* before the card is removed from the media card reader. Apparently there's no provision in the Playstation to halt/end communication with the memory card before it's removed. No biggie though, I just removed it after I turned off the PS3.

How's that for baffling with bullpuckey in order to save face? :biggrin5:

09-09-2008, 03:23 PM
Not "always" wiseguy. :nonod:

In a Windows (the OS) environment, it's recommended that the connection (service that recognizes and allows access) to the memory card be *stopped* before the card is removed from the media card reader. Apparently there's no provision in the Playstation to halt/end communication with the memory card before it's removed. No biggie though, I just removed it after I turned off the PS3.

How's that for baffling with bullpuckey in order to save face? :biggrin5:

Yeah that happens with my ipod. It has a huge "do not disconnect" flashing on it's screen but there's no way to do that.

09-10-2008, 07:44 AM
Ok so I played Uncharted for a couple of hours and I'm loving it. Graphics are amazing!!!!!! I didn't even realize when the cut scene stopped and gameplay started. Nice little things going on in the background, leaves blowing around, tree branches moving. When you get in the water your pants or entire body gets wet and slowly dries off. There's also moisture on the rocks that are close to water.

Story is good so far and game play is pretty simple. I was able to pick up the controller and get going in no time. They add alot of puzzle & strategy(getting around objects or blocked areas) also some use of the sixaxis motion sensors. I'm glad alot of games make use of this. Also lot's of bonuses and extra things to search out and side goals to reach.

Shooting people is pretty simple. You have the ability to duck or hide behind objects and lean over to fire and return to your hiding position. Upper body shots give you a quick kill while leg or arm shots takes about 4 or 5 hits.

One thing I like is the game isn't all about shooting. The strategy they throw in has you climbing mountains, swing from vines, jumping from trees....all kinds of cool stuff. Actually, there wasn't a bad guy around for the first hour I played (besides the very first opening scene). The demo is available on the PSN for you guys that want to try it out. This is one I may play through a 2nd time.

09-10-2008, 07:59 AM

Nevertheless, I'll be interested to see how the install goes and what benefits you reap because of it. I know there is a menu item that will allow installation of other OS's so there may come a time where I try to install the bargain basement Vista OS.
Well for one, Linux will support FLAC, MKV, and any video/audio format imaginable - the PS3 by default does not.
And imagine surfing porn on a 102" screen....

09-10-2008, 08:39 AM
Well for one, Linux will support FLAC, MKV, and any video/audio format imaginable - the PS3 by default does not.
And imagine surfing porn on a 102" screen....

Keep your drapes closed at night or you may hear accidents from passing motorists looking in your window.

Not that I know from experience or anything.:rolleyes5:

09-10-2008, 10:06 AM
OK OK break it up. You and your big screens. Keep it to yourself. All of a sudden 60" ain't good enough. Bah.....

09-10-2008, 10:44 AM
I think they're just bragging about all the porn bookmarks they have L.J. Don't let them fool ya.

I'll try the "Uncharted" demo tonite and hope I can play it as easily as you can. I need repition with a game that helps me conquer the controller buttons and sticks.

09-10-2008, 10:55 AM
OK OK break it up. You and your big screens. Keep it to yourself. All of a sudden 60" ain't good enough. Bah.....

60" is awesome. Beats the h.ll out of the 25" I watched for years. You may have to be carefull about who's looking in your windows too.

09-10-2008, 11:00 AM
I've been wanting to see if there's a way where say, the PS owners have their own private game server so we can do battle. That would be cool, and would encourage more bonding between us. :biggrin5:

I think Playstation Home will facilitate community like environments but I don't know if people will be able to set up a mini network for gaming.

PlayStation Home is a community based service for the PlayStation Network which is currently in the closed beta stage. An open beta is scheduled to launch in Fall 2008, however an estimated release date for the full product has not yet been announced. Home allows users to create an avatar character for their PlayStation 3 console. This avatar will get their own house, which can be decorated with items players can receive in several achievements. Also included in the online virtual world is the ability to meet other PS3 users, interact, play games, show friends different types of media saved on the PS3 hard drive, and much more. In the future home will also expand, allowing players to have more items such as clothing, luxury housing and household items which can be purchased from the PlayStation Store.
Whoops, I forgot. :o

09-10-2008, 02:37 PM
Wow! Uncharted is a 1.2 gig demo. This one's gonna take a while...

09-11-2008, 06:16 AM
Well I played (or tried to) Uncharted last night, but was only able to get to the area where that stick figure is hanging in the tree. I walked around but I always came back to that thing. I took a couple of shots at it with my pistol, jumped up and down thinking I'd be able to get closer, but no luck. The L2 button appears on-screen when I get close to it, but pressing the L2 button on the controller, AFAIK, does nothing. Are there game maps or walk-throughs available somewhere that'll give me a clue as to what I'm supposed to do?

09-11-2008, 06:43 AM
Well I played (or tried to) Uncharted last night, but was only able to get to the area where that stick figure is hanging in the tree. I walked around but I always came back to that thing. I took a couple of shots at it with my pistol, jumped up and down thinking I'd be able to get closer, but no luck. The L2 button appears on-screen when I get close to it, but pressing the L2 button on the controller, AFAIK, does nothing. Are there game maps or walk-throughs available somewhere that'll give me a clue as to what I'm supposed to do?

L2 gives you a hint of where your supposed to go. It makes you look at the area. I don't know why L2 appears next to those stick people so ignore it. I've ran across those stick shrines 3 times and they always make L2 pop up. I look but nothing happens. When I look, my guy said "hmm, this looks familiar". Once you leave the area and start walking around L2 should pop up again and you'll in the direction you need to go.

Once you get use to playing, you'll remember what type of vines or rocks you can climb on. If your at the section with a bunch of pillars, one pillar is small and you can climb it. Then you'll have to jump from pillar to pillar to get over the wall. The games pretty simple to navigate through without a map. If you get lost, the L2 should appear once you get close to where your suppose to be going.

09-11-2008, 07:29 AM
Wow! Uncharted is a 1.2 gig demo. This one's gonna take a while...

This is exactly why I'm gonna need a new HD soon. I download a bunch of the PSN games and I like to leave demos on the HD for my kid to play. I think that Ratchet & Clank I downloaded was 2.3gigs.

09-11-2008, 09:55 AM
BTW, how do you check to see how much disk space you have left? I don't recall seeing any way to check that.

09-11-2008, 09:59 AM
BTW, how do you check to see how much disk space you have left? I don't recall seeing any way to check that.

Haven't seen a way to "check." But whenever I download a BR sample it warns me of how much space is left before it finishes.

09-11-2008, 10:30 AM
I had a feeling that was the case. I'll keep my eyes on the screen next time I download a game.

On's Blu-ray Games & PS3 forum, there's a long list of people's PSN ID. This is the name someone would add to their Buddy List, and would also be how you identify someone who's playing a game online, correct?

09-11-2008, 10:56 AM
I had a feeling that was the case. I'll keep my eyes on the screen next time I download a game.

Are you can go to "system setting" and scroll down to "system info" to get it. That also contains the firmware/IP/MAC info as well.

On's Blu-ray Games & PS3 forum, there's a long list of people's PSN ID. This is the name someone would add to their Buddy List, and would also be how you identify someone who's playing a game online, correct?

Yup, you and GM & whoever else games here at AR should give me yours so I can shoot you an email and add you to my list. Were gonna all end up with the same multi player game eventually.

You can PM if your shy ;)

09-11-2008, 11:00 AM
Are you can go to "system setting" and scroll down to "system info" to get it. That also contains the firmware/IP/MAC info as well.

Yup, you and GM & whoever else games here at AR should give me yours so I can shoot you an email and add you to my list. Were gonna all end up with the same multi player game eventually.

You can PM if your shy ;)

Mine is GMB2000.
I've been just playing Burnout lately. Only 8 more challenges left to get my elite licinse.

09-11-2008, 11:54 AM
I'm pretty sure mine is... wait a minute, I'm not even sure I have one yet. Is it the same as your Playstation Store ID?

09-11-2008, 12:14 PM
I'm pretty sure mine is... wait a minute, I'm not even sure I have one yet. Is it the same as your Playstation Store ID?

Yeah. There should also be a little avatar pic next to it if you picked one out while logging in your PSN account. It should be under network or something like that. Far right side of the XMB where they show the friends list and messages and all that stuff. Or log onto the PSN and it'll be at the top right corner.

09-11-2008, 12:18 PM
Yeah. There should also be a little avatar pic next to it if you picked one out while logging in your PSN account. It should be under network or something like that. Far right side of the XMB where they show the friends list and messages and all that stuff. Or log onto the PSN and it'll be at the top right corner.

Mine is an angry looking Ratchet.

09-11-2008, 12:22 PM
Okay. My avatar is an 8 ball (why it's green is beyond me) and my ID is rich3fan (It's a NASCAR thang).

I'll try to send you's guys a message when I get home from work.

09-11-2008, 12:24 PM
PSN update for this week 9/11

Qore Digital Magazine

Just a quick note to let you know that the MotorStorm: Pacific Rift demo is now available to all Qore annual subscribers and those customers that have purchased Episode 04.

How to get the MotorStorm: Pacific Rift demo:
-Go into Qore Episode 04 under the game drop on the XMB
-Go to the Download Center
-Go to the “MotorStorm: Pacific Rift - Demo” box
-Hit the “X” button and let the downloading begin!
File size: 616 MB

Downloadable Games

JEOPARDY! ($14.99)
Test your knowledge on America’s Favorite Quiz Show! Available for the first time on the PLAYSTATION Network, players can experience the fast-paced fun of JEOPARDY! Featuring a photorealistic 3D set and clues from the producers of the T.V. show, players can compete in solo mode or challenge a friend to a battle of the brains. Be the first to buzz in and vie to become a JEOPARDY! champ!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 171 MB

Add-on Game Content

PAIN Amusement Park ($5.99)
PAIN has been a PSN hit mostly for its hilarious and addictive gameplay. Now, the first add-on environment, Amusement Park, takes PAIN to a new heights with six modes, including four new ones - Hot n’ Cold, Clown Toss, Trauma, and Call da Shot. Launch your character into the park and let the rides fling you around with longer runs and ooch times. It’s more PAIN than you ever imagined!
File size: 50.6 MB

PAIN: Yeony Character ($0.99)
A Gamer Girl with a heart of steel, downloadable character Yeony, will frag you with the cutest grin on her face. Armed with only a controller and well-disguised attitude, she will melt your heart and then melt your face. She’s cute, she’s on the launcher, she’s compatible with all PAIN environments, and she’s ready to bring the PAIN! Are YOU ready?

PAIN: Tati Character ($0.99)
It is said that girls are made of “sugar and spice and everything nice”, but downloadable character Tati, leaves the sugar behind and only brings the spice and a whole lotta nice to PAIN. Fresh off the disco floor, this Latina launchee compatible in all PAIN environments is ready to take to the skies and mash it up with you. Be careful–her poses have been known to hypnotize. Good luck, because Tati WILL put a hurtin’ on PAIN players.

PAIN: Kenneth Character ($0.99)
Few people are aware that wearing a cape actually does give a person super powers. Enter Kenneth, a downloadable character whose super powers withstand a great deal of PAIN. Aside from his appropriate hobby as a stunt double, Kenneth enjoys, eating, dining, grubbing, supping, and gorging…oh, and launching. Compatible with all PAIN environments, let’s welcome him to the family with a nice healthy SMACK into the world of PAIN!

Rock Band
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit

* “Two Weeks” - All That Remains ($0.99)
* “This Calling” - All That Remains ($0.99)
* “Charlene (I’m Right Behind You)” - Stephen and the Colberts (Free)
* All That Remains Pack 1($2.99) - includes “This Calling,” “Two Weeks,” and “Chiron”

File sizes: 32.3 MB - 98.5 MB

Arriving Friday 9/12/08 - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Metallica “Death Magnetic” Album ($17.99)
Metallica “Death Magnetic” Full Album featuring 2 exclusive versions of “Suicide & Redemption.” This content is playable in both Guitar Hero III and Guitar Hero World Tour:

* “That Was Just Your Life”
* “The End Of The Line”
* “Broken, Beat & Scarred”
* “The Day That Never Comes”
* “All Nightmare Long”
* “Cyanide”
* “The Unforgiven III”
* “The Judas Kiss”
* “Suicide & Redemption J.H.”
* “Suicide & Redemption K.H.”
* “My Apocalypse”

Game Demos (free)

FIFA 09 Demo
Download the demo for FIFA 09 and play professional football with more responsive first-time shooting, passing, one-touches plus faster and more controlled dribbling and improved trapping. Plus try new Custom Team Tactics and make your favourite team play the way you want them to as if you are the first team coach. In-stores October 3, 2008 in Europe and Oct 14 in North America and Asia; visit for more info.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 754 MB

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Demo
Start to unleash your inner rock star, the Aerosmith way. This demo includes “Sweet Emotion” and “Dream On” by Aerosmith, as well as “Walk this Way” by Run DMC featuring Aerosmith, “I Hate Myself For Loving You” by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and more. Get a taste of Guitar Hero: Aerosmith - There’s never been a band like them; there has never been a game like this.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 965 MB

Game Videos (free)

Golden Axe: Beast Rider Trailer 2
One of SEGA’s most popular franchises storms onto the PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system. As the unstoppable Tyris Flare, players will engage in vicious melee combat both on foot and atop massive mythical beasts, savaging enemies with blades and magic on a quest for vengeance – Watch Trailer 2 now!

FIFA 09 Trailer
Play professional football with more responsive first-time shooting, passing, one-touches plus faster and more controlled dribbling and improved trapping. adidas Live Season updates of player information in-game.. All the top leagues are included: Barclays Premier League, BBVA La Liga, Ligue 1 Orange, German Bundesliga, Serie A and Mexican Primera Division. In-stores Oct 3 in Europe and Oct 14 in North America and Asia; visit
File size:68 MB (HD)

NHL 09 Teaser Trailer
NHL 09 brings youthe rush of fast-paced gameplay. Last year’s winner if 7 Sports Game of the Year awards returns with more authentic NHL hockey action.
File size: 68 MB (HD)

NHL 09 Defensive Sizzle Trailer
Defense wins championships. NHL 09’s new Defensive Skill Stick lets you use stick Lifts, 360 degree pokechecks, and stick sweeping to dominate your opponent in the defensive zone.
File size: 63 MB (HD)

Blitz: The League II - Trailer 2
Enter the sound booth with 2 of the funniest men alive. Jay Mohr and Frank Caliendo join the cast of Blitz The League II.
File size:153 MB (HD)

Saints Row 2 – Uncle Gary Sticky Bombs Trailer
Five years have passed since your crew betrayed you. Seek revenge and reclaim your throne as the rightful king of Stilwater.
File size:68 MB (HD)

Saints Row 2 – Uncle Gary Throwing People Trailer
Five years have passed since your crew betrayed you. Seek revenge and reclaim your throne as the rightful king of Stilwater.
File size: 70 MB (HD)

NFS Undercover Launch Trailer
Download the launch trailer for Need for Speed Undercover, coming to stores in November 2008! Visit for more info.
File size: 61 MB (HD)

BiA: Hell’s Highway Brutality of War Gameplay Video
War can be hell, and Hell’s Highway doesn’t hold back.
File size: 9.09 MB (SD), 37 MB (HD), 49 MB (1080)

Legendary Behind the Scenes Episode 2
Download and watch part two of the behind the scenes series looking at the making of Legendary. In this episode, we hang out with the dev team as they talk about Legendary’s other creatures; the titan-class Golem and Kraken to the smaller - but still lethal - Firedrake, Nari and Echidna Tentacle.
File size: 174 MB (HD)

PS3 Wallpaper (free)

PAIN Amusement Park Wallpaper (x3)
Customize the background of your PS3 system with this new PAIN Amusement Park Wallpaper.
File sizes: 272 KB - 302 KB
PS3 Themes (free)

Mirror’s Edge #1 Theme
Customize your PS3 system with a cool Mirror’s Edge #1 Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!
File size: 1.12 MB

NFS Undercover Theme
Customize your PS3 system with a cool NFS Undercover Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!
File size: 1.60 MB

PAIN Amusement Park Theme
Customize your PS3 system with a cool PAIN Amusement Park Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!
File size: 3.21 MB

PAIN: Kenneth Character Theme
Customize your PS3 system with a cool PAIN: Kenneth Character Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!
File size: 3.08 MB

PAIN: Tati Character Theme
Customize your PS3 system with a cool PAIN: Tati Character Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!
File size: 2.76 MB

PAIN: Yeony Character Theme
Customize your PS3 system with a cool PAIN: Yeony Character Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!
File size: 4.24 MB

Here is this week’s content release for the PLAYSTATION Store for PC. To download these games to your PSP, navigate to There, you’ll find descriptions of the content and directions on how to get started. For more on the PLAYSTATION Store for PC, please click here.
PSP Downloadable Games

* Field Commander ($14.99)
(also downloadable via PS3)
Game Videos

*Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Producer walkthr

09-11-2008, 01:21 PM
I just hit both you guys with a PM on the PSN so look for it. GM, I may get Burn Paradise soon enough. If anything I'll rent it for sure.

09-11-2008, 01:55 PM
I just hit both you guys with a PM on the PSN so look for it. GM, I may get Burn Paradise soon enough. If anything I'll rent it for sure.

Way cool. I'm so enjoying this game. Have to warn you though. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder the first weekend using that darn wheel. The 6axis is easier to drive with but the wheel is the only way wifey will play.

09-15-2008, 08:53 AM
Hey LJ, I noticed that you sent me a msg. TANX. I added you to my friends list. Is there anything else I should be doing?

09-15-2008, 09:28 AM
I sent you a message too GM. I guess I don't rate though.

09-15-2008, 09:42 AM
I sent you a message too GM. I guess I don't rate though.

Hey Tex,

I didn't see yours yet. I'll check for it tonight.
When did you send it?
Don't worry Rich. You rate just fine. No need to feel hurt.:thumbsup:

09-15-2008, 10:22 AM
Nobody FRICKIN' likes me here! :cryin:

I sent it on Saturday, maybe Friday night. I can see L.J's name and avatar okay from the XMB, but your's still shows as pending. I even know what game he's playing when he's logged on which is pretty nifty.

09-15-2008, 10:55 AM
Hey LJ, I noticed that you sent me a msg. TANX. I added you to my friends list. Is there anything else I should be doing?

Yeah, you can start sending me money. Large bills only please :D

Nothing really, unless we're gonna hook up and play a game. I'm not sure how far I am on Uncharted, but I'll rent burnout next so we can have some races. You guys should consider joining a game rental club. $15 gets me unlimited, one out at a time rentals. This seems like a much better deal than going single rental at Blockbuster for $8.

Rich, how's that MGS coming along?

BTW, I picked up Jeopardy from the PSN store for $15. Don't waste your money.....IT SUCKS!!!!

09-15-2008, 11:14 AM
Ummm well, I haven't played it. I constantly run into reviews where people say it's best to buy MGS Essentials and play that because you won't really know what the game is about without some background that the Essentila disks give you. I'm playing the Uncharted demo to get used to the controller. BTW, am I able to save the game from the point where I was? I didn't see any way to do that so I have to start over from the beginning everytime I play. Maybe I need to reach a checkpoint first? With PC games you can hit the ESC key and then you'll have the option to save from there.

09-15-2008, 12:37 PM
Nobody FRICKIN' likes me here! :cryin:

I sent it on Saturday, maybe Friday night. I can see L.J's name and avatar okay from the XMB, but your's still shows as pending. I even know what game he's playing when he's logged on which is pretty nifty.

I'll check tonight and add you to my friend's list if I find it. If not, we'll try again.

09-15-2008, 01:08 PM
Ummm well, I haven't played it. I constantly run into reviews where people say it's best to buy MGS Essentials and play that because you won't really know what the game is about without some background that the Essentila disks give you. I'm playing the Uncharted demo to get used to the controller. BTW, am I able to save the game from the point where I was? I didn't see any way to do that so I have to start over from the beginning everytime I play. Maybe I need to reach a checkpoint first? With PC games you can hit the ESC key and then you'll have the option to save from there.

In the real game you can by pressing start then save. I guess the demo doesn't have it.

09-15-2008, 02:32 PM
In the real game you can by pressing start then save. I guess the demo doesn't have it.
I think you're correct. I'll soldier on just the same.

Having fun with Joint Strike?

09-15-2008, 02:43 PM
I think you're correct. I'll soldier on just the same.

Having fun with Joint Strike?

Not me's my wife. She's doing pretty well too :shocked:

09-16-2008, 05:04 AM
"Circuit City Stores Inc. stores this month discounted select titles for Sony Corp.'s Playstation 3 to below $17 in the latest round of video game discounts.
At, the retailer price cut select PS3 titles to $16.96, including NBA 08, Sega Superstars Tennis, NCAA Football 08, Beowulf, NCAA March Madness, NFL Tour, and The Golden Compass"

09-16-2008, 06:05 AM
Nobody FRICKIN' likes me here! :cryin:

I sent it on Saturday, maybe Friday night. I can see L.J's name and avatar okay from the XMB, but your's still shows as pending. I even know what game he's playing when he's logged on which is pretty nifty.

Found it. Added you and responded.

09-16-2008, 06:07 AM
PS3 budget titles typically sell for $29.99.
Budget titles huh? Hmmm... Let's see what they gots.

09-16-2008, 06:13 AM
Found it. Added you and responded.
Like my 8 ball avatar? :biggrin5:

Speaking of which... I watched The Black Widow (she's baaaaack) on ESPN2 during the WPBA US Open Billiards tournament last weekend. Oh be still my heart. :ihih: :20:

09-16-2008, 06:42 AM
Like my 8 ball avatar? :biggrin5:

Speaking of which... I watched The Black Widow (she's baaaaack) on ESPN2 during the WPBA US Open tournament last weekend. Oh be still my heart. :ihih: :20:

Yes, and yeah, but she was out in just the one match aired. I got to meet her years ago. She was number one at the time and I had a huge crush on her. We were at the billiard expo in PA. They have a ton of tournaments there at the same time. I kept trying to get to see her play but every time she had a match, I also had a match and it didn't work out. After all the tournaments were done, a bunch of us went to Denny's at about 4 AM. Who walks in and gets the table right next to us. We were sitting back to back just a few inches apart. After a few minutes I couldn't take it anymore and turned to start talking to her. When I turned I found that she was turned towards us and we were face to face. She was very friendly. She had noticed all our pool patches, shirts etc and wanted to know where we were from.

09-17-2008, 01:15 PM
I finally finished Uncharted. Best PS3 game I've played so far. OK, maybe a tie with R&C. Two completely different games though. Story was excellent, game was pretty long, action, adventure, romance........OK, I'm getting to excited. On the real, it was a great game and I highly recommend it. I gotta figure out what's next....maybe burnout paradise.

09-18-2008, 05:06 AM
I finally finished Uncharted. Best PS3 game I've played so far. OK, maybe a tie with R&C. Two completely different games though. Story was excellent, game was pretty long, action, adventure, romance........OK, I'm getting to excited. On the real, it was a great game and I highly recommend it. I gotta figure out what's next....maybe burnout paradise.

I've been thinking about getting Uncharted after I'm done with Burnout. I've played the demo and it seems like fun (even though I still don't have the hang of the aiming). Burnout was almost finished. All events were won and I had 72 of the 75 cars, 85% completed. But today the patch comes out that adds 4 motorcycles and 15 (I think) more events. It may take me a little more time. And there are still a bunch of on-line events that I haven't even tried yet.:thumbsup:

09-18-2008, 08:15 AM
Why are you guys having so much trouble shooting?

09-18-2008, 08:38 AM
You have to use both thumb sticks to aim in Uncharted don't you? For me it requires more positioning than any PC game I've played.

09-18-2008, 08:42 AM
Why are you guys having so much trouble shooting?

Shooting is not a problem. It's the aiming part I haven't warmed up to yet. I try to aim left and I move right instead. I try to aim higher and end up aiming lower. I go into the controller settings and switch them around and end up still doing the same dang thing. Just haven't got a handle on it yet. R&C was so much easier. Just face your target. If it's in range, a circle shows up on them. If not, move closer or try another weapon. Simple, like me.

I want a gun-like controller with motion sensors.

09-18-2008, 08:42 AM
If you guys didn't know, Life with Playstation has been released. The download is available under the Folding @ Home section of your XMB. More info on the link below.

09-18-2008, 09:15 AM
Good. Something new to play with tonite...

09-18-2008, 09:19 AM
Since you can put your back up against walls with circle, you have to note which shoulder your gonna be shooting from. Walk toward the left a little and he'll switch to that direction, same goes for the right.

The left stick aims your weapon. You can use the right stick to adjust your viewing angle while your behind a wall. For example, if your trying to shoot a guy that's up high, adjust using your right stick to position yourself so yourself to be looking close to that area. Tap L1 to peek out and see how close your. Keep adjusting with the right stick(basically your swinging the camera angle around) until your pretty close, then use the left stick for your final aiming. It becomes pretty automatic once you get the hang of it.

09-18-2008, 09:37 AM
New Home article!

09-22-2008, 10:23 AM
I kinda subscribed to something similar, only more adult oriented. I'm still feeling my way right now though so I'll report back when I get some. :ihih:

"Life with PLaystation" doesn't thrill me too much but "Playstation Home" looks cool. It seems you have to dig real deep from the fanboy forum to get info and right now clicking on the big Icon on the splash page takes you to a discussion forum.

Anyway, I rented Uncharted on Saturday but I haven't started playing it yet. I get to rent it for 7 days with a 7 day "grace period" so I better get cracking. (Geez, I hope I can finish it in 2 weeks. :idea: )

09-22-2008, 10:36 AM
I kinda subscribed to something similar, only more adult oriented. I'm still feeling my way right now though so I'll report back when I get some. :ihih:

"Life with PLaystation" doesn't thrill me too much but "Playstation Home" looks cool. It seems you have to dig real deep from the fanboy forum to get info and right now clicking on the big Icon on the splash page takes you to a discussion forum.

Anyway, I rented Uncharted on Saturday but I haven't started playing it yet. I get to rent it for 7 days with a 7 day "grace period" so I better get cracking. (Geez, I hope I can finish it in 2 weeks. :idea: )

You gotta finish it!! The ending has a very nice twist to it. I played on normal and it was pretty simple. Maybe you should try easy mode. I read that the only difference is the accuracy & maybe aggression of the AI. So nice game play with just a little more time to shoot.

Life w/Playstation is something to keep you occupied while Folding @ Home is running in the background. I believe future updates will be available to make it more interesting.

Home is gonna be very addicting for some people. Imaging having a virtual wife...sheeesh :lol: Cool way to meet new people though, especially if your into online gaming.

09-22-2008, 10:40 AM
I kinda subscribed to something similar, only more adult oriented. I'm still feeling my way right now though so I'll report back when I get some. :ihih:

"Life with PLaystation" doesn't thrill me too much but "Playstation Home" looks cool. It seems you have to dig real deep from the fanboy forum to get info and right now clicking on the big Icon on the splash page takes you to a discussion forum.

Anyway, I rented Uncharted on Saturday but I haven't started playing it yet. I get to rent it for 7 days with a 7 day "grace period" so I better get cracking. (Geez, I hope I can finish it in 2 weeks. :idea: )

Two weeks huh? It can be done. You just need to put in the hours. I'm guessing about 8 - 12 hours of playing time. A couple hours a night, or a weekend of it.
I already have way over 100 hours of playing time in with Burnout. Just finished the rest of the events over the weekend. Nothing left but the online events. The bikes were cool, but the riders vanish when you crash. No bodies flying around like in Motorstorm. Still, between the two, I'd get Burnout first.

09-22-2008, 10:43 AM
You gotta finish it!! The ending has a very nice twist to it. I played on normal and it was pretty simple. Maybe you should try easy mode. I read that the only difference is the accuracy & maybe aggression of the AI. So nice game play with just a little more time to shoot.
As long as I can get the hang of those dang thumb sticks.:mad2:

Life w/Playstation is something to keep you occupied while Folding @ Home is running in the background. I believe future updates will be available to make it more interesting.
I wonder how many people actually use their PS to run F@H? I know there are quite a few computer forums that have topic sections devoted to it, but I've never felt the need, nor did I feel I had enough compute resource to run it.

Home is gonna be very addicting for some people. Imaging having a virtual wife...sheeesh :lol: Cool way to meet new people though, especially if your into online gaming.
Ummm... Why are you laughing? :skep:

09-25-2008, 06:23 AM
Anyway, I rented Uncharted on Saturday but I haven't started playing it yet. I get to rent it for 7 days with a 7 day "grace period" so I better get cracking. (Geez, I hope I can finish it in 2 weeks. :idea: )

Well, did you ever get started? How far are you?

09-25-2008, 06:33 AM
Well.... no. :o I ended up watching a BD movie instead and then part of an AC/DC concert recorded by the DVR. What's sad about that is, the concert was televised on an HD channel but the actual concert footage was far from HD. The DVR though sees it as HD, so it ends up taking a lot of unnecessary disk space. My FIOS DVR has a rediculiously small drive to begin with, which sucks.

09-25-2008, 07:13 AM
Well.... no. :o I ended up watching a BD movie instead and then part of an AC/DC concert recorded by the DVR. What's sad about that is, the concert was televised on an HD channel but the actual concert footage was far from HD. The DVR though sees it as HD, so it ends up taking a lot of unnecessary disk space. My FIOS DVR has a rediculiously small drive to begin with, which sucks.

You suck :frown2:

I'm about 8 hours into MGS4. Playing it on normal mode. Game play is easy enough, although a little more intense than Uncharted. Pretty much the same style as the previous MG games but with MUCH better graphics. All the weapons and gadgets your heart could desire. I don't think you need to have played the previous titles to get into this one. The story line on all the MG is the same.....stop some idiot from taking over the world. Alot of the same characters from previous titles are on this one but it doesn't really make a difference. Everything is explained during loooooonnnnggggg freakin' cut scenes. So far, it's been really good.

09-25-2008, 09:24 AM
You suck :frown2:
Don't tell GM okay? He hasn't been around for a couple of days. :D

I'm about 8 hours into MGS4. Playing it on normal mode. Game play is easy enough, although a little more intense than Uncharted. Pretty much the same style as the previous MG games but with MUCH better graphics. All the weapons and gadgets your heart could desire. I don't think you need to have played the previous titles to get into this one. The story line on all the MG is the same.....stop some idiot from taking over the world. Alot of the same characters from previous titles are on this one but it doesn't really make a difference. Everything is explained during loooooonnnnggggg freakin' cut scenes. So far, it's been really good.
Is this a rental? Where do you rent your games?

I noticed the beginning of MGS4 contains a very long cut scene, so I'll take your word for it and save the money for the BFD purchase.

09-25-2008, 11:19 AM
Is this a rental? Where do you rent your games?

I noticed the beginning of MGS4 contains a very long cut scene, so I'll take your word for it and save the money for the BFD purchase.

Gamefly ($15 for unlimited rentals, 1 out at a time. A couple more bucks will get you 2 out at a time but that seems like a waste.

Not bad since Blockbuster chargers $8 for a one time rental :nono:

Here's a review for online game rentals:

09-25-2008, 12:25 PM
PSN Update - 9/25

PlayStation Store Update
+ Posted by Grace Chen // Senior Manager, PLAYSTATION Store

Hey, everyone. It’s time again for the PLAYSTATION Store weekly update.

Downloadable Games

WipEout HD ($19.99)

It was there back at the beginning and now it’s taking the franchise into the future: WipEout HD is set to deliver 1080p High Definition visuals running at a breathtaking 60-frames-per-second. WipEout HD features a selection of the best tracks taken from previous versions of the franchise, meticulously crafted and fully reworked to showcase the processing power of PS3. Available exclusively on PSN.

File sizes: 997 MB

Burnout Paradise PSN ($29.99)

Welcome to Paradise City, the ultimate driving playground. Burnout Paradise is set in a vast open-world, filled with events and challenges that will push your driving and riding skills to the limit. So grab your first set of wheels and head on out into the city; what happens next is completely up to you.

File sizes: 3.24 GB

GEON Emotions ($9.99)

Geon is a fast moving arcade game where players race to collect pellets and deposit them in the opponent’s goal to “score”. Experience the intense rush of playing against friends and family in multiplayer split screen or play online against opponents or team up and play a 4 player game of Team Geon or compete in a frantic match of last man standing. Unlock and master over 40 unique game grids and 8 exciting mini games.

File sizes: 54.2 MB

Mega Man 9 (free demo, $9.99 to buy)

Mega Man fans, your wait is over! The classic Blue Bomber that debuted in 1987 is back with the ninth installment in the classic series. It’s a new adventure for Mega Man all done in an 8-bit style — graphics, music, and gameplay are all like you remember them!

File sizes: 62.9 MB

Add-on Game Content

BUZZ! QuizTV Question Pack, National Geographic: Safari ($7.99)

From the world famous National Geographic archives comes the ultimate African wildlife quiz. This BUZZ! Quiz TV quiz pack features over 500 new questions about African wildlife to play in any of your favorite BUZZ! Quiz TV game modes. Download this quiz pack today and turn your party into the ultimate trivia showdown. Challenge your friends and family with new questions and “Show ‘em Your Trivia!”

File sizes: 135 MB

BUZZ! QuizTV Question Pack, Videogames ($5.99)

It’s never “game over” with these tricky teasers on the last 15 years of videogames from Ratchet & Clank to MotorStorm. This BUZZ! Quiz TV quiz pack features over 500 new questions about videogames to play in any of your favorite BUZZ! Quiz TV game modes. Download this quiz pack today and turn your party into the ultimate trivia showdown. Challenge your friends and family with new questions and “Show ‘em Your Trivia!”

File sizes: 118 MB

BUZZ! QuizTV Question Pack, Sci-Fi ($5.99)

Sci-Fi movie questions to stump your competition into outer space — but will you need to phone home to find out the answers? This BUZZ! Quiz TV quiz pack features over 500 new questions about science fiction movies to play in any of your favorite BUZZ! Quiz TV game modes. Download this quiz pack today and turn your party into the ultimate trivia showdown. Challenge your friends and family with new questions and “Show ‘em Your Trivia!”

File sizes: 194 MB

Soul Calibur IV Customization Equipment 2 ($1.99)

Trick or treat with the Halloween equipment set. Frighten your opponent away by turning your characters into a scary character by combining items from this set with the numerous equipments which can be acquired in game. This equipment can be used for both female and male characters.

File sizes: 3.09 MB

Rock Band

Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit

“Limelight (Original Version)” – Rush ($1.99)
“Tom Sawyer (Original Version)” – Rush ($1.99)
“Red Barchetta” – Rush ($1.99)
“The Camera Eye” – Rush ($1.99)
“Vital Signs” – Rush ($1.99)
“Witch Hunt” – Rush ($1.99)
“YYZ” – Rush ($1.99)
“Moving Pictures (Album)” – Rush ($10.99) This pack includes “Tom Sawyer (Original Version),” “Red Barchetta,” “YYZ,” “Limelight (Original Version),” “The Camera Eye,” “Witch Hunt,” and “Vital Signs” by Rush.
“Bandage” – Hot Hot Heat ($1.99)
“Love Spreads” – Stone Roses ($1.99)
“She Sells Sanctuary – The Cult ($1.99)
“Shoot the Runner – Kasabian ($1.99)
“Sorrow” – Bad Religion ($1.99)
“You’re No Rock n’ Roll Fun” – Sleater Kinney ($1.99)

File sizes: 3 MB - 50 MB (singles), 205 MB (track packs)

Game Demos (free)

NBA 09 The Inside Demo

NBA 09 The Inside delivers the NBA experience like no other; In Full HD 1080p. But don’t take our word for it, get your own hands-on experience with this jam-packed demo. Once you’ve seen for yourself, you can pre-order today through GameStop and get an officially licensed NBA cap. Specially marked boxes will also get you one year FREE subscription to Vibe Magazine. NBA 09 The Inside: Nothing Gets You Closer.
ESRB Rated E

File size: 964 MB

NBA Live 09 Demo

Get your first chance to check out NBA Live 09 as you recreate the matchup from the 2008 NBA Finals with the Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics. Play with their current rosters or step back in time to play two different games based on the players performance in two of their classic matchups with the all new NBA Rewind.
ESRB Rated E

File size: 766 MB

Mega Man 9 Trial

Mega Man fans, your wait is over! The classic Blue Bomber that debuted in 1987 is back with the ninth installment in the classic series. It’s a new adventure for Mega Man all done in an 8-bit style — graphics, music, and gameplay are all like you remember them!
ESRB Rated E

File size: 62.9 MB

Game Videos (free)

PAIN Amusement Park-New Characters Video

Meet PAIN’s newest downloadable launchees–Kenneth, Yeony, and Tati. Stunt double Kenneth’s superpowers allow him to withstand the PAIN. Gamer girl Yeony will frag you with a smile on her face. Watch out for Tati; she has spice and brings a whole lotta nice to PAIN. Shown here in the PAIN Amusement Park add-on environment, Kenneth, Yeony, and Tati are compatible in all PAIN environments!

File sizes: 58 MB (HD)

Resistance 2 Shattered History Trailer

Witness the history of the fall of man in this exciting new video revealing the altered history of Resistance 2!

File size: 97 MB (HD), 160 MB (1080)

Brothers in Arms: Hell’ Highway Eyes Only Network Trailer

Get a behind-the-scenes look at some of the secrets in Brothers in Arms Hell’s Highway. Listen carefully and don’t blink or you’ll miss out.

File size: 214 MB (HD), 291 MB (1080)

Burnout Paradise Bikes Network Trailer

Burnout Paradise takes another leap forward by introducing motorcycles for the first time ever with Burnout Bikes.

File size: 56 MB (HD)

Dead Space Animated Comic Issue #5 Network Trailer

Dead Space Animated Comic Issue #5

File size: 195 MB (HD)

Tomb Raider: Underworld Gameplay Network Trailer

Go behind the scenes with the development team at Crystal Dynamics and learn about the background for the story of Tomb Raider: Underworld, the first Tomb Raider game for the PlayStation 3.

File size: 96 MB (HD), 129 MB (1080)

88 Minutes Blu-ray Trailer

Al Pacino stars in this riveting thriller about a forensic psychologist who receives a phone call threatening that he has only 88 minutes to live. As the clock ticks away, tension mounts, suspicions rise and blood flows. With a serial killer he helped convict awaiting execution and a copycat killer on the loose, Jack Gramm has 88 minutes to solve the biggest murder of his career: his own.

File size: 107 MB (HD), 144 MB (1080)

Made of Honor Blu-ray Trailer

Tom loves his life, until he realizes he also loves his best friend Hannah. But when Hannah gets engaged to a dashing Scotsman and asks Tom to be her maid of honor, Tom faces hostile bridesmaids, bridal showers, and bad hair days, all in an effort to pull off the perfect wedding and steal the bride. He’s a maid of honor with a plan.

File size: 81 MB (HD), 103 MB (1080)

PS3 Wallpaper (free)

Soul Calibur IV #5 Tira Witch

Customize the background of your PS3 system with this new Soul Calibur IV Tira Witch Wallpaper.

File size: 262 KB - 999 KB

Soul Calibur IV #6 Voldo Jack-O-Lantern

Customize the background of your PS3 system with this new Soul Calibur IV Jack-O-Lantern Wallpaper.

File size: 296 KB - 1.06 MB

PS3 Themes (free)

Buzz! Quiz TV

Customize your PS3 system with a cool Buzz! Quiz TV Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!

File sizes: 5.43 MB

Wipeout HD Theme - All Teams #1

Customize your PS3 system with a cool Wipeout HD - All Teams #1 Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!


Here is this week’s content release for the PLAYSTATION Store for PC. To download these games to your PSP, navigate to There, you’ll find descriptions of the content and directions on how to get started. For more on the PLAYSTATION Store for PC, please click here.

PSP Games

* Untold Legends Brotherhood of the Blade ($14.99)

With fast-paced, hack ‘n’ slash action, randomly generated environments, monsters and items, beautiful 3D graphics and wireless cooperative multiplayer gameplay. Untold Legends Brotherhood of the Blade offers a compelling gameplay experience on a handheld gaming device.

File size: 157 MB

* Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords ($14.99)

Building upon the addictive and easyto- learn gameplay of a puzzle game by integrating story and character progression elements found in RPGs, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords delivers a brand new type of game that pushes the puzzle genre to a previously unseen level.

File size: 65 MB

Game Demos (Free)

* Pipe Mania Demo for PSP

The puzzle classic is back and better than ever! Pipe Mania is a frenetic, addictive and infectious puzzle game that now lives on your PlayStation®2 and PSP. Requiring quick thinking, hand-eye coordination and keen spatial awareness, puzzle fans are in for a challenge that is easy to pick up but not easy to master. With all new floozes and challenges, Pipe Mania is the puzzle game you won’t be able to put down.

File size: 39 MB

PSP Themes (Free)

* Buzz! Master Quiz (also available from PS3 Store)

Customize your PSP with a cool Buzz! Master Quiz Theme. This theme allows you to change up the look of your background and XMB icons. Download today!

File sizes: 458 KB

09-30-2008, 11:44 AM
I'm gonna start playing MGS4 tonite. :biggrin5:

09-30-2008, 12:03 PM
I'm gonna start playing MGS4 tonite. :biggrin5:

I finished it already. Great game!!!!!!!!

Took about 30hrs to complete. The story is really good and I don't think you need to have played the previous versions to get what is going on. Make yourself a cold drink because the cut scenes are good......but very long. The game is played almost like a movies, it's crazy. Graphics are insane. Lot's of adult humor...cough...thrown in to take away from the intensity. You'll see what I mean once your a couple of missions in. I played on "Naked Normal" mode which was probably too easy for me but provided a little challenge here and there.

I guess you never got around to Uncharted huh :D

09-30-2008, 12:24 PM
Geez and I was just checking to see if you were still alive. :ihih:

Didn't play Uncharted this time around, but I can rent it again. I'm going to check out the link you posted for Gamefly.

09-30-2008, 12:58 PM
Geez and I was just checking to see if you were still alive. :ihih:

Oh, your funny.....real funny :incazzato:

Geez, since I got that Gamefly account, I've spent more time playing games than watching movies lately. Uhh, am I becoming a gamer :shocked:

09-30-2008, 01:07 PM
Still can't stop playing Burnout. Last night was the first night I took off in weeks. Had to watch MNF, TSCC, Big Bang, 2.5 Men, Chuck, Heros, How I Met Your Mother and DWTS. The 2 DVR's could barely keep up with it all. Was up late TV hopping.
Monday nights are filled with way too much good TV. Can't they spread some of this into a Thursday or something?
And yes Rich, I saw the billiards too.

09-30-2008, 02:10 PM
...Geez, since I got that Gamefly account, I've spent more time playing games than watching movies lately. Uhh, am I becoming a gamer :shocked:

Still can't stop playing Burnout...

:ihih: My plan is working Master! Soon, there will be NO ONE left. :ihih:

09-30-2008, 02:13 PM
...And yes Rich, I saw the billiards too.

WHAT?!?!?! Sh!t! I missed it! Who won? Who played? Was the sinister Black Widow in top form? :incazzato:

10-01-2008, 06:41 AM
I'm gonna start playing MGS4 tonite. :biggrin5:

How far did you get?

10-01-2008, 07:34 AM
Just before the game started up I saw a message on my TV indicating you had just logged off. Checking up on me coach? :smilewinkgrin:

I got as far as the Firing Range so I could practice my assault moves and stun knife swings. I didn't previously realize that I can toggle back & forth between the game and the controller settings by pushing the Select button so I can see what button does what. It's still tough for me to get used to the thumbsticks when moving around, but I'll get the hang of it. Practice practice practice. :yesnod:

10-01-2008, 08:22 AM
WHAT?!?!?! Sh!t! I missed it! Who won? Who played? Was the sinister Black Widow in top form? :incazzato:

Some guy named Denis from the Philippines.

10-01-2008, 11:28 AM
Wife bought me Star Wars: The Force Unleashed last night.
Only got to fiddle with it for 15 minutes or so, but damn, it's fun being an evil Sith Lord absolutely punishing any primitive life form that gets in your way...

Hey, Harmony remote users, what are y'all using to control the PS3 for BluRay?

10-01-2008, 12:24 PM
Wife bought me Star Wars: The Force Unleashed last night.
Only got to fiddle with it for 15 minutes or so, but damn, it's fun being an evil Sith Lord absolutely punishing any primitive life form that gets in your way...

I got this coming in the mail this week(rental). I can't wait. You should definitely give Uncharted & MGS4 at least a rent. Great games.

Hey, Harmony remote users, what are y'all using to control the PS3 for BluRay?

Pick up the Blu Wave remote by Nyko ( be found for as low as $9.99 sometimes) and simply use the IR/USB adapter and learn the commands. It's already in Logitech's database too. You can do everything except turn on the PS3 & browse multiple pages.

10-02-2008, 12:13 PM
Dang, stock must be low on Force Unleashed. Looks like I'm gonna be playing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas. It got a pretty high review rating so I'm sure it'll be good.

I recently picked up Buzz TV and we are having a blast playing it. Great family or party game. I think it supports up to 8 players. The wireless buzzers work great. Over 5000 questions with additional packs available to download. You can also download user uploaded questions to use for yourself. The question categories are great and simple enough for my 10 year old to join in. It's not all about easy answers though. Sometimes you have to answer the fastest or choose who you want to hit with a pie or steal points get the point.

BTW, Rich you may as well send me that MGS4....we all know it's just gonna collect dust at your place. I have no problem paying for shipping :yesnod:

10-02-2008, 12:20 PM
Yer a funny guy L.J. Ho ho ho, he he he, ha ha ha! :nono:

10-02-2008, 03:57 PM
Playstation store has 5 new demos up. 5 demos!!!!

Guess I'll be checking out those new games tonight.

10-03-2008, 04:57 AM
Well, I tried playing the "Resistance: Fall of Man" demo last night, but it starts in melee mode where everyone's just running around shooting each other, so I gave up on that one. The thing I do like about it though is that it's a real First-Person-Shooter (i.e. I'm looking through the eyes of my character as opposed to being above him). I prefer those types of games.

Playstation store has 5 new demos up. 5 demos!!!!
Me thinks me'll be doing some freebie gaming this weekend. :yesnod:

10-03-2008, 07:10 AM
Well, I tried playing the "Resistance: Fall of Man" demo last night, but it starts in melee mode where everyone's just running around shooting each other, so I gave up on that one. The thing I do like about it though is that it's a real First-Person-Shooter (i.e. I'm looking through the eyes of my character as opposed to being above him). I prefer those types of games.

Good, so when should I be expecting MG!

I actually had a tough time with Resistance as well. It takes time. I would die in the first 2 min. every time. Now I can beat both level with my eyes closed.

Me thinks me'll be doing some freebie gaming this weekend. :yesnod:

I've never seen 5 demos. Usually lucky to get 2. I think a lot of games are scheduled to be released over the next few months. What's cool about the demos is being able to try out the game and decide if it's worth the purchase. Some demos let you play a few level too.

10-09-2008, 04:00 AM
Spent about 2 hrs last night putting Linux on the PS3. Fairly simple process thanks to the boot loader that's included in the PS3's XMB GUI.

Works pretty slick. There's a few hiccups allong the way though - unless you're using a computer monitor or maybe LCD TV that the PS3 thinks is a computer monitor, your resolution is too small at first.

I'm a bit disappointed in that it's not yet a totally pro-noob experience - getting wireless internet running takes a bit of work (like compiling a kernel - that's not exactly noob friendly stuff in linux). There's enough online guides out there for people unfamiliar with linux, but if anything goes wrong there's a learning curve. I've been using linux off and on for 10 years, and a 45 minute process quickly turned into almost 2 hrs for me.

As a computer the PS3 is scorching fast...but damn it's light on the RAM at 256 MB. Most Linux Desktop Environments like 384 MB or more as a minimum these days...but there's some bleeding edge lightweight versions that fly with as little as 64 MB. The PS3 is strong enough to overcome the low RAM, but changing DE's is too easy, so I download a 2nd DE to speed it up to my liking.

I was impressed with XMB - but turning the PS3 into a real media server/HTPC was just a way easier way to acces my flac, xvid, mkv files etc...

Anway, the PS3 is one sweet little machine!!!

10-09-2008, 07:27 AM
Spent about 2 hrs last night putting Linux on the PS3. Fairly simple process thanks to the boot loader that's included in the PS3's XMB GUI.

Works pretty slick. There's a few hiccups allong the way though - unless you're using a computer monitor or maybe LCD TV that the PS3 thinks is a computer monitor, your resolution is too small at first.

I'm a bit disappointed in that it's not yet a totally pro-noob experience - getting wireless internet running takes a bit of work (like compiling a kernel - that's not exactly noob friendly stuff in linux). There's enough online guides out there for people unfamiliar with linux, but if anything goes wrong there's a learning curve. I've been using linux off and on for 10 years, and a 45 minute process quickly turned into almost 2 hrs for me.

As a computer the PS3 is scorching fast...but damn it's light on the RAM at 256 MB. Most Linux Desktop Environments like 384 MB or more as a minimum these days...but there's some bleeding edge lightweight versions that fly with as little as 64 MB. The PS3 is strong enough to overcome the low RAM, but changing DE's is too easy, so I download a 2nd DE to speed it up to my liking.

I was impressed with XMB - but turning the PS3 into a real media server/HTPC was just a way easier way to acces my flac, xvid, mkv files etc...

Anway, the PS3 is one sweet little machine!!!

Hmm....Interesting. So basically one of the benefits is streaming media that isn't currently supported by the PS3? Better networking?

Does the XMB screen still boot up or do you go straight to some sort of "desktop"?

Can you run any type of applications or do anything else beyond streaming?

Just wondering if it would be worth the trouble for a not so computer savvy person as myself to get into.

10-09-2008, 08:55 AM
Hmm....Interesting. So basically one of the benefits is streaming media that isn't currently supported by the PS3? Better networking?
Yeah, you can stream anything. I have all music in Flac, WMA, AAC etc on my desktop computer. Some of that won't be supported on the PS3 so I just load the OS and play it from there. It's great for any downloaded videos or listening to digital music on the main system.

Does the XMB screen still boot up or do you go straight to some sort of "desktop"?
Depends what you set the default OS too...if you set it to XMB, yes, if you set it to your Linux OS, no.
The process involves a few steps after backup and formating the drive into a partitions. Two main steps - first loading what's called a "Boot Loader", just a simple bit of software that allows you to choose what OS to load - from here you can choose the PS3 OS or whatever Linux OS you have and set one to default.

Can you run any type of applications or do anything else beyond streaming? It is a fully functional operating system with hundreds of software programs available for free. You can pretty much do anything you'd do in Windows, whether it be through freeware or open source software. I'm typing from Firefox right now...I just had VLC playing a movie, Open Office handles all the work stuff (who uses a PS3 for work)...Mozilla Thunderbird for email, several Internet messenger programs. The PS3 doesn't have a cd/dvd burner drive though. I disabled the printing services because I doubt I'd use them (frees up ram). But yeah...picture editors, etc...

Just wondering if it would be worth the trouble for a not so computer savvy person as myself to get into. Hmmm, well...there's a few well written guides out there that can step most people through it. Some familiarity with the linux terminal command line interface would be nice, but everyone starts somewhere. If you can cut and paste or at least read you'd be fine. Setting up a linux OS isn't hard these days, but it's a lot different than Windows or Mac users are used to. A lot of noobs get frustrated early because they're only familiar with the windows way of doing things.

Guess it depends on how much time you want to invest, and what you're hoping to accomplish. I did it because I'm a linux user and I like being able to play all the media files natively without transcoding. I doubt I'll do much web surfing other than to show people I can. Might stream online video for sports or something once in awhile. I'm not wasting my projector lamp life just to surf the web on [plug] my new 102" screen in 1080p [end plug] :thumbsup: It is kinda cool though.

10-12-2008, 12:10 AM
Played the demo today (I actually finished it in about three hours.)

:3: to me!

pwned! :yesnod:

10-12-2008, 02:15 AM
Played the demo today (I actually finished it in about three hours.)

:3: to me!

pwned! :yesnod:
I love that plays like a great sci-fi/horror flick, which I understand it will become...the little sisters are creepy!

10-12-2008, 08:37 AM
Yeah I played it too. A great one to play at night time with the surround up.

I'm really not a fan of 1st person shooters but had a great time playing Rainbow Six Vegas. There's actually a cheat code that allows you to turn the game into 3rd person. The story was good but they leave you hangin' at the end.....gotta get Vegas 2 to find out what happens.

Looks like Force Unleashed is still unavailable at Gamefly. I was hoping to play that one next. Looks like it's gonna be Lego Batman.

Kex have you been playing FU? Any glitches or anything weird with gameplay? People over at seem to running into small problems here and there.

BTW, I was wondering how much HD space does a Lunix install take up? Also, isn't there different versions? If so, which one did you install? Google brings up a ton of guides...any links to ones you find good would be appreciated. Lastly, I was curious about the possibility to download and install game emulators/roms. I have a ton of old school games on my PC and it would be cool to have that on the PS3.

10-12-2008, 09:26 AM
Looks like Force Unleashed is still unavailable at Gamefly. I was hoping to play that one next. Looks like it's gonna be Lego Batman.

Kex have you been playing FU? Any glitches or anything weird with gameplay? People over at seem to running into small problems here and there.
Haven't run into a single glitch. I've read some of the glitches had to do with older version of the PS3 with slightly older hardware or something. It's not the greatest game I've played by any means, but the story and cinematics keep it really interesting. If you're even a remote Star Wars fan it's worth getting. DTS track instead of Dolby...kinda cool.

BTW, I was wondering how much HD space does a Lunix install take up? Also, isn't there different versions? If so, which one did you install? Google brings up a ton of guides...any links to ones you find good would be appreciated. Lastly, I was curious about the possibility to download and install game emulators/roms. I have a ton of old school games on my PC and it would be cool to have that on the PS3.
Typical Linux installs are anywhere from 3.5-5 GB, depending which distribution (version) you use. You can customize the install size, but easiest thing to do when formatting the PS3 is to just select built in 10 GB option.

There's dozens of different Linux distros but they're all fairly similar. I used Ubuntu because it's by far the most popular version of Linux and it's one I use at home half the time. It has the most updates and has the best online support in my experience. It's more noob friendly than Linux geek friendly. I'm not programmer aside from a few courses I did in college that introduced me to the stuff. If you're a total Linux noob, Ubuntu Linux is probably the easiest. I think they call that version PSubuntu.

Yellow Dog Linux is probably the other big option - also easy to install. I find it ran a bit better on my PS3 than Ubuntu, not much, but a bit. But unfortunately it's not as slick an OS as Ubuntu overall so I gladly gave up a bit of speed for more functionality.

You should be able to install a variety of emulators. I've never tried this on Linux myself, so can't give much advice, but I know a lot of people have.

10-12-2008, 10:38 AM
Haven't run into a single glitch. I've read some of the glitches had to do with older version of the PS3 with slightly older hardware or something. It's not the greatest game I've played by any means, but the story and cinematics keep it really interesting. If you're even a remote Star Wars fan it's worth getting. DTS track instead of Dolby...kinda cool.

Typical Linux installs are anywhere from 3.5-5 GB, depending which distribution (version) you use. You can customize the install size, but easiest thing to do when formatting the PS3 is to just select built in 10 GB option.

There's dozens of different Linux distros but they're all fairly similar. I used Ubuntu because it's by far the most popular version of Linux and it's one I use at home half the time. It has the most updates and has the best online support in my experience. It's more noob friendly than Linux geek friendly. I'm not programmer aside from a few courses I did in college that introduced me to the stuff. If you're a total Linux noob, Ubuntu Linux is probably the easiest. I think they call that version PSubuntu.

Yellow Dog Linux is probably the other big option - also easy to install. I find it ran a bit better on my PS3 than Ubuntu, not much, but a bit. But unfortunately it's not as slick an OS as Ubuntu overall so I gladly gave up a bit of speed for more functionality.

You should be able to install a variety of emulators. I've never tried this on Linux myself, so can't give much advice, but I know a lot of people have.

OK....couldn't be any more difficult than setting up the BFD :biggrin5:

I plan on installing a new HD soon so I'll mess with it after that. That'll give me time to do some research and what not. I'm down to like 9 gigs :frown5:

10-12-2008, 03:27 PM
If any one is interested, Toy R Us is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale on all PS3 games. They also got some clearance deals going. I just picked up 3 games for $20. Greatest hit games are going for $29.99 so you should be able to pick up 3 decent games for $60. Not bad.

10-12-2008, 03:58 PM
If any one is interested, Toy R Us is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale on all PS3 games. They also got some clearance deals going. I just picked up 3 games for $20. Greatest hit games are going for $29.99 so you should be able to pick up 3 decent games for $60. Not bad.
Hmmm....wonder if they're following that strategy up north too? If not I'll have to get my bro or my uncle to do some shopping for me.
(edit, quick web search says yes!) there a good, combat flying type game out there?

10-12-2008, 04:11 PM
Hmmm....wonder if they're following that strategy up north too? If not I'll have to get my bro or my uncle to do some shopping for me.
(edit, quick web search says yes!) there a good, combat flying type game out there?

Only thing I can think of is Blazing Angels 1 & 2. Both got OK reviews. The demo for one of 'em is available on the PSN. I wish PS3 had a greater selection of games but oh well. BTW, the sale is good for all game consoles. I'll be back on Tuesday to grad a couple of PSP games.

10-13-2008, 10:15 AM
Is that deal at Toys-r-Us just for PS3 games or any video game? The way they've got it worded it sounds like all video games. Unfortunately, nothing is jumping out at me on their website right now.

And I think I'm going to leave the OS alone on my PS3. It's not Windows so I'm already ahead of the game ya know?

I'm looking for a good Flight Sim as well, but all I've found so far are WWII games. I used to fly an F/A-18 Hornet sim called F/A-18 Korea on PC. Very lifelike. I think in Starwars Battlefront there are chapters of the game with flight involved. That's what I've been told anyway.

10-13-2008, 12:09 PM
Um, excuse my impertinence, but I saw a reasonable priced PS1 the other day...Is this a Blue Ray unit or did that come later...?

10-13-2008, 12:24 PM
Um, excuse my impertinence, but I saw a reasonable priced PS1 the other day...Is this a Blue Ray unit or did that come later...?

Much later. The PS3 is the only one with BR right now.

10-14-2008, 07:07 AM
Software 2.50 update coming sometime tonight.

PLAYSTATION®3 Firmware 2.50 Update
Building upon the foundation set by previous firmware upgrades, the 2.50 system software update will refine existing features while also adding new functionality. The update will deliver exclusive options to support the official wireless headset, as previously announced, such as an on-screen indicator that shows volume, battery charge, and mute functions, as well as a High Quality (HQ) mode, which utilises advanced wireless technologies and the Headset’s dual-microphone design to enable clear and wide-band wireless voice communication with PS3 system. HQ mode greatly improves the voice chat experience in multi-player titles such as Resistance 2, which launches in November.

To further strengthen the gameplay experience on PS3, the firmware update will add an in-game screenshot capture tool, laying the groundwork for developers to add capture and sharing options to their games and allowing players to immortalise their favourite gaming moments and share them with friends. Titles that support the feature will be announced in the future.

The 2.50 update will also enhance the user interface for PS3 Trophies. When players acquire a Trophy, the in-game notification will now include the specific Trophy icon created by the developer, while more intuitive options for comparing Trophies with friends have been added, including an icon to represent each Trophy level. The Trophy system will continue to expand through future firmware updates, catering to the PS3 community and the competitive nature of the more than 12 million registered PlayStation Network users worldwide.

Other new features delivered through PS3 2.50 will include:
• Video – Video scene search functionality will provide thumbnails to help you find a particular scene in a video more easily.
• Information Board – The Information Board will be able to include direct links to PlayStation Store, making it easier for PS3 owners to download content that they read about on the Information Board.
• Power save – PS3 owners will have the option to automatically shut-off their console or controllers after pre-selected periods of inactivity.
• Flash 9 content becomes supported on the Internet Browser.

10-14-2008, 07:41 AM
Good. I like more functionality, especially that scene search feature. And the power save option will be a good thing too.

It's good that Sony does more than just fix bugs when they release updates. This is new territory for a former PC gamer. WIth my old ATI video card as well as my current nVidia card, most of the items included in a new firmware/software revision were bug fixes. Hundreds of bug fixes! And the crap you had to go through just to install the updates was maddening! :mad5:

10-14-2008, 08:37 AM
Woo hoo! The power save thing is a must - I'm notoriously bad for falling asleep on the couch and not making it to bed, or falling half asleep and leaving everything on!

Here's a question for you guys. The scaling option on the PS3, what do you guys have it at for best result? Normal?

10-14-2008, 10:12 AM
Mine is set to normal. And don't forget about that option Sir T was talking about some time ago where you can make changes to the video noise levels(?) (I don't recall right now what the names of the settings are, but when you change them to "3" It's supposed to improve PQ during DVD playback) from the A/V option in your in-movie/music options menu.

(I'll have to fix this post when I'm home and in front of my PS3. A bit too cryptic I suspect).

10-14-2008, 10:37 AM
Yeah, mine is set to normal. Here are the settings:

Off Set to disable upscaled output.
Double Scale Set to upscale and display with double horizontal and vertical dimensions.
Normal Set to upscale and display at a size that matches the screen size.
Full Screen Set to upscale and display at full screen by stretching the image.

As Rich said, you can press menu while playing back SD and can apply various noise filters:

Frame Noise Reduction Set to reduce fine noise.
Block Noise Reduction Set to reduce mosaic-like block noise displayed on the screen.
Mosquito Noise Reduction Set to reduce mosquito noise that appears on the edges of visual images.

Sir T suggests setting each filter to level 3 for best results.

I do not know if this has been mentioned here(I posted this in the other thread as well), but I stumbled on to a way to drastically improve the PS3 PQ with DVD's, to the point where it is better than any of the HD DVD players out there(this was HD DVD big marketing point).

Insert a DVD and press play. When the movie starts, press the triangle (options), and a menu comes up. Look for AV settings, and you will see these groups of filters called Mosquito noise filter, Block noise filter, and frame noise reduction. Turn them all to three, and see if you notice any PQ improvement on your DVD's. I personally was shocked at the difference between having them off, and have them on full. When I compared the mummy DVD on my XA-2 with the Reon chip to the PS3 both running split screen, and running frame by frame together via digital timecode. I could not tell any difference between the two no matter how hard I looked.

If the DVD is already done well, you will probably see no improvement. If the DVD has alot of mosquito noise, or video noise, the more the disc has, the better improvement you will see. This is just my experience, yours may differ.

My name is Sir T, and I approve this message........

10-15-2008, 06:14 AM
Hmmm....Seems there was alot more features added with this update. I was just complaining about not having a "play all" feature for the video section but now it's available. Also auto turn off for the controller as well as PS3. New info is still popping up so I'll see what I can dig up. Man I love my PS3. That's right FANBOY.....Anybody got a freakin' problem with it :incazzato:

10-15-2008, 07:22 AM
I didn't get a chance to download the new upgrade yet. Good to see that it's making you a happy gamer LJ.
Thanks for the update.
And no. No problems here.

10-15-2008, 07:45 AM
Main features in system software update version 2.50


* The account creation screens under [Sign Up for PlayStation®Network] and the menus under [Account Management] have been redesigned.

Other new or revised features in version 2.50


* You now have an option to set the PS3 system to turn off automatically after a background download or installation of content has been completed. This option is available when you are turning off the system under [Users] > [Turn Off System] while content is being downloaded or installed.


* has been renamed as [Video Settings].

* Under [Video Settings], the [Cinema Conversion] and [Upscale] options have been renamed as [BD/DVD Cinema Conversion] and [BD/DVD Upscaler], respectively.

* [Sequential Playback] and [50 Hz Video Output] have been added as options under [Video Settings].

* [DivX® VOD Registration Code] has been added under [System Settings]. You must use this registration code to authenticate and register the PS3 system to be able to play video files that are compatible with the DivX® VOD (Video On Demand) service on your system. For details, visit

* [Power Save Settings] has been added as an option under Settings. To save power, the PS3 system and Wireless controllers can be set to turn off automatically after a certain period of inactivity.

* Under [Accessory Settings] > [Audio Device Settings], the method for reconnecting Bluetooth® devices has been changed.

* Under [Accessory Settings] > [Keyboard Type], you can now choose the following keyboard types: [German Keyboard (Switzerland)], [French Keyboard (Canada)] and [French Keyboard (Switzerland)].

* In the keyboard layout for [German Keyboard], the "Y" and "Z" keys have been switched and the "Q" and "A" keys have been switched.

* Under [Printer Settings] > [Printer Selection], you can now select printers that support network connectivity. You can also select HP printers using the [HP] option.


* You can now select one of nine volume output levels using the [Volume Control] setting on the control panel (or the mini-size control panel).

* [Pause] has been added as an icon on the mini-size control panel.


* You can now select one of nine volume output levels using the [Volume Control] setting on the control panel.

* [Scene Search] has been added as an option on the control panel.

* You can now use the [Mosquito Noise Reduction] setting for video content that is saved on the hard disk or storage media. Use this setting to reduce mosquito noise that appears on the edges of visual images.

* During BD (BDAV) and DVD playback, a technique known as “chroma upsampling” is now automatically selected based on the movement of objects within the video content and then applied to enhance images in the content.


* [Sync with Server] has been added as an option under [Trophy Collection].

* By pressing the PS button while playing PLAYSTATION 3 format software, you can now view information from the [Settings and Connection Status List] option under

[Network Settings].*
* This feature is not available for use with some PLAYSTATION 3 format software.


* Support for Adobe® Flash® Player 9 has been added to [Internet Browser].*

* “Adobe” and “Flash” are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.


* The way to disable the automatic sign-in option and the way to sign out from PlayStation®Network have been changed.

* In PlayStation®Store, the design of the [View Downloads] and [View Cart] buttons has been changed, and a [Redeem Codes] button has been added.

10-15-2008, 08:16 AM
Good stuff FANBOY! :biggrin5:

10-15-2008, 09:23 AM
I picked up the Ratchet & Clank PSP bundle yesterday. The remote play feature with the PS3 is 10x better than I thought it would be. I'm impressed!!!!!

A few things I wanna test out still so I'll report back on that. No I'm not trying to convince you to get a PSP Rich :lol:

10-15-2008, 09:30 AM
No I'm not trying to convince you to get a PSP Rich
No but you're still trying to get me to hand over MGS4 aren't ya? :hand:

10-15-2008, 10:00 AM
No but you're still trying to get me to hand over MGS4 aren't ya? :hand:

Well the value of it ain't gonna hold forever. Pretty soon it's gonna be worth less than $15 sitting on your shelf still collecting dust. It needs to played while it's still hot.....Not when MGS5 comes out :D

Have you considered trading it in for something more senior friendly :lol:

10-15-2008, 10:39 AM
Well the value of it ain't gonna hold forever. Pretty soon it's gonna be worth less than $15 sitting on your shelf still collecting dust. It needs to played while it's still hot.....Not when MGS5 comes out :D

Have you considered trading it in for something more senior friendly :lol:

Ratchet & Clank?

10-15-2008, 10:45 AM
Well since it was FREE to begin with, I don't have to worry about it losing value over the long haul. I'll get to it, don't worry. :)

10-16-2008, 05:35 AM
Installed 2.50 last night and immediately went to the Power Save menu and set it up. Easy as a breeze. The unit will shut down after three hours of inactivity (pending file downloads) and the controller will shut off after ten minutes of inactivity. I checked out the volume control which now has finer granularity, which is good, separate options for BD and DVD in the "Video" menu, and I turned on the sequential video option although I don't know how often I'll use it.

I gotta wonder though what Sony's motives are with these new functions. This is the third spin of the PS so I question why things like what I mentioned weren't already incorporated with the box when it was put out to the market. Is this a *feel good* thing to make you think over the long run Sony is on our side and *watching our back*? OTOH it might have driven the cost of the PS up if all these functions were in the original release. I don't know, but I'm still happy I made this purchase. Just gotta find some good BD porn now. :ihih:

10-16-2008, 05:59 AM
I installed it too. Didn't play with any of the new features yet, but I did test out those 3 noise filters for DVD playback. The DVD I watched was "Back to the Future". I have to admit, I hadn't noticed any real big improvments, nothing at all that statnds out, but to be fair, the picture looks very good. Better than my actual DVD player.
Perhaps I don't know what to look for (very possible), or that particular DVD wasn't full of noise I should be filtering?

10-16-2008, 06:03 AM
Installed 2.50 last night and immediately went to the Power Save menu and set it up. Easy as a breeze. The unit will shut down after three hours of inactivity (pending file downloads) and the controller will shut off after ten minutes of inactivity. I checked out the volume control which now has finer granularity, which is good, separate options for BD and DVD in the "Video" menu, and I turned on the sequential video option although I don't know how often I'll use it.

I gotta wonder though what Sony's motives are with these new functions. This is the third spin of the PS so I question why things like what I mentioned weren't already incorporated with the box when it was put out to the market. Is this a *feel good* thing to make you think over the long run Sony is on our side and *watching our back*? OTOH it might have driven the cost of the PS up if all these functions were in the original release. I don't know, but I'm still happy I made this purchase. Just gotta find some good BD porn now. :ihih:

IDK, the updates like this have been coming pretty strong since launch. I've had my PS3 since Dec 06 & the updates were coming monthly at one point. I'm glad Sony is coming through with their promises even if they are late. One of my main reasons for getting the PS3 was it's media server capabilities. I had to wait for that update to come. DTSMA was another big one I had to wait for. I'm just happy this sucker is doing everything I want it to do.

There's a huge request list at for future updates. There's still alot the PS3 is capable of so I welcome any improvements. Hopefully, we'll be able to stream instant Netflix movies soon.

10-16-2008, 07:45 AM
IDK, the updates like this have been coming pretty strong since launch. I've had my PS3 since Dec 06 & the updates were coming monthly at one point. I'm glad Sony is coming through with their promises even if they are late. One of my main reasons for getting the PS3 was it's media server capabilities. I had to wait for that update to come. DTSMA was another big one I had to wait for. I'm just happy this sucker is doing everything I want it to do.

There's a huge request list at for future updates. There's still alot the PS3 is capable of so I welcome any improvements. Hopefully, we'll be able to stream instant Netflix movies soon.
I think to be fair to Sony (which is very hard for me to do), a lot of the capabilities weren't incorporated early for good reasons. The industry didn't establish clear standards for all BluRay formats/codecs etc while the PS3 was in development, they were likely held up by DTS for a bit, and in many cases a lot of these updates just required due process and more time. Software upgrades are great. You get way more value out of your box that way.
Imagine being an early PS3 adopter that relied solely on hardware. You're PS3 would be severely crippled compared to modern BluRay players today and you'd feel a bit ripped off.
Good for them continuing to expand the PS3's capabilities.

I also don't think Sony had a choice. Would you tell gamers you didn't release PS3 because it didn't yet have DTS MA capability on it? The fanboys would riot!

10-16-2008, 07:54 AM
I agree with all this. I just like to play the pesimist due to my belief in the overall conspiracy of... lead the consumer around like pigs being lead to slaughter.

10-16-2008, 07:59 AM
I agree with all this. I just like to play the pesimist due to my belief in the overall conspiracy of... lead the consumer around like pigs being lead to slaughter.
Slaughter, no way....They want to harvest us indefinitely. Once they get us hooked like suckers, we'll mindlessly give them our money for the rest of our lives...that's the conspiracy. :eek6:

10-16-2008, 08:02 AM
I stand corrected, but the premise remains. :yesnod:

10-16-2008, 12:27 PM
I think to be fair to Sony (which is very hard for me to do), a lot of the capabilities weren't incorporated early for good reasons. The industry didn't establish clear standards for all BluRay formats/codecs etc while the PS3 was in development, they were likely held up by DTS for a bit, and in many cases a lot of these updates just required due process and more time. Software upgrades are great. You get way more value out of your box that way.
Imagine being an early PS3 adopter that relied solely on hardware. You're PS3 would be severely crippled compared to modern BluRay players today and you'd feel a bit ripped off.
Good for them continuing to expand the PS3's capabilities.

I also don't think Sony had a choice. Would you tell gamers you didn't release PS3 because it didn't yet have DTS MA capability on it? The fanboys would riot!

Great points. I wouldn't want a half baked product anyways. BR & HD audio decoding was a huge plus for me and it's great that Sony didn't rush it. I would have surely ended up with a 360 if the HD audio would have been done right.

Slaughter, no way....They want to harvest us indefinitely. Once they get us hooked like suckers, we'll mindlessly give them our money for the rest of our lives...that's the conspiracy.

Puts PSP in pocket and slowly starts to walk away.

10-17-2008, 07:24 AM
So I played FU for a bit and I'm like...meh. IDK, controls seems a bit sluggish. I have already experienced a few glitches. Lost complete control of my character for a bit. Something just don't feel right. It's like camera angle is off a bit and controls just aren't smooth. I wasn't too thrilled with R6 when I first started and ended up getting into it so I'll give this a couple more hours and go from there.

10-17-2008, 07:30 AM
So I played FU for a bit and I'm like...meh. IDK, controls seems a bit sluggish. I have already experienced a few glitches. Lost complete control of my character for a bit. Something just don't feel right. It's like camera angle is off a bit and controls just aren't smooth. I wasn't too thrilled with R6 when I first started and ended up getting into it so I'll give this a couple more hours and go from there.
What kind of glitches are you getting?

I'm almost finished with FU...overall it's a decent game, but it's not going to win any awards or anything. The thing that really carries it is the story and cinematics. If you were to swap the Star Wars for some other aliens and keep everything else the same, I don't think it would have the same effect. But there's just enough coolness to keep you interested.

It's nowhere near the same level as Bioshock or Mass Effect though, and not as solid as the Knights of the Old Republic games.

10-17-2008, 07:56 AM
What kind of glitches are you getting?

I'm almost finished with FU...overall it's a decent game, but it's not going to win any awards or anything. The thing that really carries it is the story and cinematics. If you were to swap the Star Wars for some other aliens and keep everything else the same, I don't think it would have the same effect. But there's just enough coolness to keep you interested.

It's nowhere near the same level as Bioshock or Mass Effect though, and not as solid as the Knights of the Old Republic games.

So far I've lost control of my player for a bit. It happened when your playing as Vadar. He kinda just started going off into a wall and got stuck for a second. I had a hard time beating that first Jedi dude. It was like pushing a button but it took a second for a response to happen. I'm gonna restart from the beginning and see what happens. Perhaps the game controls just aren't fast paced and it's taking me time to get used to that.

10-17-2008, 09:42 AM
So far I've lost control of my player for a bit. It happened when your playing as Vadar. He kinda just started going off into a wall and got stuck for a second. I had a hard time beating that first Jedi dude. It was like pushing a button but it took a second for a response to happen. I'm gonna restart from the beginning and see what happens. Perhaps the game controls just aren't fast paced and it's taking me time to get used to that.
Yeah, that sounds like a glitch.

Never had anything like that happen, and I have found the controls to be very accurate. Well, I haven't noticed them being inaccurate, and if you're not complaining then I guess that's fine. I do find the bazillion combos a bit much and executing them at the exact time is tricky in some spots. Oh well.

All the boss/jedi dudes are tough to beat. Well, I didn't start on the easiest level and maybe I should have.

There's a lot of fun parts in the game - I love force chocking people, force throwing them off cliffs, and doing the force lightning thing on anything that moves. Gameplay itself is straightforward and not all the unique, but the visuals and storyline keep it worth playing.

Only complaint I have, not sure if it's a glitch or not, but sometimes the camera view resets itself at really inopportune moments when you're fighting rancor beasts or whatever, and I've ended up blindsided by bad guys that I lose track of in that second or two. This can really suck if you're fighting a boss dude while some Storm Troopers or other baddies attack you from outside your field of view. But overall, while not perfect I wouldn't say there's any more glitchiness than I experience in most games.

I have the Ratchet and Clank game too, but I haven't tackled that one yet...

10-18-2008, 07:29 AM
Update: I found 1 glitch. The Star Destroyer'll probably figure it out when you get to it.

10-24-2008, 12:29 PM

hey, ive only had it 2 weeks

10-30-2008, 07:10 AM

Kex needs help finding a few fun games for his wife. She likes games like Ratchet and Clank, the Lego games, etc. Easy, fun games that she can sit down and enjoy.

On another thread LJ mentioned a bowling game that uses the motion sensor like the Wii..wuzzat? PS3 have any other games like that? She'd dig those.

Any suggestions?

10-30-2008, 07:52 AM
Wow! A POST!!! And it's not spam!

The Playststion Store is probably your best resource Kex-o, but I'm sure you already know that. Finding game descriptions is a different story but you can sort through games at the store by genre and such. L.J.'s lurking while I'm typing this so LOOK OUT!!! :yikes:

10-30-2008, 08:18 AM

Kex needs help finding a few fun games for his wife. She likes games like Ratchet and Clank, the Lego games, etc. Easy, fun games that she can sit down and enjoy.

On another thread LJ mentioned a bowling game that uses the motion sensor like the Wii..wuzzat? PS3 have any other games like that? She'd dig those.

Any suggestions?

Kex, check out the PSN based games. Simple fun games that will give you hours of fun. Most are less than $10 and you can probably find demos for a lot of them. I like the PSN based games because:

1. Cheap
2. Easy to play
3. No running around changing discs
4. Replay ability

Go on the network and browse around to check out some of the demos. I'll list what I have in a bit and let you know which ones get the most play.

BTW, I own a lot of sports games and the only one my wife will play is the virtual tennis. It's easy to play and is pretty fun. It even has mini-games if you don't want to play straight tennis.I think GM has that one as well.

10-30-2008, 09:02 AM
for Wii like controls you need a six-axis controller and compatible games (check back of box)
Doesnt work as nice as the Wiimotes though

10-30-2008, 09:16 AM
Huh...never checked out the PSN yet. Maybe we'll do that. Yeah, definitely wouldn't mind some feedback on what games to check out in particular.

In the meantime I'm having way to much fun with my Lightning Ravager :D

10-30-2008, 01:03 PM
Hey check this out on Nov 19th, I'll be able to stream HD movies from netflix!! Woot!

Oh, dammit, wrong thread.:lol:

10-30-2008, 01:20 PM
Hey check this out on Nov 19th, I'll be able to stream HD movies from netflix!! Woot!

Oh, dammit, wrong thread.:lol:

We have a few members who own both. Post all the Xbox links you like.

10-30-2008, 01:35 PM
Huh...never checked out the PSN yet. Maybe we'll do that. Yeah, definitely wouldn't mind some feedback on what games to check out in particular.

In the meantime I'm having way to much fun with my Lightning Ravager :D

These are the PSN games that have. I don't remember the prices for all of them but most were around 5.99. Some 9.99 and only a couple were 14.99.

Jeopardy......meh, not worth the 14.99
Ratchet & Clank QFB.....almost as good as TOD but the ending still leaves you hanging. Not bad for 14.99 if you play all the levels. About 4 hours to complete
1942....Like the arcade classic but in HD. 9.99....great pick up and just shoot game.
Elefunk...I think only 5.99. Great game for $$$. You gotta build bridges strong enough to hold an elephant with limited supplies. Very addicting and very fun.
Echochrome...Another thinker. Once you get bored, you can construct your own levels or play someones created level online
Pain...meh, fun for a bit but gets old after a while. Great party game though.
Go Sports Sky Diving..Only 2.99, good use of the motion sensor. Bad graphics but look at the price.
Go Sports Ski...2.99 again..Same as above.
High Velocity Bowling..9.99..Great game, great use of the motion sensing. Lot's of unlockables.
Pixel Junk Monsters..Tower defense game. I love it. Multi player too.
Street Fighter Puzzle II...I love this one as well. 5.99 I think. If wifee loves to whoop you at puzzle games like tertris, this is a must have.
Blast Factor...Another good one. Multi player easy pick up and just play spaceship shooter type game.
Q Bert...Come on, everyone loves Q bert @**&^^%&*
Flow...Complete motion sensing game. Alright for awhile but gets kinda old.
Rampage...Gotta get rampage. Old arcade classic.
Street Fighter Alpha(PS1 Classic) This is a PS1 classic. There are a bunch available and they all go for only 5.99. Graphics and everything is exact replica of the PS1 game.

You should be able to find demos for most of these. They go on sale sometimes too. So you really haven't in the PS store yet :idea:

10-30-2008, 01:38 PM
Hey check this out on Nov 19th, I'll be able to stream HD movies from netflix!! Woot!

Oh, dammit, wrong thread.:lol:

Yeah we all knew all that thank you very much :incazzato:

Ya know GB, if I really wanted an xbox I could.......Oh wait, I don't want one :ciappa:

10-30-2008, 01:46 PM
Nah haven't been to the PS Store yet...Things are only starting to get back to normal for me, the few free hours of leisure time I have had the last few weeks I've usually planned out in advance - like play TOD or Star Wars TFU or whatever. Going into the PS3 menu was never considered. Now it's on the to do list. Thanks. I didn't realize all that stuff was on there.

10-30-2008, 01:53 PM
Nah haven't been to the PS Store yet...Things are only starting to get back to normal for me, the few free hours of leisure time I have had the last few weeks I've usually planned out in advance - like play TOD or Star Wars TFU or whatever. Going into the PS3 menu was never considered. Now it's on the to do list. Thanks. I didn't realize all that stuff was on there.

Oh h.ll yeah. I've used up almost 50GB with free demo downloads. It would take hours just to flip though everything that's available.

10-30-2008, 02:08 PM
Yup, GM is right. Lot's of free stuff to get into. The demos are the best though. Nothing like trying out a few levels of game before dropping 60 on it. I haven't bothered downloading any movies yet. Maybe if their TV episodes drop to .99 each I'll download a few Family Guy episodes to my PSP.

I actually have a Japanese account too. No I can't read anything but it's funny how quick you learn the word "free". They usually get more stuff over there so that's why i bothered with it.

10-30-2008, 04:31 PM
Hey check this out on Nov 19th, I'll be able to stream HD movies from netflix!! Woot!

Oh, dammit, wrong thread.:lol:
Yeah I've never seen an xbox thread here at AR...

11-07-2008, 08:16 AM
Firmware update 2.52 available

* The playback quality of some PS3 format software has been improved.
* A text entry issue that occurs when using the on-screen keyboard, USB keyboard or Bluetooth keyboard with some PS3 format software has been addressed.

11-07-2008, 08:20 AM
Firmware update 2.52 available

* The playback quality of some PS3 format software has been improved.
* A text entry issue that occurs when using the on-screen keyboard, USB keyboard or Bluetooth keyboard with some PS3 format software has been addressed.

Downloaded it last night. Seems like just last week I was downloading 2.50. They sure do make a lot of improvements.

11-07-2008, 08:32 AM
BTW, there always seems to be a "firmware x.xx broke my PS3" thread over on the playstation forums. I've never had any issues after 2 years of updating. If your patient though, you may want to wait a week before updating.

Also....previous firmware 2.50 allows access to the PS3 recovery menu.

How to Access PlayStation 3 Recovery Menu

1. Turn your PlayStation 3 off.
2. Hold the power button until you hear 3 beeps.
3. You should be prompted with a screen asking you to press the PS Button on a control.
4. Woola! The Recovery Menu should load.

The current Recovery Menu supports:

Restart System
Restore Default Settings
Restore File System
Rebuild Database
Restore PS3 System
System Update

Also.....Here's the PS store update for this week ( Free MGS4 demo :3:

11-07-2008, 08:37 AM
...Also.....Here's the PS store update for this week ( Free MGS4 demo :3:


11-07-2008, 07:02 PM
well it didnt break my ps3, but SOCOM didnt like the new update for some reason, took me over an hour to log back on after d/ling it the other day :P

11-07-2008, 08:00 PM
I'm not anywhere's near being ready for SOCOM, so I think I'll stay over here on the 2.50 side 'til I see a reason to go there.

11-10-2008, 12:02 PM
I've been using Gamefly for video game rental services, but I'm gonna give Blockbuster a try. Gamefly's cheapest plan is $15.99 for unlimited one out at a time. Add the $8.99 to my one out at a time Netflix account, and we have a total of $25.

Blockbuster has a unlimited two out at a time movie rental plan with 3 in-store exchanges for $16.99 per months. The in-store exchanges can be used for movies and games, but they do charge a fee for getting a game, which is $4.99. I plan on using one of my in-store exchanges for a game once per month. So this would actually come out to be a couple of dollars cheaper than using the Netflix/Gamefly combo. For the same $25, I could bump up to 3 out at a time & 5 in-store exchanges. Alot more for the same price :wink5:

My main reason for going to Blockbuster is the hope of getting what I want right away. Netflix does an OK job with new releases but lately it's been awful. I've been waiting to see The Incredible Hulk and it's still listed as very long wait. Same problem with Iron Man and a few other new releases I wanted to see. Gamefly has the same problem. New release games are hard to get right away. Another thing is the 4 day turn-around time. 2 days for them to get the game and 2 days before I receive a new one.

I'm assuming the in-store exchanges will give me a better chance at getting new releases. If it's unavailable on-line, I can just exchange in-store if it's available there. Plus my wife goes to the gym next door so no extra car trips either.

Ok, ok I'm rambling.....:nono:

11-10-2008, 01:29 PM
Actually L.J. I have a Blockbuster subscription. I can rent three movies at a time and I also have that in-store exchange service. From the time I put movies in my queue to the time I get the DVD is normally about 2 - 3 days. I don't think you'll find much difference as far as wait time is concerned from one store to the other. OTOH, Netflix may have a problem with supply and demand now that they've gained more visibility in the d/l market. Aren't they and DirecTV now in a partnership of some kind?

BTW, I'm at 2.52 now as well.

11-10-2008, 02:25 PM
Actually L.J. I have a Blockbuster subscription. I can rent three movies at a time and I also have that in-store exchange service. From the time I put movies in my queue to the time I get the DVD is normally about 2 - 3 days. I don't think you'll find much difference as far as wait time is concerned from one store to the other. OTOH, Netflix may have a problem with supply and demand now that they've gained more visibility in the d/l market. Aren't they and DirecTV now in a partnership of some kind?

BTW, I'm at 2.52 now as well.

You must have the 19.99 per month plan. I'm more interested in the in-store exchange. I'm sure I'll get more new releases that way vs on-line (movies & games). Actually, Netflix gets the movie to me the next day. The problem is that I never get the new releases I keep at the top of my queue. Maybe all the new releases are reserved for new customers.

DirectTV? Sorry, I'm not sure about that one. I know the 360 can be used with Netflix though.

11-10-2008, 04:32 PM
No I'm not trying to convince you to get a PSP Rich :lol:
Don't believe him!! :eek6: He's trying to fool us all by sending us subliminal PS3 propaganda so we eventually become slaves to the evil PS3 empire! :p

11-21-2008, 05:44 AM
Well, I waited about 2 & 1/2 hours last night for HV Bowling to download via Wireless but I gave up after not getting more and 42% d/l'ed. Something isn't right here. Previously when I d/l'ed Warhawk, that was a two hour adventure but if IIRC, the d/l completed even when the PS3 status showed about the same 4?% percentage. I'm still trying to get my D-Link router to just work as an Ethernet switch (more settings than I thought need to be changed) but what I really need to know is what the signal strength that the PS3 sees is. My laptop in the same room gives me 77% strength on average so I'm wondering if that's too weak for the PS3. My WAN speed is 10 Mbps down so I don't believe that's where the bottleneck is occuring, if there actually even is one. I saw no lags or stuttering when I was playing Warhawk online.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? I'm out of :idea: .

11-21-2008, 06:10 AM
Well, I waited about 2 & 1/2 hours last night for HV Bowling to download via Wireless but I gave up after not getting more and 42% d/l'ed. Something isn't right here. Previously when I d/l'ed Warhawk, that was a two hour adventure but if IIRC, the d/l completed even when the PS3 status showed about the same 4?% percentage. I'm still trying to get my D-Link router to just work as an Ethernet switch (more settings than I thought need to be changed) but what I really need to know is what the signal strength that the PS3 sees is. My laptop in the same room gives me 77% strength on average so I'm wondering if that's too weak for the PS3. My WAN speed is 10 Mbps down so I don't believe that's where the bottleneck is occuring, if there actually even is one. I saw no lags or stuttering when I was playing Warhawk online.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? I'm out of :idea: .

Have you tried a cat-6 cable for big downloads?

Monoprice have 50 footers for about a dime.

11-21-2008, 06:58 AM
Good idea GM. I have raw Cat-5 at home and the crimping tool here at work to terminate it, but no Cat-6. I'll run what I've got on hand from the FiOS router to the PS3 for d/l purposes while I'm trying to get my spare router figured out. At some point possibly over the winter I might replace the Cat-5 in my house with Cat-6 since the PS3 can negotiate gigabit speeds, and heck, I was using a long run of coax from the computer room out to the FiOS router in the living room when I was using my PC there anyway, so why not?

HV Bowling is only 845 MB or thereabouts, which doesn't seem that large to me, but I've been wrong before (Lord knows :rolleyes: ) so who knows.

11-21-2008, 07:28 AM
I was wireless for a bit and really didn't have any problems, but sometimes my downloads seemed a little slow and every now and then I'd get a quick drop when streaming music. I ran the ethernet straight to the PS3 and it's all fine now.

11-22-2008, 09:05 AM
Problem solved. Even though my router should automatically find the channel that the PS3 is wirelessly broadcasting on, setting it to the same channel as the PS3, which is channel 11, d/l speeds picked up again.

The PS3 also was taking a long time to find my Tversity server on my main rig, and now that's no longer a problem either.

11-24-2008, 07:09 AM
So I got an invite to join HOME beta. It was interesting. Here's some info if anyone doesn't know what HOME ( is. So you start off in an apartment and can customize your avatar to look like whatever you want. The options are pretty endless. When your done toying with that you can leave the apartment and go to a couple of different places. Center Plaza, a mall, movie theater, bowling alley, music station......stuff like that.

There are billboards with game posters and flat panel tv's playing game & movie trailers in certain areas. If you walk up to something you interested in, you can hear it and have the option to go full screen. The closer you get to it, the louder it becomes. Virtual people are walking around everywhere. You have a list of communication & gesture commands. These range from saying hi or waving to typing whatever response you want or doing the running man.

If you get close to a person that a mic, you can start talking to them or hear what they're talking about. I walked close to a group of people and overheard their discussion about smoking some stuff and getting high :eek6:

There's things you can interact with and the mall actually has stores to purchase clothes, furniture and other accessories for your avatar. I think some of the stuff was free because a lot of people were where these weird shirts I didn't see as an option for my avatar. The bowling alley allows you to bowl, shoot pool, play video games or watch tv. The theater had a huge screen with trailers and what not playing. You guys get the point.

Everyone is making a big deal about this and meh....It's alright I guess. May be better if I had a huge group of online buddies to interact with. I read that you can have friend over to your apartment and play music or video directly from your PS3 HD. A great way for someone to share their latest music purchase or family videos or something I guess. People can also hook up and join online games directly from HOME. It's a nice way to meet new people if your into that kinda thing.Maybe find someone to marry if you get bored enough :Yawn:

So far I gotta give this a C+. A great way to burn 20 mins. but after that, it gets kinda old.

11-24-2008, 02:37 PM
Thought you guys might be interested in a few of these PS3 related BF sales.

11-25-2008, 04:49 AM
Thought you guys might be interested in a few of these PS3 related BF sales.
I've heard Dark Sector and Assasins Creed are decent. For $10 a pop you can't go wrong. Damn, we don't get BF up here. :nonod:

12-02-2008, 08:21 AM
Update 2.53 available. Here's a little info on it in here:

12-02-2008, 11:55 AM
It looks like the only thing .53 does is improve on the Adobe Flash player plugin, which reminds me... what do I have to change in order to no longer have to respond to the message I get asking if "I want to run the plugin" when I'm using the internet browser?

12-02-2008, 12:02 PM
It looks like the only thing .53 does is improve on the Adobe Flash player plugin, which reminds me... what do I have to change in order to no longer have to respond to the message I get asking if "I want to run the plugin" when I'm using the internet browser?

I don't know. I'm all ears if you find the answer though :biggrin5:

12-02-2008, 12:11 PM
I don't know. I'm all ears if you find the answer though :biggrin5:
Good. It's not just me then. :idea:

03-21-2009, 11:38 AM

Finally!! My Nyko IR/BT does a good job but I may pick this up to free up that USB.

03-21-2009, 04:25 PM
"It will also turn the PS3 on and off."

THANK GAWD!!! :biggrin5:

03-24-2009, 02:21 PM
I have seen people mention that they are waiting to be able to stream Netflix on the PS3 like the 360 does. I found a program called Playon server that will do just that along with stream Hulu, CBS shows, ESPN, CNN, and now Amazon VOD. It is free for a little bit but then you have to pay for it. It runs on your computer where the video is processed and then streamed to the PS3. My PS3 uses wifi and the picture still looks good on my 50" plasma.

03-25-2009, 08:59 AM
I have seen people mention that they are waiting to be able to stream Netflix on the PS3 like the 360 does. I found a program called Playon server that will do just that along with stream Hulu, CBS shows, ESPN, CNN, and now Amazon VOD. It is free for a little bit but then you have to pay for it. It runs on your computer where the video is processed and then streamed to the PS3. My PS3 uses wifi and the picture still looks good on my 50" plasma.

Hmm...I may have to look into that :)

04-24-2009, 06:30 AM
Ahhh @#$%$#@!! My PS3 died yesterday. Turnaround time is 3-4 weeks. Good thing I got that extended warranty. If Target can't fix it, they'll give me store credit for the full amount. Maybe I'll end up with new PS3 and have some $$$ left over.

What sucks is that I have the original 60g which is backward compatible with PS2 games, has card reader slots, 4 USB and plays SACD. I would loose all that if I had to get the 80 or 160 model.

04-24-2009, 07:16 AM
Bummer dude. That sucks. Hope it all gets resolved to your satisfaction, mebbe it's just something small and easy to fix?

04-24-2009, 07:37 AM
Bummer dude. That sucks. Hope it all gets resolved to your satisfaction, mebbe it's just something small and easy to fix?

It's called yellow light of death ( by folks online. There's a DIY fix but I ain't touching it. I guess it has something to do with overheating and some technical terms I have no clue about. My resistance is stuck in the PS3 as well. It starts up, a yellow light flashes, then it dies.

The extended warranty was only $59. Sony would have charged $150 flat rate plus shipping and probably just send out refurbs.

I'm not surprised it broke. I used it all day everyday for the past 2 1/2 years, especially since I use it to stream music. Funny thing is my original PS2 is still going strong after all these years :frown2:

Now I'm gonna have to blow the dust off my 2910 & A2 :biggrin5:

04-24-2009, 07:39 AM
Sorry to read this LJ. But it looks like to are seeing the glass as half full again. I hope they work it all out for you.

04-24-2009, 07:43 AM
Sorry to read this LJ. But it looks like to are seeing the glass as half full again. I hope they work it all out for you.

LOL....I was starting to spend too much time in front of that thing anyway :biggrin5:

Who knows, maybe my wife broke it :eek6:

05-22-2009, 09:53 AM

The harmony/PS3 adapter($60) is out if anybody cares. I'm using the Nyko IR/USB thingie($20) and it works fine for me.

05-22-2009, 10:16 AM
Me too...I kinda like how small it is, and $60 is a stupid price for that adapter thingy anwyay. What is this, an Xbox 360 accessory? :P.

05-22-2009, 11:57 AM
Who wants ta play this weekend?

05-22-2009, 12:14 PM
Who wants ta play this weekend?

I won't have my PS3 for another week :cryin:

05-22-2009, 12:20 PM
You have a PS2 floating around somewhere don't ya?

How long has the PS3 been in for service now?

05-22-2009, 12:39 PM
You have a PS2 floating around somewhere don't ya?

How long has the PS3 been in for service now?

I used the PS2 for one day and put it back in my kids room. Repair place got my PS3 on the 8th. They should be shipping it today but it's gonna take a week to get back. It's been over a month since the stupid thing broke :mad2:

Not sure what I miss more...the games or bluray movies.....ok it's the movies...DVD sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-22-2009, 12:45 PM
Yeah I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't watch "Bikini Destination: Triple Fantasy" in glorious, full 1080p HD. :biggrin5:

11-01-2009, 05:24 AM
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time...anyone else getting this?
I loved Tools of Destruction, so this one's an auto-buy.

11-02-2009, 07:05 AM
Due to the lack of any encouragement whatsoever from the likes of yourself, GM & L.J., I'm vering back into the direction of PC gaming. Just can't get the hang of the thumb wheels and no one wants to play with me online. :prrr:

I'll be upgrading my video card soon and installing Win 7. Modern Warfare II is calling me. Merry Christmas to ME!!! :yesnod:

11-02-2009, 07:19 AM
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time...anyone else getting this?
I loved Tools of Destruction, so this one's an auto-buy.

Have you tried the demo yet? I enjoyed it. I will get this eventually. Still no two player or online modes though.

11-02-2009, 08:12 AM
Have you tried the demo yet? I enjoyed it. I will get this eventually. Still no two player or online modes though.
I bought it the other day and sat down with it this weekend. Only played an hour or so, but so far it picks up right where the last one left off. Some cool new hilarious weapons, and some old standbys...I haven't seen much of it yet to make a comparison, but at the very worst it seems like good sequel - the graphics and planet scenary seem to be a bit better early on.

Great fun so far.

Yeah, a 2-player co-op mode would have been cool.

11-02-2009, 08:21 AM
Due to the lack of any encouragement whatsoever from the likes of yourself, GM & L.J., I'm vering back into the direction of PC gaming. Just can't get the hang of the thumb wheels and no one wants to play with me online. :prrr:

I'll be upgrading my video card soon and installing Win 7. Modern Warfare II is calling me. Merry Christmas to ME!!! :yesnod:

Sorry Rich...I haven't had much free time all year to devote to my any of my hobbies really. 2009 has been a pretty hard year on us and things are just starting to get into some semblance of normal again. I think this was my worst ever year for post-count here as well.

11-02-2009, 10:36 AM
Yeah I plan on getting it after I finish a few more games. Just finished Uncharted 2 (excellent game) and will probably pick up Resident Evil 5 today since the price dropped to 40. I also got LBP for my kids but haven't even opened that up yet. Still gotta figure out NBA 2K10, and my wife got me Madden 10. Too many games!!! Let us know what you think after a few more levels.

My 60g finally died after 3 YLOD so Target is gonna issue a refund or replace it. I picked up a slim a while ago so I'm still online, but my kids are screwed until the new one gets here :biggrin5:

Rich, I never see you online :aureola:

GM, your wife name is Jay? I sent you a message and she responded. She was playing Uncharted lol. Cool wife :thumbsup:

11-02-2009, 11:02 AM
Curses! Foiled again! :smilewinkgrin:

11-02-2009, 11:12 AM
LBP is a lot of fun....tons of stuff you can do in that game. The kids will love it...wives too. I need a bit more intensity in my games. It's fun like those Lego Star Wars/Batman games, wears off after a bit to us older, alien shootin' folks...
I still have Resistance 2 and both Gears of War games I have to play.

Fallout 3 and Prince of Persia were incredible. PoP is a pretty easy one for wives and kiddies...

11-02-2009, 11:37 AM
Yeah I plan on getting it after I finish a few more games. Just finished Uncharted 2 (excellent game) and will probably pick up Resident Evil 5 today since the price dropped to 40. I also got LBP for my kids but haven't even opened that up yet. Still gotta figure out NBA 2K10, and my wife got me Madden 10. Too many games!!! Let us know what you think after a few more levels.

My 60g finally died after 3 YLOD so Target is gonna issue a refund or replace it. I picked up a slim a while ago so I'm still online, but my kids are screwed until the new one gets here :biggrin5:

Rich, I never see you online :aureola:

GM, your wife name is Jay? I sent you a message and she responded. She was playing Uncharted lol. Cool wife :thumbsup:

Ha.. No. That was a friend. He's one of our tech-no-geeks from work. He and his girldfriend come over sometimes to play pool etc. Wifey doesn't play the PS3 much.

11-11-2009, 05:39 PM

Got off the phone with a manager at Target extended warranty CS. I qualify for the "no-lemon" policy 1 month before my warranty was up. Perfect timing!! A gift card for original purchase price is on the way. That gives me a new PS3 + $300 bonus cash. Yup, I can live without the backward compatibility :3:

BTW, RE5 is off the hook. Short but very addicting.

11-12-2009, 07:11 AM

Got off the phone with a manager at Target extended warranty CS. I qualify for the "no-lemon" policy 1 month before my warranty was up. Perfect timing!! A gift card for original purchase price is on the way. That gives me a new PS3 + $300 bonus cash. Yup, I can live without the backward compatibility :3:

BTW, RE5 is off the hook. Short but very addicting.

Oh d'm! That's a good deal. I kind feel ripped off that mine hasn't had any troubles.:skep:

03-29-2010, 12:25 PM
My niece just bought a PS3 and borrowed COD4: Modern Warfare2. She wants me to buy it so we can play online. It's $40.00 at Amazon. Should I go for it? I know it's a bit dated now (right?). Who else here has it? IIRC Topspeed has it but he's pretty much extinct 'round these parts. Thoughts?

03-29-2010, 12:28 PM
I don't know anything about that game, but I think you should buy it.

07-25-2024, 09:05 PM
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