Fix a EAD preamp or throw it out? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Fix a EAD preamp or throw it out?

07-11-2008, 12:50 PM
I have an Enlightened Audio Design Preamp (Encore) that I bought in about the year 2000. It completely failed on me. Will not light up or turn on. Now I have not been into home audio for awhile and want to know if you think it'll be worth my money to fix it or should I just buy a new preamp. Are new ones even comparable to what I have in the $1000 range? And if so what company should I go with. Thanks

07-11-2008, 01:11 PM
Hi, welcome to AR...

check for a blown fuse first, when it last operated, did it 'behave' weird, or did it work fine (and work not at all after that...)

a blown fuse is a common problem, could be either a power surge, or something in the unit that's not doing what it's supposed to do.

the latter is more time intensive. :D

good luck :)

Keep them spinning,

Mr Peabody
07-11-2008, 07:27 PM
In my opinion it's worth at least getting it looked at and an estimate on repair. I don't think you'll find much comparible for $1k. Maybe going used. What other components are in your system?

07-12-2008, 10:28 AM
EAD Encore preamp
ATI 1505 amp
Yamaha TX-492 tuner
some sony DVD
Dynaudio contour center
Dynaudio Facette fronts
Dynaudio Audience 50 rear
Velodyne servo FSR-15

There you have it. At the time I bought everything I thought it was great but everything goes out of date so fast.

Mr Peabody
07-12-2008, 05:22 PM
Wow, your speaker set up is similar to mine. I'm not familiar with ATI. I hope I'm not making a mistake but I'm about to switch to the new Marantz AV8003 to gain some updated features and better bass management. I will be selling my Primare 31.7 in your price range. You can email or PM if interested, but only if you are in the U.S. has some preamp processors under their "used and demo" link. I have been there recently so not sure what's in your price, probably Rotel or NAD.

My EAD transport recently died. Usually when transports go, they are gone..