SVI, eat your heart out [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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07-06-2008, 03:23 AM
Yesterday we realized that the $20 speakers on my wife's computer had pooped out and that they sound like poop in any case. So with a $100 budget I had a look around and decide on a pair of Creative GigaWorks T40 ( These were available at Future Shop at the half-decent sale price of C$90, we got a pair.

The sound is decent but not audiophile. Given they are two speaker, desktop system, the bass is certainly not deep, but adequate for my wife's non-critical enjoyment of her '60s & '70 Folk-Rock downloads. In fact, for the modest budget, I had specifically chosen to spend the money on slightly better two-speaker system over a typical, cheap 2.1 system.

If my budget had stretched to $300-400 I would have been looking at, say, a pair of Behringer B2030A ( active studio monitors.