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06-11-2008, 09:29 AM
For those who play or know its history, compare the Metal Gear series to other games like Half-Life, Call of Duty...etc. Is it considered an FPS, an RPG or both like Crysis and Diablo. Apparently the origins of MG go way back, but I've never owned it (not sure if it's available for PC anyway).

In general, what games do you play, including online games?

06-12-2008, 05:01 PM
Buncha losers. :rolleyes:

I know topspeed would've said something.

06-12-2008, 05:56 PM
In general, what games do you play, including online games?

Never played a game on my PS3. Played Hitman on the 360 a couple of times.

06-12-2008, 06:24 PM
In general, what games do you play, including online games?

I love to play chess, anytime, anywhere or anyplace. Pretty much beat anybody in my Happy Acres area :)

06-12-2008, 06:37 PM
For those who play or know its history, compare the Metal Gear series to other games like Half-Life, Call of Duty...etc. Is it considered an FPS, an RPG or both like Crysis and Diablo. Apparently the origins of MG go way back, but I've never owned it (not sure if it's available for PC anyway).

In general, what games do you play, including online games?

I'm watching the game dude, I'll respond tomorrow.

GO LAKER!!! :16:

06-13-2008, 04:48 AM
I'm watching the game dude, I'll respond tomorrow.
Cool. My impression of the game is that it's an RPG - FPS combo, which means I'm actually going to have to think instead of just firing away mindlessly. :rolleyes:

'fraid not there bud. Looks like their goose is just about cooked. :yesnod:

06-13-2008, 04:52 AM
I love to play chess, anytime, anywhere or anyplace. Pretty much beat anybody in my Happy Acres area :)
Chess? Really? I hope Nurse Ratchett isn't aware that you're winning so much... she's liable to give you a lobotomy! :ciappa:

06-13-2008, 05:43 AM
Cool. My impression of the game is that it's an RPG - FPS combo, which means I'm actually going to have to think instead of just firing away mindlessly. :rolleyes:

I've owned all the MGS & you definitely have to do some thinking. I haven't played any of those games your comparing it to though. The whole point of the game is stealth.....You can actually complete entire levels without firing one shot. Have you played Splinter Cell...It's kinda like that. You could go in shooting a bunch of people but your gonna die pretty quick that way.

I've never cared for FPS games. Never owned one and never thought for a sec to play one. I play all kinds of games but lately I haven't really cared for the "shooter" type of games and have been playing alot of sports and short puzzle type games. I bought DBZ burst limit 2 days ago and it was the first PS3 game I've purchased in a long time.

'fraid not there bud. Looks like their goose is just about cooked. :yesnod:

What a let down. Oh well, I'm happy for the guys in Boston, they deserve it.

06-13-2008, 06:00 AM
I've owned all the MGS & you definitely have to do some thinking. I haven't played any of those games your comparing it to though. The whole point of the game is stealth.....You can actually complete entire levels without firing one shot. Have you played Splinter Cell...It's kinda like that. You could go in shooting a bunch of people but your gonna die pretty quick that way.

I've never cared for FPS games. Never owned one and never thought for a sec to play one. I play all kinds of games but lately I haven't really cared for the "shooter" type of games and have been playing alot of sports and short puzzle type games. I bought DBZ burst limit 2 days ago and it was the first PS3 game I've purchased in a long time.
NASCAR 09 is on my wish list, but it's $60 bucks right now! :yikes: BTW, it looks like I missed the first round of PS3/MGS4 sales. I never got my notification from the Sony store, and when I went there to checkout, the page told me to remove that p/n because it wasn't available. I went to Wal-mart online and it was sold out there too. Oh well.

What a let down. Oh well, I'm happy for the guys in Boston, they deserve it.
I kept hearing after the game that it was the largest come back in the history of the game, but if the Lakers had won the game they came back from in the last minutes, it would've topped the Celtics' by what, like ten points? I like Kevin Garnett; he deserves a championship IMO.

audio amateur
06-13-2008, 11:18 AM
I've been a big fan of the Final Fantasy series on playstaion (7,8 and 9). I own all the soundtracks aswell. I've played through Metal Gear 1 & 2. The first is incredible despite the graphics, which were impressive at the time. The preview of MGS 4 I posted a few weeks back is mind blowing (graphicaly speaking). I'm sure the game will be very good. I love cars & racing, so I have a past with Gran Turismo 1 2 & 4. Still play them. Currently i'm trying to get through Doom 3, which is not an easy task as I can only handle 1 hour at a time. Maybe less. Medal of honor has been a favorite aswell, the latest 'airborne' looks awesome, though I haven't played it as my computer won't allow.
Wipeout 3 is another classic too.

06-15-2008, 09:04 AM
Thanks AA. Some good titles there. I play Doom 3 on my PC and I remember some of the guys in my car club a few years back used to get together for GT tournaments, but I'm no fan of ricer cars. :nono: Too bad NASCAR allowed Camry's into the sport.:incazzato:

06-16-2008, 01:40 PM
Currently I've been playing Grand Theft Auto IV on the 360. Can't get enough of throwing old ladies outta their buicks, and casuing some serious damage.

I also like Call of Duty 4, just started playing again after a bit of a break.

For the family, we enjoy playing scene it on the 360. Kids like Dance Dance Revolution.

For car racing games GT for the PS2/3 were always pretty lame. For being "serious" racers, they lost ALL respect by not including damage modeling. How "serious" is that?

On the 360, FORZA is supposed to be pretty good although I haven't played it yet. I'm partial to DiRT (Colin McRae..God rest his soul). GRiD is the newest racer from Codemasters, and it looks AWESOME.

Here is a comparison video posted for you to judge:

Please remember that GT5 is supposed to be the "ultimate" in racers...hehehe

06-17-2008, 04:23 PM
Currently I've been playing Grand Theft Auto IV on the 360. Can't get enough of throwing old ladies outta their buicks, and casuing some serious damage.

I've considered this one though I skipped San Andreas. I had hella fun with the Commanche attack copter in Vice City.

06-18-2008, 04:34 AM
So in GTA, are there any scenes where, while I'm driving in a car an idiot driving in front of me makes some stoopid move on the highway, and I'm able to run his sorry ass right off a bridge, or into the path of an oncoming train, or at least down an embankment? That would be such great therapy for me.

06-18-2008, 06:45 AM
So in GTA, are there any scenes where, while I'm driving in a car an idiot driving in front of me makes some stoopid move on the highway, and I'm able to run his sorry ass right off a bridge, or into the path of an oncoming train, or at least down an embankment? That would be such great therapy for me.

One of my favorite games is called "hit the biker". Any time I see someone on a motercycle/moped I mow them down. The faster you hit them, the higher they fly. I got one guy to fly through the window of a building once. That was great.

Another time, I T-Boned a car going about 100 mph. Imagine the nerve of the idiot I hit. I was going the wrong way down a 1 way street. He PULLS OUT into the intersection, and BAM I took him out. He even lost a wheel that slowly rolled away.

The worst part though, was that I was shot through the windshield. And straight through the front window of a cafe across the street. One of the people inside must have taken offence to my mode of entry, because he pulled out a pistol and started shooting me. Chaos ensued.

Yeah...good times in Liberty City.

06-19-2008, 10:51 AM
I'm watching the game dude, I'll respond tomorrow.
How does a non-PS3 owner watch the game? Are you saying you watched the trailer? I went to, but I don't really know what to look for. Is there a movie that will explain the characters, history...etc?

06-19-2008, 10:56 AM
How does a non-PS3 owner watch the game? Are you saying you watched the trailer? I went to, but I don't really know what to look for. Is there a movie that will explain the characters, history...etc?

It really doesn't connect to the other GTA games.

In this one, you are Nicoli, from Russia. You come over and live with your cousin.

Work your way up from a nobody to a somebody in the Russian Mafia.

Good times.

06-19-2008, 11:02 AM
Sorry GB, I should've said: How does a non-PS3 owner watch MGS4?


Work your way up from a nobody to a somebody in the Russian Mafia.
How much power do you have to have before you can have sex with ho's? :ihih:

06-19-2008, 11:06 AM
How does a non-PS3 owner watch the game? Are you saying you watched the trailer? I went to, but I don't really know what to look for. Is there a movie that will explain the characters, history...etc?

Huh.....I was talking about the NBA finals man. Didn't you see the "go lakers"? Rich, I don't know what your sippin' on but I'd like to have some of that.

06-19-2008, 11:30 AM
Oh, well in THAT case...

Did them Celt's put a nasty ass hurtin' on that Cobe, or WHAT? :biggrin5:

06-19-2008, 11:42 AM
Oh, well in THAT case...

Did them Celt's put a nasty ass hurtin' on that Cobe, or WHAT? :biggrin5:

Who's "Cobe"?

LA gotta new player I don't know about :rolleyes5:

06-19-2008, 11:47 AM
What-EVER! The whole team got embarrased, in the national spotlight no less. :yesnod:

06-19-2008, 12:48 PM
What-EVER! The whole team got embarrased, in the national spotlight no less. :yesnod:

Yeah LA got beat up pretty good the whole series. Game 6 was just icing on the cake. Boston deserved it though. It's good to see new faces holding up the trophy.

06-20-2008, 05:34 PM
Yeah LA got beat up pretty good the whole series. Game 6 was just icing on the cake. Boston deserved it though. It's good to see new faces holding up the trophy.

All good dynasties come to an end says the man from Detroit. Props for the good sportsmanship.

06-23-2008, 11:59 AM
For those who play or know its history, compare the Metal Gear series to other games like Half-Life, Call of Duty...etc. Is it considered an FPS, an RPG or both like Crysis and Diablo. Apparently the origins of MG go way back, but I've never owned it (not sure if it's available for PC anyway).

In general, what games do you play, including online games?

MGS4 is the hot ticket right now. I had the PS2 version years ago and it was pretty cool, although much different from the "right-now" action of straight up FPS shooters like CoD. Personally, I prefer the latter. From what I understand, FPS' are the most popular genre. Their plug and play nature is no doubt one of the main reasons. Games are an escape, and blowing up as much stuff as possible is cathartic.

Crysis was OK, although not as good as CoD4 or HL2. Lots of glitches and as you know, my new 'puter should have more than enough juice to handle the graphics. The wifey promised me a PS3 for my b-day (which was in April), but we were mistakenly informed the MGS4/PS3 bundle would be released on 6/20. Imagine my surprise to find that it was released on 6/12 and are long gone. I've since discovered that 80g PS3's are all but impossible to find. No biggie, I'm having a good time watching my wife and kids try to figure out Wii Fit.

06-23-2008, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the info. I knew you were a COD4 fan, and I agree, blowing up stuff is a fun way to vent.

The PS3/MGS4 bundle will be back I'm sure, and I can wait 'cause I just shelled out some big bucks for a new fence around my backyard.

Maybe Sir T (he works for Sony you know) can give us some insight on its *return to the shelf* date. :ihih:

06-23-2008, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the info. I knew you were a COD4 fan, and I agree, blowing up stuff is a fun way to vent.

The PS3/MGS4 bundle will be back I'm sure, and I can wait 'cause I just shelled out some big bucks for a new fence around my backyard.

Maybe Sir T (he works for Sony you know) can give us some insight on its *return to the shelf* date. :ihih:

Not only does Sir T work for Sony, but on the weekends he is a l33t gamer with mad skilz on COD4. Ask him about his favorite games. Between talking about them, and his bunion problem the guy never shuts up. Or is wrong.

But I digress.

07-08-2008, 12:05 PM
Can anyone tell me how I go about finding out when the bundle will be available again? I was on the notify list at Sony Style; never got a message, and I tried to contact CS there but it wouldn't let me send the message. Instead, it took me to a regirstration page and when I filled it out I got the response: "rich...@... is already in the database" :rolleyes: Is it normal for there to be > 1 month between releases?

Amazon and Wal-mart still show no stock, and I'm really becoming impatient.

07-11-2008, 10:54 AM
Can anyone tell me how I go about finding out when the bundle will be available again? I was on the notify list at Sony Style; never got a message, and I tried to contact CS there but it wouldn't let me send the message. Instead, it took me to a regirstration page and when I filled it out I got the response: "rich...@... is already in the database" :rolleyes: Is it normal for there to be > 1 month between releases?

Amazon and Wal-mart still show no stock, and I'm really becoming impatient.

Dang man, you still looking?

Amazon got a decent deal going for the 40g. You could always slap a new HD in it. Just a thought.

07-11-2008, 11:27 AM
You're slipping L.J. I thought you'd have drummed up a good deal on the 'net for me days ago! :smilewinkgrin: Remember, I'm the bang-for-the-buck member here.

I just don't understand why it takes so long to restock the shelves.