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05-04-2008, 12:20 PM
I was just browsing the Cambridge Audio web site and saw that they now have a new amp and pre amp combo called the 840W and 840E. The amp is based on the XD tech from the 840A integrated. Its 200wpc 8ohm, 300wpc 4ohm and 500wpc mono. I havent seen the price but I read that they are reasonably priced like the rest of their products.

They are also making a turntable now as well.

05-04-2008, 01:48 PM
The new 840A V2 has been announced. I bought a 640A and about a week after the 640A V2 was announced. I am curious as to why their products need to be updated so soon. I still have the 640A and it sounds good but is trumped by the Onkyo A-9555. I have lost interest in CA. I still use the 640 pre-amp and I am pleased with it.

05-05-2008, 08:21 AM
... I am curious as to why their products need to be updated so soon. ...
me too. kinda reminds me of musical fidelity a few years back when they were coming out with a new product every other day.

audio amateur
05-05-2008, 08:56 AM
I'd wouldn't mind one of their 640R receivers:)

05-05-2008, 05:24 PM
It could be they rush products to market and then improve on them after they hit the street.
I have no complaints with my 840c.

05-06-2008, 05:19 AM
I was just browsing the Cambridge Audio web site and saw that they now have a new amp and pre amp combo called the 840W and 840E. The amp is based on the XD tech from the 840A integrated. Its 200wpc 8ohm, 300wpc 4ohm and 500wpc mono. I havent seen the price but I read that they are reasonably priced like the rest of their products.

They are also making a turntable now as well.

If I remember correctly, the prices are $1.5K for the preamp and $2K for the power amp... so a total cost of $3.5K.....

06-16-2008, 03:56 PM
If I remember correctly, the prices are $1.5K for the preamp and $2K for the power amp... so a total cost of $3.5K.....

If so, that would be the most expensive combo they've come up with so far. At these prices, They are butting right up against some pretty lofty competition: Creek, Marsh, Musical Fidelity, PS Audio, Parasound, Arcam, Vincent, Anthem, Classe, Myryad, Plinius, and a host of others. Sorry, but despite the respect I have for them as far as value, I have a hard time seeing them in the same league was the other guys in the $3.5K gang.

07-01-2008, 05:52 PM
If so, that would be the most expensive combo they've come up with so far. At these prices, They are butting right up against some pretty lofty competition: Creek, Marsh, Musical Fidelity, PS Audio, Parasound, Arcam, Vincent, Anthem, Classe, Myryad, Plinius, and a host of others. Sorry, but despite the respect I have for them as far as value, I have a hard time seeing them in the same league was the other guys in the $3.5K gang.

It's definitely an ambitious move on their part. Though keep in mind that when they launched the 840A version 1 just a few years ago at $1.5K, their top of the line offering was the 640A at just $600... So they are hoping to repeat that kind of success at another elevated price level...