Did I just blow up my amp? No sound from right chanel after playing music really loud [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Did I just blow up my amp? No sound from right chanel after playing music really loud

03-17-2008, 09:56 AM
Right Channel: [Powered by Yamaha Receiver]
I have a mono Marantz MA500U amp connected to the left speaker via the left preamp output channel on the Receiver.

Left Channel: [Powered by Marantz mono block amp]
I have the right speaker connected to the left channel output on the back of the Yamaha Receiver.

So basically I am powering the right channel by the monoblock and the left channel by the Yamaha's built in amplification.

Ok, So the Marantz Mono Block amp for the left channel was really loud so to listen to music on level volume I had to turn the balance on the Yamaha Receiver to mostly right channel.

I was jammin... I cant wait to get another MA500U Marantz mono block for hte right channel. Anyways.... after about 2 hrs of loud music the right channel just cut off.
I let it cool down, this morning I turned on the Yamaha and still no right channel. I checked wires in back and they are securely connected.

Did I blow a circuit or fuse inside the Yamaha Receiver for the right channel?

Oppo DV980H DVD/CD Music Player
2X Cerwin Vega VS-12 Speakers
1X Marantz Monoblock MA500U amplifier (Saving for another one)
Yamaha RX-V995 Natural Sound Receiver

03-17-2008, 10:29 AM
Yay, didnt have to open up the Yamaha receiver! Fuse in speaker was blown (Even though the fuse didnt look blown, ie cracked or black), replacement was found inside a nifty extra fuse compartment next to the blown fuse. I popped in the other fuse just for the heck of it and it worked, even though both fuses look exactly the same.


03-17-2008, 10:38 AM
Tears for Fears!!!

03-17-2008, 10:41 AM
you got lucky.

however, fuses don't just blow. it has to be overpowered, and since the left fuse didn't blow, it's probably because your yammie was clipping. Not good.

I would recommend you not to play so loud anymore though, at least not until you get another MA500 amp.

btw, I would also recommend you to use either the yamaha, or listening mono to the marantz, but please, make up your mind. Using a different amp will mess up the sound, no matter how you turn it...

so, play quieter, and use the yammie for now...
and start looking for a second marantz amp...

if you cannot find a second marantz, you could also look for a stereo power amp (adcom looks like the best bang for the buck in your case, guaranteed that it'll outperform both the marantz and the yammie)
and they go pretty cheap secondhand...

Keep them spinning,

03-17-2008, 10:47 AM
Wow wow, your saying a adcom will kick the Marantz butt? What models would you recommend?

BTW, yes im taking the monoblock off the left channel for now. Just wanted to hear the difference.

03-17-2008, 11:04 AM
Wow wow, your saying a adcom will kick the Marantz butt? What models would you recommend?

a new GFA-5500 will do the job just fine, but a GFA-555 will do nicely too :p

it won't kick the marantz' butt, but it will definately be a nice improvement...

they use Nelson Pass's design, look that name up will ya :p

Keep them spinning,

03-18-2008, 09:42 AM
Ok GFA-5500 is going on my short list of amps to buy. Thanks for you insight on my loud listening habbits. I will listen lower and not wake up my neighbors anymore.

03-18-2008, 09:52 AM
GFA-5500: 200 Watts continuous average power into 8 ohms at any frequency between 20Hz and 20kHz with both channels driven at less than 0.18% THD.

Power Rating (To FTC Requirements)
· 200 Watts continuous average power into 8 ohms at any frequency between 20Hz and 20kHz with both channels driven at less than 0.18% THD.
· 350 Watts continuous average power into 4 ohms at any frequency between 20Hz and 20kHz with both channels driven at less than 0.18% THD.

IM Distortion (SMPTE)
1 watt to 200 watts into 8 ohms.....< 0.05%
1 watt to 350 watts into 4 ohms.....< 0.05%

IM Distortion (CCIF, Any Combination from 4kHz to 20kHz)
200 watts into 8 ohms.....<0.035%
350 watts into 4 ohms.....< 0.035%

THD + Noise at 200 watts into 8 Ohms (Typical)

THD + Noise at 350 watts into 4 Ohms (Typical)

Frequency Response at 1 Watt Into 8 Ohms
10Hz to 20kHz.....+0, -0.25dB

Power Bandwidth (-3dB).....3hz to 130kHz

Dynamic Headroom into 4 Ohms.....1.7dB
Signal to Noise Ratio, A Weighted 200 watts into 8 ohms.....> 100dB


Input impedance.....49.9k ohms

Damping Factor 20Hz to 20kHz.....> 700

Rise Time
5kHz, 120V peak-to-peak square wave, 20% to 80%.....1.5uS

Power Consumption (Continuous, Both Channels Driven)
200 watts into 8 ohms .....660VA
350 watts into 4 ohms.....1165VA

Power (available in 230V by special order).....115VAC 50/60Hz

Chassis Dimensions
7" (178mm) x 17" (432mm) x 13 3/4" (349mm)

Maximum Dimensions
7 1/4" (184mm) x 17" (432mm) x 14 3/4" (375mm)

Weight.....44 lbs. (20kg)

Weight Packed.....50 lbs. (23kg)
Amplifier Section
Continuous power output (RMS)
8½ 20 Hz - 20 kHz <.05% THD 125 W
4½ 20 Hz - 20 kHz <.09% THD 180 W
EIA Dynamic power
8½ 170 W
4½ 270 W
2½ 320 W
Bridged mode (2 x MA-500)
Continuous power output (RMS)
8½ 20 Hz - 20 kHz <.1% THD 360 W
EIA Dynamic power
8½ 500 W
4½ 600 W
Damping factor at 8½ 200
Frequency response 1 W 10 Hz - 100 kHz ± 1 dB
S/N ratio 116 dB
Input sensitivity/impedance 1 V/30 k½
Power requirements 120 V, 60 Hz, 230 W
Dimensions W/H/D 35⁄16” x 51⁄2” x 173⁄4”
84mm x 140mm x 451mm
Weight 14 lbs. 6.4 kg.

Could you tell me the top 3 things that make the adcom better then the marantz monoblock amplifier. Disregaurd the marantz is a monoblock. Also the marantz looks to me like it has a better THD value. Is this importiant? I am still learning.... Thanks,

03-18-2008, 10:28 AM
don't think specs.

think sound.

specs from a Mcintosh or an Accuphase will look similar to the adcom or to the marantz too, but yet the Mcintosh and the accuphase are both better than the others. And between the 2 (mc and acc) there are also big differences...

circuit design, components used, matching, ...

go listen to one if you want to know the real difference. my bet is that the Adcom will sound faster, more detailed and more powerful, with a big resolution.

Keep them spinning,

03-18-2008, 11:41 AM
Cool, thanks for that insight. I will go listen to some and get back to you.

03-18-2008, 03:44 PM
Could you tell me the top 3 things that make the adcom better then the marantz monoblock amplifier.

1. It's heavier. Yep, that means the Adcom has a far stiffer power supply. The very best class A or AB amps have even more massive power supplies.
2. It was designed by Nelson Pass. While that probably means little or nothing to you, Mr. Pass has been an innovative amplifier designer since the mid 70s. His first company, Threshold, made some incredible sounding large class A and Stasis amplifiers through the 90s. The 800A was the first SS amp to have sliding class A bias. I have a later '81 vintage Stasis 3 amp. He is a fascinating guy in that his *day job* is designing amps for Pass Labs. (http://passlabs.com/) Yet, he also runs a "kitchen table" company that produces small quantities of incredible built-by-Nelson-himself low powered amplifiers. The First Watt J3 is so out there in its utter simplicity and performance.
3. There is a large number of them available on the market.

Also the marantz looks to me like it has a better THD value. Is this importiant? I am still learning.... Thanks,
Repeat after me: THD is utterly useless to convey qualitative performance criteria. There are ways to *enhance* the measured value that negatively impact the quality of the sound. It has been my experience that the components with the absolute lowest THD metrics are the worst sounding - lots of negative feedback creates a sterile, often hard character. In my youth, I took my AR Integrated amplifier to a McIntosh Distortion Clinic. While it was largely a sales event, it did demonstrate the company's commitment to the product. If your Mac was out of spec, they usually fixed it for free. Anyway, I digress. So what were the best performing amps of the day? Phase Linear 400 and Crown DC-300A. While they were powerful amps in their day, both were steely and dark sounding.


03-19-2008, 10:23 AM
Thanks for the history lesson. I looked up Nelson Pass and found out he is a badass. Really a super smart dude. THD will never be important to me, Im learning to look at company history and quality of product over specs. The reasons you gave for adcom being better where awesome, Thanks!