Paging Hyfi/ Many Skins comp// to whom it may concern [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Paging Hyfi/ Many Skins comp// to whom it may concern

03-05-2004, 12:02 PM
I posted a week or so ago that I had heard a couple of tunes that made me decide to by the '80s Crim remasters. Well, I forgot to mention that I was listening to your excellent Many Skins Of Bruford comp. I was wondering; what CD did the three live songs on disc two come from: <i>Red, Indiscipline, & Frame By Frame</i>. I'm guessing they're from the Absent Lovers CD you mention in my thread. Also, is the copy of <b>Red</b> that you own the remastered version? I finally pieced together at three songs from that CD and I was wondering what the rest of the CD sounded like. <i>Fallen Angel</i> is killer.

Anyone else may chime in as well.

NP: Three Of A Perfect Pair (remaster)