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02-28-2008, 02:41 PM
How much of a difference is there between Roxul AFB Mineral Wool 2-inch at $36.00 per case of 6 and the Owens Corning 703 at $79.00 for the same size & qty? And is the Owens Corning 705 that much better at $129.25?
I'm looking to squish some peaks around 55 to 60 htz. But I'm cheap as he!!. If the Roxul will do, why spend an extra 90 bucks?

All can be found on this page: http://www.atsacoustics.com/cat--Fiberglass-and-Mineral-Wool-Batts-and-Boards--106.html

02-28-2008, 03:33 PM

Have you experimented enough with Speaker positions and listening positions?

If you are trying to control that 60hz hump, I would look to place your new panels as corner/bass traps. How about cutting a MDF into equalateral triangels (20") and place them on 4 corners of your room?

I guess utilizing EQ'zer would be the easier way but........


02-28-2008, 04:02 PM
How much of a difference is there between Roxul AFB Mineral Wool 2-inch at $36.00 per case of 6 and the Owens Corning 703 at $79.00 for the same size & qty? And is the Owens Corning 705 that much better at $129.25?
I'm looking to squish some peaks around 55 to 60 htz. But I'm cheap as he!!. If the Roxul will do, why spend an extra 90 bucks?

All can be found on this page: http://www.atsacoustics.com/cat--Fiberglass-and-Mineral-Wool-Batts-and-Boards--106.html

GM, check the absorption coefficients for each material - I don't know the mineral wool's off the top of my head, but I remember when I was shopping there were many brands that had equivalent density and sound absoprtion properties to the OC 703 stuff. The reason I avoided mineral wool was it tends to not hold it's shape, and many DIY-ers advised me it could become less usuable over time. Dunno how true that is once it's in a panel or whatever, but I just didn't bother.

I found a brand of rigid fiberglass (Ottawa Fiber) that was considerably cheaper than the OC stuff and even marginally better. Retail OC703 prices are sick. You might have to spend a few minutes calling a/c or heating equipment distributors, but I found one in a few calls who was willing to ship and I saved a ton. There's lots of other brands out there.

If not, the mineral wool is a good option, just be mindful of how you will keep its shape.

Also, those peaks are best attenuated with tuned bass traps or eq'ing, even OC 705 or more dense material is going to have a broadband absorption affect and you'll still see the peaks. If you absorb 3 dB at 60, but also 3 dB from 60-400 Hz, you're not much further off, right?

02-28-2008, 04:37 PM
Both replies make good sense to me. Maybe a BFD would be a better solution.