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01-07-2008, 08:16 PM
Anybody seen or had any experience with the OLED television?

01-08-2008, 01:37 AM
Anybody seen or had any experience with the OLED television?

NO, because they dont exist, pure vaporware.
You want OLED? Check your cellphone:lol:

01-08-2008, 06:17 AM
NO, because they dont exist, pure vaporware.
You want OLED? Check your cellphone:lol:

SONY debuted its first OLED television in the US yesterday.

01-08-2008, 06:42 AM
SONY debuted its first OLED television in the US yesterday.And you seriously expected to find someone who has experience with it already?

:lol: I don't care who you are, that's funny! :lol:

http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Jan06/0,4670,SonyOLEDTV,00.html That's a little out of my price range for an 11" set.

01-08-2008, 08:00 AM
And you seriously expected to find someone who has experience with it already?

:lol: I don't care who you are, that's funny! :lol:

http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Jan06/0,4670,SonyOLEDTV,00.html That's a little out of my price range for an 11" set.

Gee, maybe someone who frequents this board attended the 2008 Consumer Electronic Show where they had it on display? True, 11" for $2500 is a bit on the steep side, but I guess they have to start somewhere. How big was the first black and white TV set ever sold?

01-08-2008, 08:57 AM
Gee, maybe someone who frequents this board attended the 2008 Consumer Electronic Show where they had it on display? True, 11" for $2500 is a bit on the steep side, but I guess they have to start somewhere. How big was the first black and white TV set ever sold?OK, that may get you off the "seen" question, on a technicality. but experienced is another issue entirely. Have any even been sold yet?

As for the initial prices and sizes when B & W TV's hit, there were no other alternatives. Today, we have already have LCD and Plasma in much greater sizes and they do not suck, picture wise.

I expect it'll be a while before the great unwashed will buy into that format, and that includes me.

01-08-2008, 09:06 AM
Have any even been sold yet?

yes, actually...

in japan...

I wonder which dumb moron that was :)

but, however, prices will drop and the screens will become bigger. although that might still take a while :)

In the meanwhile, I'll get a projector...

01-08-2008, 11:01 AM
Today, we have already have LCD and Plasma [and DLP] in much greater sizes and they do not suck, picture wise.
YO! WTF Mark? I thought we were getting along pretty good!


01-08-2008, 11:08 AM
YO! WTF Mark? I thought we were getting along pretty good!

Sheeesh!Hey, if you ever saw me you would see why the thought of amy more mirrors in this domicile is not needed, much less a million or so.

01-08-2008, 11:10 AM
Okay, I'll give ya that. I took all the other mirrors out of my house about a year ago, so...

01-09-2008, 01:11 AM
Okay, I'll give ya that. I took all the other mirrors out of my house about a year ago, so...

Might as well, since they kept breaking ....
Anyway OLED has much promise, but its totally off of my radar screen, why worry about it? Its a toy now.
Basically at the stage where 15in LCD was several years ago, but god bless the stupid
addled people with money to burn , they will help get the price down somewhat.
And maybe my Vizio will be ready for replacement by then.
Meanwhile asking if anybody has had experience with one is a bit silly, more have had experience with Pamela Anderson( a LOT more):1:

01-10-2008, 08:00 AM
Anybody seen or had any experience with the OLED television?
I have not.
But I believe that SED will be the wave of the future when if ever Toshiba finally starts its production.
Although I did read that the SED was not even shown at this years CES so it may be dead
But now with the new Quad HD 1440p (http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainment/cmo-1080p-is-for-punks-we-got-quad-hd-208131.php) being unveiled and talk about Laser TV (http://www.oled-display.info/what-is-laser-tv) who knows what the future holds.

01-10-2008, 12:56 PM
samsung showed a 31 inch OLED:

and sony (along with the 11) showed a 27 inch OLED:

both are 1080p and i'm sure look sweet

01-11-2008, 12:29 AM
samsung showed a 31 inch OLED:

and sony (along with the 11) showed a 27 inch OLED:

both are 1080p and i'm sure look sweet

And I am sure cost more than a three bedroom ranch.
But it looks hopefull, cant wait to see one, which will be awhile.
AT .17" THICK THAT GIVES lcd A TEN YEAR lifespan, at best:1:

01-11-2008, 02:13 PM
No you guys don;t get it.

Your supposed to wear magnifying glasses while watching. That way the 11" screen looks like 70"

O.L.E.D - Obsolete, and Large (for an) Elf Display :crazy: . Designed by near-sighted Fairies. Tuned and built by Pixies and goblins. Marketed to optometry patients with tunnel-vision. A huge hit when recently installed at the Smurf village as their local cinema screen. :cornut:

Seriously though, I think OLED may be the wave of the future. The wave goodbye, that is...

Just kidding, I'm sure it'll be good if Sony has anything to do with it. After all, they did give us RPT SXRD. RIP :21:

01-14-2008, 12:40 AM
No you guys don;t get it.

Your supposed to wear magnifying glasses while watching. That way the 11" screen looks like 70"

O.L.E.D - Obsolete, and Large (for an) Elf Display :crazy: . Designed by near-sighted Fairies. Tuned and built by Pixies and goblins. Marketed to optometry patients with tunnel-vision. A huge hit when recently installed at the Smurf village as their local cinema screen. :cornut:

Seriously though, I think OLED may be the wave of the future. The wave goodbye, that is...

Just kidding, I'm sure it'll be good if Sony has anything to do with it. After all, they did give us RPT SXRD. RIP :21:

They have a screen you can wrap around a pole, plenty of uses for that:1: