View Full Version : Whats up with Classe ...... ?
03-01-2004, 10:52 PM
Does anyone know why they have just discontinued so many of their products? If you go to, about 70% of their products (ALL of their multichannel power amps) have been discontinued.
I was just thinking of investing in either a CAV 180 or a CA 201 but they have both been discontinued!
Just wondering if anyone knows if they are rolling out a new line of stuff or what?
03-02-2004, 03:40 AM
Part of a reorganization, perhaps?
03-02-2004, 05:18 AM
That makes sense. I hope there is new hardware on the market soon. I have an e-mail in to them so I'll hopefully find out soon. They may have to wait for sellthrough in order to release new gear.
I have never really been impressed with Classe. They're good but for the money they seem to bit more audio Jewelry than guts. I personally would buy a Rotel power amp over a Classe power amp on a sound level. And when I look at the prices - well to me Classe just doesn't rise to the level above a Rotel. Now I heard the top models with the N801 some years ago so it oculd have been that Classe and B&W aren't a great match...I need to put it into context - it is highly possible that in another set-up the Classe's really sing.
I get the same feel for Copland as well - some of this gear just seems very pricey and equalled or betterred for less.
03-02-2004, 08:40 PM
On the company point of view I suppose that they arent doing very well.
Mass production of items is more efficient than sparse production, even if its hand made. Mind you, a company need not very many different products. Just as long as they have a solid flagship, a nice mid-class, and possibly a budget piece that incorperates some technology of it's flagship brothers so that the budget customer is impressed enought to one day return to buy the flagship. Too many choices just leads most people in circles. Companies like Apple computer only have a few models of computers each comprising about 3 price levels. (Hey that reminds me of Audio Note).
Plus, since classe has less components in the market, they can focus on improving only those items, making their flagship even better than it is now (I dont know how good they are though - never tried it out), which is eventually trickle down to their budget gear, making them better. Beginners buy their budget piece, are impressed, and buys thier flagship (if they ever get the money). I suppose people who use the product will defend their products and return to buy that brand of product.
Good Example: Apple users love their Macs, and will thereafter always stick with Mac.
Yes, I'm one of them. (let the dissing begin -.-)
03-03-2004, 02:24 PM
Classé is currently fasing out it's line-up, to make room for the entirely new range.
I guess most of you have already seen it on several CES2004 photo's, it looks really futuristic with that blue LCD touchscreen.
If you haven't seen 'em yet, you can find them HERE (,821/)
The bad news is that some components have gotten a lot more expensive in the new line.
For example, the current CAP151 integrated amp costs €3500 over here, the new CAP2100 will cost €6000.
I don't know how much more expensive the poweramps have gotten, but I fear the worst :)
And I don't even wanna know how much that SSP900 is going to cost, what a beast !
Regarding Rotel vs Classé, there is absolutely no comparison to be made here, Classé is head and shoulders above Rotel.
Perhaps it's dependent on your taste and/or speakers, but to me Classé sounds waaay more detailed and has a lot better control over the speakers.
I own an RSP1098 with an RMB1075, currently driving B&W N805's (804's are on the way).
If I compare this to the N804 driven by the Classé CAP151, I would definitely choose Classé (if I could afford it).
Nevertheless Rotel remains very good for what it costs, it's just in a totally different league than Classé.
Best i've heard so far was the Nautilus 800 Signature, driven by the Classé Omega monoblock, but that's a whole other story ;)
You could of course be right. The lack of a difference I heard could have been the preamp - which if memory serves was a YBA. And since power amp differences make the least difference - other than cables - then it's possible.
I have never like Rotel integrated amps or their preamps. Though have not heard their new RA-2.
03-03-2004, 09:56 PM
This is the e-mail that Classe sent to me. The gear looks really expensive.
"Hi There,
The main reason is because we are introducing a completely new line of products. New concept, new look. We are planning to introduce this line at the end of March. However not all dealers will get them at the same time. You should contact your closest dealer and ask them for more information.
Thank you,
03-04-2004, 01:37 AM
The new stuff reminds me of Plinius gear.
05-28-2005, 02:41 AM
As Far As Im Aware They Are Replacing A Lot Of Their Products,i Spoke To My Dealer Recently About It.i Hope They Dont Ruin The Range,they Have Some Fantastic Reasonably Affordable Products
05-28-2005, 04:07 PM
Part of a reorganization, perhaps?
The B&W group also owns Rotel, as I recall. Likely they don't want Classe to go head-to-head with Rotel, so they moved it up market.
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