View Full Version : BX5a vs S26
12-17-2007, 10:03 AM
I was wondering about this but which speaker out of the two is overall a better speaker? I' am serious about this and no joking around please. I did notice that both are the same retail price $399.99 pair. I use to have the S26 but not anymore but I was wondering which was the better speaker out of the two. But please remember I' am serious about this and no joking. Also remember to not to compair to speakers that cost alot more or that are alot better I just want to compair to the two listed here.
Thank you
M-Audio BX5a
johnny p
12-17-2007, 10:15 AM
Listen to the both, and then decide. I doubt anyone here has listened to both of those, and if they have, it would be THEIR opinion on which ones are better, and YOUR opinion of which ones sound better is what really matters.
12-17-2007, 10:16 AM
Hi Spanky,
I have never heard either of the two speakers you are looking at. I do own 2 sets of the JBL E20's though. They are a nice budget speaker.
I know that you don't want us to offer alternate solutions, but if it was my money, I'd at least look at these x-ls bookself speakers before I spent $400 on another speaker. They are only $219.00 a pair.
johnny p
12-17-2007, 10:20 AM
By looks alone, the BX5a's look better, simply because I've never heard of them, and the JBLs are chock full of this "technology" that they've created and copywrited..... so what's that worth??? not much to me..... But I'm sure you'll get a lot of advice, and take none of it..... so like I said... listen to them both, then choose.... if you can't listen to them, and you've had the JBLs before..... what made you get rid of them???? if they weren't what you wanted, why in the hell would you purchase them again...... and if you DID like them, then buy them, it's not often you can buy guaranteed happiness.
johnny p
12-17-2007, 10:23 AM
didn't read I guess...... $400/ pair??? you can get my 686s for about that amount.....And I'm sure you can find their previous models out there for less......
My 686s sound amazing, and produce clear, defined bass, and crisp highs for such a small speaker..... I wouldn't limit yourself to those two options if you're looking at spending $400.
12-17-2007, 10:47 AM
Well I sold everything I had before since I needed the money for Adam since that time I didn't have much money. But I did sell them for $150 on Ebay and that is the same amout I paid for them on the net for the S26. But right now the BX5a are coming soon and I will get them soon but I was wondering if you guys knew how both sounded. I just wanted to see what others think about those two speakers and see which is top rated out of the JBL S26 and the M-Audio BX5a.
12-17-2007, 10:50 AM
I do know that the BX5a are studio monitors with alot of protection like RF interference, output current limiting, over temperature, turn-on/off transient, subsonic filter, external mains fuse. I know that the output current limiting means that you can't blow the speaker out since it limits the sound volume for each driver. They are also bi amped too on both speakers so that's cool. I talked to the techs at M-Audio about the output current limiting and the other features so that's how I know. They did also say that the subsonic filiter makes it so the spaekers don't make sound under 40hz since if it did they said it would sound bad since it's a small speaker. So it has alot of features on these monitors I can say that forsure.
12-17-2007, 10:58 AM
They also have factory programmed for either 115V ~50/60Hz, 230V~50/60Hz or 100V~50/60Hz; and have vinyl laminated MDF (enclosure natural Helmholtz resonance frequency: 40 Hz). So these are loaded with cool features I noticed. But I still would like to know which overall is a better speaker but I use to have the S26 and they did sound really good I remember but I never listened to the BX5a in my room yet so I don't really know how they will sound in my room. These will be my first bi amped studio monitors I ever owned and plus they are the most expensive speakers I ever got that are studio monitors. The only reason why I was able to get the S26 is since they had them for $150 pair with shipping. So since the new speakers I' am getting costs $225 a pair on the net that means this is really the most expensive speakers I ever got. I was not able to find a new pair of BX5a that was under $200. The cheapest was $225 a pair other places sell them normaly for $300 pair. So I got a good deal on them. :)
12-17-2007, 12:29 PM
I thought that it was sure that you'd get the M-Audios?
for your applications I'd choose the M-Audio's too...
no need to mess around with amps then, and since getting a quality amp would fall out of your budget, you're better off with active speakers.
of course, I haven't heard them. I think the gear in my signature should make that clear...
(note that this was not an attempt te be mean or so...)
Keep them spinning,
Luvin Da Blues
12-17-2007, 06:01 PM
(note that this was not an attempt te be mean or so...)
Have you ever been mean Bert? Your always the gentleman. :cornut:
12-17-2007, 06:20 PM
If I ever wanted to hook a sub how will i do that when these monitors don't have a sub out thing to connect at sub into. I don't have money for it of cource but if I ever can get a sub I was wondering how will I connect it to it.
N. Abstentia
12-17-2007, 06:20 PM
I have to quit opening these threads. They make me want to go out in the street and beat the living pixie snot out of everybody I see and I don't need jail right now.
12-18-2007, 07:19 AM
If I ever wanted to hook a sub how will i do that when these monitors don't have a sub out thing to connect at sub into. I don't have money for it of cource but if I ever can get a sub I was wondering how will I connect it to it.
Most subs have connectors that will let you hook up the speaker wires to it and the receiver. Then it will have more connectors letting you hook it up to the speakers themselves. It would then let you pick what frequencies go to the speakers (usually above 80 htz) and what frequencies the sub uses (below 80). This adjustable crossover usually can be set anywhere from 40 htz to 120.
Here is just one example of a decent sub, for a fair price.
12-18-2007, 05:52 PM
There are a lot of options available, and I regret to say that many are going to outperform both the JBL and the M-Audio. The number of options increases if you're willing to look at used pieces, which I assume you're willing to do since you've mentioned e-bay. There's a lot of good used DSP and Digital Speakers coming out of Russia nad the Philipines right now. How about these totally schweet speakers:
You can read about the capabilities in the link below and since it's from 2002 used prices might well be within your grasp.
Is financing out of the question?
12-18-2007, 07:17 PM
Hi Spanky,
I have never heard either of the two speakers you are looking at. I do own 2 sets of the JBL E20's though. They are a nice budget speaker.
I know that you don't want us to offer alternate solutions, but if it was my money, I'd at least look at these x-ls bookself speakers before I spent $400 on another speaker. They are only $219.00 a pair.
These are great speakers for the money. I've heard them, and not
only do they sound great, but fit and finish are second to none.......
johnny p
12-19-2007, 05:22 AM
Here is just one example of a decent sub, for a fair price.
You want him to have a screw driver?? yikes.
If your current budget is what you're suggesting it is...... get something used.... I won't toss out brands, etc. but search around and see what you can find.... I'm not sure what type of city/town you're in, so you might be limited to internet deals mainly, I don't know.... b/c there's always craigslist etc. but keep and eye out, and something someone no longer has a use for will end up with a price tag on it before you know it.
12-19-2007, 10:05 AM
You can read about the capabilities in the link below and since it's from 2002 used prices might well be within your grasp. [/url]
Is financing out of the question?
:ihih::D:p:ciappa: yeah, really, in his budget :cornut:
johnny p
12-19-2007, 12:48 PM
I had to look them up b/c of that..... yeah... not sure what the standard depreciation is, but I'd say resale won't go down $5,000 USD, to fit in the budget!
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