Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty XtremeGamer and Creative Labs GigaWorks S750 Speakers [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty XtremeGamer and Creative Labs GigaWorks S750 Speakers

12-15-2007, 07:10 AM
Hey guys, I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty XtremeGamer Sound Card and Creative Labs GigaWorks S750 Speakers. This should be an incredible combination, and when the volume is kept down, it is.

However, as soon as you turn the volume up half way, things start to differ. When playing music, there is a variable amount of choppiness (depending on just how loud the speakers have been set to play). The sound is not distorted, so this confuses me. There really is no reason for this to happen, I have tried to fix this issue in numerous ways (to no avail).

Someone else described this problem as the sound being"...very "choppy". Its a rappid cut-in cut-out effect in the surround sound settings". ([ Forum] :: View topic - Sound Blaster X-FI *Drools*)

Although in my case this applies even without having the surround setting settings enabled, even though I can play music louder without surround sound settings enabled before it becomes a problem again.

Anyone have any idea why and what I can do about it?

I have tried the latest Windows Vista drivers for this card and installed the latest version of Creative's Audio Console, but still this is an issue.

12-15-2007, 11:12 AM
it almost sounds like something is running out of juice there...

have you tried plugging it in on another power outlet (and not on a powerstrip, preferably even on another circuit...)

sound like your amp (in the sub) is running out of power supply, so it cuts in and out...

other than that, not a driver problem (it would have been constantly like that), so if it's not something with your power lines, it's probably the amp being bad.

the power lines are pretty hard to 'fix' since it would mean that you'd have to lay another dedicated circuit for the creative set.

Keep them spinning,